The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1005: No one taught you how to obey?


The infinite sword aura, gathered from all directions, merged into the sword aura of the Zhenzu **** cauldron on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head that blocked the ancient Qin emperor.

"Today, this king broke your tribe's sacred cauldron." With a calm voice sounded, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure stepped up toward the sky.

It was as if there was a ladder under his feet, just like that, step by step, heading upward.

His first step fell, and the divine cauldron shook, uncontrollably rising up to the sky.

When the second step fell, the **** cauldron roared and the light was extremely bright, but it was still shocked.

"No, no..." The great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan changed his expression and tried his best to explode his own power to control the **** cauldron.

But it didn't work.


Accompanied by a dragon roar, a nine-color divine dragon emerged from the whole body of Emperor Xiao Qing, as if it was in line with his steps, he stepped in the air, step by step, and continued to step on for seven steps.

Adding the previous two steps, a total of nine steps are integrated.

Nine Dragons step by step, step by step to reach the sky.

A total of nine steps down, the power is earth-shattering.


Above, the eldest prince of the ancient Qin clan was lifted off as well as the ancient Qin clan gods.

Looking from a distance, only Emperor Xiao Qing stood in the air with his hands on his back. At this moment, an extremely condensed Nine-Colored Sword Airflow was swirling above his head, and at the same time, a Nine-Colored Dragon surrounded him.

At this moment, he was hunting and hunting in his clothes, full of domineering, like a nine-day god.

"Really, really blocked?"

"Not only was it blocked, but also the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan did his best to display the gods of the town clan to fly out?"

"I, I rely on..."

Everyone was stunned.

The faces of the ancient Qin imperial clan were unbelievable, and the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial clan was also shocked.

However, Ji Ming was dumbfounded. Thinking of what he had said, he suddenly felt a little grateful that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't hear it, otherwise...

But when he was afraid of something, he just wanted to come.

In mid-air, Emperor Xiao Qing stood above the ring, looked at Ji Ming, and pointed directly at him, "You said, if this king is blocking, what are you going to call me?"


"I do not have."

Ji Ming's face was flushed, and he only felt that at this moment, he seemed to have eaten something disgusting.

But it is impossible for him to admit to death.

"When this king can't hear what you say?" Xiao Qingdi's mouth showed a sneer.

When Emperor Xiao Qing spoke, Ji Ming had the courage. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said with a rough neck, "Whatever I said, my mouth grows on me, what I want to say is my business, you Can you do anything to me?"

His shameless look caused everyone in the Xuanyuan imperial family to frown.

Even the prince Xuanyuan, who was not far from him, shook his head helplessly.

"Yeah, what can this king do to you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, seeming rather helpless.

His appearance made Ji Ming proud. "It's good to know, this is the site of my Xuanyuan family. You are a prince of the Xiao family, what else can you do? It's a dragon or a worm.


His voice fell, and a bright sight suddenly jumped into the void and appeared in front of him.

Jian Guang was about to reach its extreme, even if the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family on one side had seen it, there was no time to stop him.

Can only watch this sword helplessly, swept across directly, cut off Ji Ming's neck.


The sound of his head falling.

Ji Ming, who was still in a wheelchair, had blood spurting crazily on his neck, until then, everyone reacted.


"Crazy, this guy actually blocked the Xuanyuan imperial clan and killed Ji Ming. Is this going to completely break with the Xuanyuan imperial clan?"

"This lunatic is just an enemy of the ancient Qin imperial clan, but he is even going to be an enemy of the Xuanyuan imperial clan. Does he think he can be invincible with a little skill?"


Everyone around was shocked.

"Emperor Xiao Qing!"

The voice of Emperor Xuanyuan was cold, and a gust of weather burst out.

He stepped out in a volley and instantly reached the ring, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with murderous aura, "You dare to kill the people of my clan in front of me, where do you put my clan? Where do you put this prince? ?"

"Oh, when did he become a member of your clan, isn't he the grandson of this king?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at each other in surprise, "This is what everyone present has heard. He said, if this king can stop the ancient Qin prince, he will call my grandfather. If this is the case, this king will discipline his grandson, and the Xuanyuan clan also Do you want to interfere?"


Even the elder prince of the Xuanyuan imperial clan was speechless after hearing what Xiao Qing said, and could only say angrily, "You are a strong word."

"Since you are looking for something, then no matter what the king says, it's a strong word." Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head.

"You, well, this prince wants to see what your skills are so rampant." At this moment, the great prince of the Xuanyuan family was furious, and a fierce murderous directly rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

Although he originally wanted to discuss with Emperor Xiao Qing, he didn't want to face the life and death of Emperor Xiao Qing at first.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing blocked his front and directly beheaded Ji Ming. Such behavior already made him completely angry.

If he doesn't do it, where is his face, the great prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family? Where can the Xuanyuan imperial family's face be placed?


However, before the great prince of the Xuanyuan imperial clan had started, a roar erupted from a high altitude in the distance, and an incomparable big cauldron appeared volleyed, like a great mountain of horror, and immediately suppressed Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you have completely angered this prince."

An unquenchable angry voice sounded, and the great prince of the ancient Qin clan stood on top of the giant cauldron, murderously suppressing Emperor Xiao Qing.


Emperor Xiao Qing raised his head and yelled, "This king has no time to care about your defeated man."

"Asshole, do you think you can stop me with a blow and win this prince? You deserve to die." The ancient Qin emperor was furious, driving the giant cauldron, and falling towards Emperor Xiao Qing amidst the roar.

The speed is extremely fast.

Unmatched in power.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat."

Emperor Xiao Qing was indifferent, with the same right hand, the Emperor Burning Sword appeared in his hand, and directly pierced it upward with a simple sword.


The next moment, the infinite sword energy around him merged into this sword, and everyone was stunned to see this giant cauldron, which was directly picked up by a sword and flew out.


Above the sky, the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial family, who was originally standing on the giant cauldron, broke out to suppress it with all his strength, was not lifted off.

He stared at the Zhen Clan God Cauldron who had been lifted off and didn't know where he was going, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing below. For no reason, his heart trembled.

"Don't go away, want this king to kill you too?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him, the sword glow in his eyes was extremely sharp.

"damn it."

The eldest prince of the ancient Qin clan was really angry, even if he lost the Zhen Clan **** cauldron, he burst out with the strongest force to attack Xiao Qing Emperor.

At the same time, he also forgot about Emperor Xiao Qing's supreme swordsmanship. He actually used his own swordsmanship directly, holding swords in both hands, reversing the sky, like a sword from the sky, penetrating towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

With such a mighty power, even the powerhouses in the pinnacle stage of the Nascent Soul Stage would be killed by him.

However, when he arrived in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw that all the sword power had disappeared, and only Emperor Xiao Qing easily clamped that divine sword with two fingers.

"Your adults didn't teach you how to behave?"


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