The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1138: Smashed my heart

"Sword Emperor..."

The sound of horror sounded, Li Yuanji and the old guy were shaking.

However, the more trembling person was the black dragon transformed by the middle-aged man opposite.

The power of the giant dragon is earth-shattering, comparable to a peerless powerhouse in the fourth heaven of the Primordial Divine Realm. One blow can directly block the attack of Emperor Burning Sword.

Just as he was proud of his face, he saw a scene he would never forget in his life.


Then my heart and liver were broken.

"In an instant, step into the realm of the triple heavens of the Primordial God Realm? No, this is impossible..."

The black dragon turned into a middle-aged man again. His figure was shaking, his eyes showed an incredible color, and he couldn't believe what he had seen.

However, the scene that happened before him made him have to believe that the boy in the Yuan Ying stage who was still in a realm lower than him just now, who can logically let him knead, has reached the same level as him in one step.


Emperor Xiao Qing grabbed the Emperor Fenjian, raised his eyelids, looked at the middle-aged man with an incredulous expression, and smiled softly, "In this world, there is nothing impossible."

Amidst the roar, a sword slashed, and the unparalleled edge burst out in an instant.

Feeling the power of Emperor Xiao Qing, Emperor Fenjian was constantly trembling with excitement, and a terrifying sword intent burst out and merged with Emperor Xiao Qing's sword intent.

"Break it for me."

The middle-aged man roared, his figure transformed into a black dragon of ten thousand feet again, and at the same time, he sacrificed a large sword and slashed towards the sword.


If Emperor Xiao Qing is still only the strength of the Yuan Ying period, it may not be able to stop him from this sword.

However, at this moment, the emperor Xiao Qing had a terrifying aura. He slashed out, and directly shattered the knife. The remaining power was undiminished. In the roar, he directly cut the claws of the black dragon.

"Do not..."

From the mouth of the giant dragon, there was an unbelievable roar of the middle-aged man.

The black blood was constantly spilling, and its figure retreated extremely quickly, trying to get rid of this sword.

But it was too late.

"Send you on the road."

Emperor Xiao Qing had a cold expression, "Emperor!"


The roar of surging swords erupted, and the emperor seized thirteen swords, with the might of the supreme sword emperor, in a crash, directly cut down.

"Devil Emperor, save me."

A strong life and death crisis spread to his heart, and the middle-aged man shouted.

"I'll wait to help you."

In the distance, one figure quickly flew out, all of them were strong in the Primordial God Realm. However, what made the middle-aged man desperate was that there was no strongest Demon King he wanted to appear.


The sword light fell, and the dragon was instantly cut in half.

Boom boom boom!

Then, the Infinite Sword gas turned into a melting pot, just like that, directly involved the dragon that had been split in half.

"no no..."

Void trembling, the middle-aged man’s desperate roar came out, but he couldn’t escape this infinite sword aura, in which the infinite sword light slashed and killed, but in less than a second, this middle-aged man was straightforward. Extinct.


The sword light dissipated, and there was no trace of the middle-aged man again.

At this moment, the strong men in the rear chased them up, but what was left for them was nothing but middle-aged men.

"Dare to kill the three commanders of my Demon Palace, you deserve death."

These people are all strong in the Primordial God Realm, and there are a lot of them, there are a dozen people, and the strongest is like a middle-aged man, reaching the triple heaven realm of the Primordial God realm.

However, when they saw Emperor Xiao Qing slaying the middle-aged man to annihilate the body and spirit, although they roared again and again, no one dared to rush up.


In the rear, whether it was the old fellow of Luo Jing's master or Li Yuanji, Li Ba and others, they had long been stunned.

Not to mention Wang Mo, he was trembling all over, and quickly moved away from the old guy, for fear that the old guy would be upset and shoot himself to death.

Tianjiao who is also in the Yuan Ying period, why is the gap so big?

"Don't be entangled. Although the Devil Emperor is not there, we won't be able to leave after we return." Li Yuanji directly transmitted to Xiao Qingdi, "They dare not stop us, go directly to the place where the passage is."


However, as soon as her words fell, Emperor Xiao Qing directly took the sword and slew towards these dozens of powerful men in the Primordial Divine Realm.

"Wait, you deserve to die."

"The emperor seizes thirteen swords!"

The Emperor Burning Sword erupted, and infinite sword light came from all directions, like flying immortals outside the sky, with a terrifying aura, all slashed towards these powerful men in a sudden.

At this moment, he actually planned to kill these dozens of Yuanshen Realm powerhouses with one person.

"kill him."

Although these more than a dozen masters of the Primordial Divine Realm were afraid of Emperor Xiao Qing’s strength, when they really saw Emperor Xiao Qing coming over, they did not sit and wait for death. Instead, they burst out with their strongest power towards Emperor Xiao Qing. Kill it.


At this moment, the power borrowed by Emperor Xiao Qing reached its peak, still maintaining the power of the pinnacle of the Primordial God Realm triple heaven.

Using this power to display the'Emperor's Thirteen Swords' is truly earth-shattering.

The first wave of sword light swept past, and suddenly one of the weakest Yuanshen realm formers that had not yet opened up the soul of the soul was directly crushed by the sword light.

Then, Emperor Xiao Qing bullied himself up and instantly appeared in front of a body-refining master in the Primordial Divine Realm, and suddenly punched out.

Emperor Domination!

With a punch, another strong man in the Primordial God Realm was bombarded and killed.

He was holding the sword in one hand, and the infinite sword light burst out, and while swaying at will, one by one the strong fell to the ground.

At this moment, there was a terrifying force in his body constantly flowing, and the mighty aura continued to burst out, one sword after another, and no one could beat him.

Even if it is, there is a strong man who is also the Yuanshen Realm Triple Heaven. After fighting a few moves, he was cut off his right arm. Under the shock of his mind, he was scared to escape on the spot.


Everyone was shocked when they saw it, especially Li Ba, who yelled in excitement, "Okay, too powerful."

"Hahaha, one sword and one sword, chopped off all these guys."

In fact, without him shouting, Emperor Xiao Qing planned to kill all these guys.

The whole body was full of murderous aura.

One sword followed by one sword slashed past. No one below the second layer of the Primordial God Realm is his enemy. The only one who escaped from the triple Heaven of the Primordial God Realm is Yaoyao, and two of the second Heaven Realm are being cut. After killing one, the other one stood directly on the spot, shouting loudly, "I gave up."


At this moment, there were more than a dozen Yuanshen realm powerhouses in the field, fleeing, dying, and he was the only one left.

He knelt down very simply and gave up resistance, "As long as you don't kill me, you can let me do anything."

At this moment, everyone in the rear was shocked, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing with a sword, as if seeing a god.

One person, one sword, into the Demon Palace, killing more than a dozen strong masters of the Primordial God Realm, killing them, and fleeing, and even a double Heaven of the Primordial God Realm, was killed to the heart and soul, and kneeled to beg for mercy. .

From ancient times to the present, just ask, who can do this?

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