The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1162: If you fail to accept disciples, you will recognize your elder brother

In the Sacred Sword Sect, Emperor Xiao Qing, the old guy, and Li Yuanji were very refreshing to eat and drink. Even Emperor Xiao Qing had to admit that the old guy's wine and food were really attractive.

On the other hand, Ji Hao and Wang Mo had blue noses and swollen faces, and they kept swallowing saliva.

Further away, the Sect Master of the Sacred Sword Sect took the other strong men in amazement, each of them just felt like a ghost.

"How about entering my Holy Sword Sect, how about being my disciple?"

When the powerful masters of the Holy Sword Sect were surprised that the second ancestor, the old fellow, took out this jar of wine, they saw the old fellow pulling Xiao Qingdi and begging, "You promise me, when My disciple, you will never lose."

Everyone, "..."

I have seen people who want to accept disciples, but I have never seen such a person.

After eating and drinking, he cried and screamed for his disciple. I am afraid that only the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect can do such a thing.

"I just called Big Brother, why are you accepting me as a disciple now?" Xiao Qingdi looked at the old guy with a smile.


As soon as this remark came out, even the master's face twitched.

"Finally, don't look at it, you all leave."

He quietly swallowed a sip of water and stared at the jar of wine. Then, the lord was unable to wave his hand and retreated first.

The others followed suit and left quickly.

In this way, only the old guy’s yard was left. While clinking glasses with Emperor Xiao Qing, he begged, "Is it okay to be my disciple? Just hang a title, in the Sacred Sword Sect, all the sect classics, all the treasures, Zongmen resources are up to you."

"Second Patriarch, are you serious?"

On one side, Wang Mo swallowed his saliva while showing shock.

Even if the second ancestor said these words, he must be responsible. All the resources of the sect can not be allocated at will by anyone.

"Go ahead, get me aside."

The second ancestor glared at him, and then continued to clink glasses with Emperor Xiao Qing and begged Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, no matter how he begged, Emperor Xiao Qing remained indifferent. He just looked into the courtyard while drinking wine, and said in surprise, "Where is Luo Jing?"

"She is in retreat."

The old guy replied, and suddenly remembered that Luo Jing and Emperor Xiao Qing had a great relationship. Maybe he could use Luo Jing as an excuse to let Emperor Xiao Qing agree to join the Holy Sword Sect and become his own disciple.

He quickly said, "As long as you can promise to be my disciple, I will be my disciple Luo Jing betrothed to you."


As soon as this word came out, a cold snort came over, and a murderous intent locked the old guy.

The old guy was stunned, looked at Li Yuanji who was cold on one side, and said in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

"Speak well, otherwise, don't blame this emperor for demolishing your Holy Sword Sect." Li Yuanji snorted coldly.

"What do you mean, I'm doing this for his good, don't I just want to betroth him to a woman? If you think one is not enough, I will call my granddaughter, and when that happens, let this kid take it away. "

The old guy didn't understand why Li Yuanji was so angry, but he grinned.

"Holy Sword Sect, is there a way to go to the secular world?"

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stood up and looked at the holy sword sect, which was full of so many auras and could even converge into a liquid, with deep thoughts in his eyes.


The old guy turned his eyes and said with a smile on his face, "Didn’t I just accept Luo Jing as a disciple? If you want to pass away from the secular world, there is naturally a passage, but that passage is the only one of the Holy Sword Sect. People can use it."

With that said, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing's gaze cold again, he quickly said, "It is not my rule, but the rule of the Patriarch who established the faction. If you want to leave through the passage, you must have the identity of the Holy Sword Sect."

After speaking, he winked at Wang Mo.

The latter nodded quickly and said, "Big Brother Xiao, I can prove that, the second ancestor is absolutely right."


Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him. Instead, he stretched out his hand and made a gentle move, detaining a ray of spiritual energy in his hand, and then making a fist, that ray of spiritual energy was directly compressed by the power of his physical body and turned into a drop of spiritual liquid.

"How powerful is your control of the physical body?"

The old guy couldn't help being surprised. Emperor Xiao Qing's behavior seemed simple, but in fact it was very difficult.

The power of the physical body, after all, is not like energy, it can't be seamless, and Emperor Xiao Qing directly used the power of the physical body to compress the spiritual energy as the spiritual liquid. Even the old guy felt shocked by these methods.

This strengthened the old guy's determination to accept disciples.


Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, but sat down to drink with the old guy.

"Come here, other things, wait until the drink is over."

The old guy thought for a while. Since Emperor Xiao Qing didn't enter the firewood, rice, oil, and salt, he couldn't worry, so he pulled Emperor Xiao Qing to drink. After drinking a jar of fine wine, he went to the backyard and dug out several jars again.

Altar after altar, the quality of each altar is no worse than that of the first altar. There is even one altar planted by a master of the line of the old guy, which has been hidden for thousands of years.

If the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect and others saw this scene, they would not know what they would think.

Later, when the courtyard was full of wine jars, the old guy was so powerful and drunk, his tongue knotted in his speech.

"Come on, brother, drink!"

While he was carrying a jug of wine and drinking, he shouted, "From today, you are my brother. No, you are my eldest brother. I will never regret it."

"Not long ago, you called the king's eldest brother too." Although Xiao Qingdi's face was flushed, but he, who was so terrifying in physical power, was not as drunk as the old guy.

"You do not believe?"

The old guy stared and took out a token on the spot, which was his status symbol as the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect.

He wrote on the token with his bare hands, and said in his mouth, "From today, I, the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, Tianhuan, recognizes Emperor Xiao Qing as the eldest brother. All the ancestors witnessed..."

"Second Patriarch, you...really playing?"

Wang Mo on one side opened his eyes wide and showed an incredible color.

He is not good at stopping, so he can only watch the old guy swear by the token of the status symbol, and then announce the oath.

Ever since, the Holy Sword Sect was all shocked.

"Second ancestor Tianhuan, he could not accept disciples, so he recognized a big brother?"

"This, what's all this."

"He is the second ancestor of our Holy Sword Sect. He actually recognized a elder brother in this way. As a result, everyone in our Holy Sword Sect has an extra ancestor?"

"Second Patriarch, think twice..."

Suddenly, countless people from above and below Holy Sword Sect all rushed frantically, kneeling on the ground one by one, crying and crying.

Only the old guy had his tongue knotted, his drunk eyes dim, and he didn't care about others' dissuasion, he laughed and said, "Holy sword testimony, ancestors testimony, from now on, Xiao Qing is my elder brother..."

"Big brother is here, please be respected by younger brother!"

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