The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 101: I knew why today

"Brother Ye, you are here."

Su Ruoyan came to Emperor Xiao Qing pretty alive, took his hand, and said affectionately, "Why don't you tell me so that I can pick you up."

"I'm not a kid, so where do I need you to pick it up?" Emperor Xiao Qing habitually reached out and touched Su Ruoyan's small head.

Ruan Tong, "..."

The invincible guy, "..."

There are other people around, "..."

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Is this still the beauty boss of Su Yan Group, who is glamorous and unrivaled, who dismisses any man and has never had any scandals?

Especially, the guy who just satirized Xiao Qingdi could not help but swallowed his saliva, carefully withdrew himself into the crowd, and dared not speak any more.

Ma Ye, although his company has a certain cooperative relationship with Su Yan Group, but he has not even seen Su Ruoyan, let alone know him.

The guy he ridiculed just now was able to touch Su Ruoyan's head with a fond look...

The gap is too big.

It's a straight face slap.

Ruan Tong was also dumbfounded.

He thought that the other party was the same as himself, but just came to try his luck. Thinking that they were both very poor, he wanted to chat with each other. What he didn't expect was that the other party turned out to be the boyfriend of the beauty boss of Su Yan Group. .

When he thought of the word boyfriend, his heart trembled.

"What's wrong with them?" Su Ruoyan looked at the performance of the people around him puzzled.

"It's nothing."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head slightly, looked at Ruan Tong, and smiled, "Do you want to see Omega?"

"Ah, yes, yes..."

Ruan Tong didn't expect Emperor Xiao Qing to ask himself at this time, and he responded quickly.

"Come with me." Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and walked side by side with Su Ruoyan towards the Su Yan Group.


Ruan Tong was shocked immediately.

Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing and Su Ruoyan leaving, he hurriedly followed.

However, when Ruan Tong followed up, he saw a scene that shocked his mind.

"Great King, Omega sends you greetings."

I saw that group of delegations that were supposed to be the Omi Group. At the moment when they saw Emperor Xiao Qing, an elderly man headed down directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing, and then kissed his toes very loyally.


"How could this be?"

Ruan Tong was stunned.

Although there are indeed some etiquettes for kissing the toes in some places, it is generally done to the king whose subjects admire them most.

And this group of people, but the big boss behind the Omi Group, is the legendary top super chaebol in the world.

Actually, make the act of kneeling and kissing on your toes?

Not only was Ruan Tong dumbfounded, even Su Ruoyan and Fang Wanqing, who was on the side, also watched this scene blankly.

After the two of them had talked over this period of time, they knew very well what kind of existence Omega was. This is a rich and enemy country, and they do not know how many international supergroup leaders.

However, when he met Emperor Xiao Qing, he was directly and respectful like a slave, kneeling down on the ground to salute.

"Get up."

Moreover, what shocked them even more was that, in the face of such etiquette, Emperor Xiao Qing seemed to be used to the same, his expression was extremely indifferent, his right hand raised falsely, and the gesture made Omega stand up.

"Great King, it is Omega's greatest honor to see your true face. I, I am so excited..."

Omega stood up, his face flushed with excitement, like a child. He was originally very talkative, but at this time, his words were a bit uncomfortable.

In that way, people around you feel like they are in a dream.

"If you have anything in the future, you can find me."

Xiao Qingdi smiled and handed Omega a business card of his own.

"Ah, yes."

When Omega saw it, she was surprised and suddenly fell to her knees, "Omega thanked the great king for his gift."

As the owner of the world's top super chaebol, he knows exactly what this business card means.

This is a real amulet.

In the whole world, if there are some unsightly forces that want to deal with themselves, as long as this business card is displayed, 99% of the people can be scared away.

Moreover, he can also use this card to seek the help of this great supreme king.

He has no worries in his life.

Omega was trembling with excitement, and only felt that this time he personally led the team to the East China Sea to do it too right.

"Ruoyan, you can tell Omega if you have anything to do next. I don't know anything about the company's cooperation, so I won't stay here for now."

The old man knelt at every turn, really annoying Emperor Xiao Qing, he waved his hand and looked at Su Ruoyan.

"Oh oh, good."

Su Ruoyan hadn't reacted from the shock. After hearing Emperor Xiao Qing's words, he just nodded quickly, but the gaze towards Emperor Xiao Qing was full of curiosity.

"Ruan Tong, if you have any cooperation, you can talk to Omega. If there are prospects, he will give you a chance."

Emperor Xiao Qing said to the man named Ruan Tong again, and then turned and left.

"Ah...thank you, thank you."

Ruan Tong was overjoyed, but he did not expect to encounter such a good thing.

Originally coming to Su Yan Group was just a chance, and he didn't have any hope in his heart. However, what he didn't expect was that such a good thing would fall on top of his head.

"What's the last name of this gentleman?"

He was in a daze, until someone from the Omega team came over to greet him, and he didn't react.


There is nothing peculiar about the Su Yan Group's affairs for Emperor Xiao Qing. He went to see Omega just to help the Su Yan Group better.

As for giving Ruan Tong a chance, it was only because he was in a good mood.

He drove away from Su Yan Group by himself, in a good mood, humming a little song and drove around at will.

However, it didn't take long for his good mood to be destroyed by Lin Jiaqi.


He also didn't expect that he would be able to meet Lin Jiaqi on the road when he drove without a purpose. Moreover, the other party obviously deliberately aimed at him and drove directly towards him.


Lin Jiaqi's car was a bit miserable, smashing into the roadside in circles, but Xiao Qingdi's specially modified car was only scratched.

Helpless, he got off the car to check Lin Jiaqi's situation. The latter was not injured, but stared at him viciously, "Emperor Xiao Qing?!"

Lin Jiaqi has a disheveled hair, no makeup, and looks crazy, staring at Emperor Xiao Qing as if her eyes are cannibalistic, "You are Emperor Xiao Qing? It's you, really you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose, "It's me, it's been a long time."

Seeing the enemy's daughter, and still incomparably powerful, Lin Jiaqi, who slandered the Xiao family and slandered herself in front of her at will, seemed like crazy. He who should have been happy, there were not many waves at this moment.

A long time no see, it represents that he greeted each other as Emperor Xiao Qing and as Lin Jiaqi's classmate.

"Hehe...Unexpectedly, it was really you..."

Lin Jiaqi laughed sorrowfully, and she leaned on the car as if she had lost all strength.

At this moment, the last hope in her heart all collapsed.

In any case, she did not expect that the celestial god-like person she wanted to use and hook up in her heart turned out to be Xiao Qingdi, the young master of the Xiao Group.

It's ridiculous that I still wantonly mocking what a dude Xiao Qing Emperor was in front of the other party.


Lin Jiaqi laughed wildly, and then she laughed and cried out, "Why, why is this? Why..."

"Why are you Emperor Xiao Qing, why..."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at Lin Jiaqi, who was like crazy, and sighed, "I knew today, why bother?"

If Lin Jiaqi's character is better, she will no longer wantonly slander the Xiao family in front of her, and talk about the various dudes of the Xiao Qing Emperor back then, she will not treat her.

However, if there is a father, there must be a daughter. Lin Jiaqi is so natural, who can be blamed?

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