The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1003: If Emperor Xiao Qing is not dead, I call him grandpa


A huge roar resounded through the Xuanyuan royal family.

At this moment, everyone saw a figure standing upright, hitting the ancient Qin emperor’s town **** cauldron with a punch, directly blocking the trend of the ancient Qin emperor’s town **** cauldron whereabouts.


At this moment, all the faces of the ancient Qin imperial clan changed drastically.

"The **** of the Zhen clan suppresses the world. It was made by the ancestors of our clan who collected Kyushu refined iron. It was specially used to suppress practitioners in the world. No one can use energy when suppressed. Why can he stop it? "

"Foreign practitioners, and they have reached a very sophisticated level."

"His foreign power is so strong!"

Even if he stood upside down in the air, the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan who urged his own power to suppress the Zhenclan gods towards Emperor Xiao Qing could not help but shake his heart.

"It's so strong, his foreign skills have reached such a terrifying level." The great prince of the Xuanyuan imperial clan also opened his eyes wide, feeling that Emperor Xiao Qing's strength greatly exceeded his imagination.

"It's the man I like."

The corners of Ji Xinyao's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of pride, and at the same time, quietly dissipating the power brewing around him.

"Sister Yao, what are you talking about?" Ji Xinfei on one side stared at Ji Xinyao with wide eyes, as if seeing the first sister of the emperor in his clan for the first time.

"I said, I like him." Ji Xinyao responded generously.

"Oh my God..." Ji Xinfei was stunned, "You actually saw him? This..."

"What's wrong?" Ji Xinyao glanced at her, "You can find a fiance, why can't I fancy a man?"

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, people are almost dying of worry..." When it comes to the fiancé Atari, Ji Xinfei feels that the whole person is not good.

At this moment, everyone in the Xiao imperial family had a natural look on their faces. They only felt that it was normal for Emperor Xiao Qing to be able to block the ancient Qin imperial clan’s gods.

"Even if you temper your physical body to a very extraordinary level? This prince holds the gods of the Zhen clan, which is enough to suppress any strong man in the Yuan Ying period." The prince of the ancient Qin clan was stunned, with a cold expression. Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Dingzhen Kyushu!"

His voice was magnificent, and the whole person flew upside down, turned a caterpillar in the air, and turned into a sacred tripod, surrounded by golden dragons, making a terrifying roar.


The golden dragon was incomparably terrifying, and it burst out with incredible power, which made the pressure of this **** cauldron even stronger.


The void was crushed.

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped on the void without frowning, turning his fists into his palms, holding the giant cauldron like this, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth. "

"is it?"


The ancient Qin imperial clan sneered, and the whole body sank suddenly, and the monstrous power erupted. In an instant, a horrible aura flowed, and the pressure of the gods became more than ten times stronger.

"Today, the prince shocked and killed you."

The great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan was very energetic, and controlled the ancient Qin imperial clan gods with his power, which was enough to truly suppress any strong man in the world.

The ancient Qin imperial clan lost a lot, but what about? Those are all irrelevant princes, and if they die, they will die. As long as he is the great prince, he can fully support the entire ancient Qin imperial family.


However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a huge roar, and a violent and domineering force burst out from the town clan gods.

This force bombarded him through the divine cauldron, which made him unable to stand firm, and was instantly lifted out.


Immediately afterwards, the buzzing fame sounded, and the whole Dading was blasted out instantly.

At this time, Emperor Xiao Qing closed his fists and stood up, looking at the elder prince of the ancient Qin clan who was blown into the air, revealing a faint light, "Who are you going to kill?"

"Crazy boy, do you think you can block this prince if you can block a move?"

The great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan had a cold voice, a cold voice, and a volley. He summoned the divine cauldron that had been shaken out again. He stood on the cauldron with fluttering clothes and fluttering hair. He was boundless.

"I, the ancient Qin imperial clan, rose ten thousand years ago. Our ancestors were once emperors, and ruled the world, no one can rival."

He condescendingly looked down at Emperor Xiao Qing, his voice was magnificent, like a god.

"The background of this clan is unimaginable for you. Today, this prince smashed you. See how you can stop it?"


"Shake, kill!"

He uttered two words one after another.

The voice fell, the wind was surging, and infinite runes burst out on the top of the gods.

These runes are full of immense majesty. They are the emperor that has surpassed the emperor's prestige. Even if Ning Yuling is standing here, as the contemporary emperor, the surrounding emperor might not be able to Compared with the ancient Qin imperial clan's gods.

This tripod can be called the emperor tripod.

Above, the entire divine cauldron was continuously rotating, crushing the void with boundless force, and slowly falling towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing was locked down, even if he wanted to escape at this time, it was absolutely impossible.

Because, as soon as he moved, there would be even greater flaws, and the **** cauldron would fall down instantly, completely smashing him without any defense.


Even this arena of the Xuanyuan imperial family was shaky because it could not withstand such a terrifying power.

The faces of the two referees guarding the arena changed drastically, and their voices faded, "This power is about to surpass the Nascent Soul Stage, how can it be so strong?"

"The strength is second. The key is that the imperial prestige contained in it is the real prestige of the supreme emperor. This was refined by the legendary ancestor of the ancient Qin imperial clan. Refined, the emperor is vast, stronger than the emperor of the Yanhua Empire today."

"Mom... this is just a competition among juniors, how can so many things happen?"

The two old guys were a bit at a loss.

Isn't it just a friendly match?

There are a dozen people who have died in a life-and-death battle, not to mention that they have such a terrifying power.

Even for them, there is no way to continue to maintain order in this ring.

In fact, the power that this protoss **** cauldron exploded was too strong and completely suppressed the energy in their bodies.

The two did not hesitate at all, they jumped off the ring and fled.

At this moment, all arena referees and all justice are all false, and escape is the root.

"Interesting, the great prince of the ancient Qin clan really deserves its reputation." On the side of the Xuanyuan clan, the eldest prince carried his hands on his back, and his clothes were hunting, and his hair was flying, and a domineering and powerful fighting spirit broke out.

"Hahaha, he is dead, although not in my hands, but dead, great."

Ji Ming was sitting in a wheelchair, laughing excitedly, "If he doesn't die, I call him grandfather."

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