In this way, after a few sentences with the system every day, Tianyun drove the car with the beauty to Xiangyang and galloped away.

At this time, on the side of Dasanguan near Xiangyang, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were also preparing to hold a martial arts conference to discuss the matter of resisting the invasion of the army of the Hazy Ancient Kingdom.

Fortunately, it was Tianyun and they set off a few days early, otherwise, it was really possible to be blocked in the middle of the road by the army of the Hazy Ancient Kingdom.

At that time, he had no choice but to put away the Humvee, hold the little dragon girl and flee with the moon step and the moon in an instant!

An army of 100,000, with his martial arts, can only kneel!

However, if he opens the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and controls Susa Nenghu, maybe he can still harden the steel for a wave! And then run in style!

Just a little chakra, want to destroy the 100,000 hazy ancient army?

Thinking too much, right?

Of course, Tianyun can also choose to try it with machine gun cannons, but the result is unknown.

"Whew! It's finally here!!Let's go!Let's go into the city!!"

Approaching dusk, Tianyun and Xiaolongnu finally rushed to Xiangyang City, and before the city gate was closed, they entered Xiangyang City hand in hand.

When he arrived in the city, Tianyun took Xiaolongnu to find a good hotel to live in, and he himself went to the city to inquire about the news.

Although the original book of Dugu Sword Tomb said that it was a certain valley near Xiangyang City, it was not clear where it was and how far it was.

If Tianyun wants to find it, the smartest thing to do is to find a few famous old hunters in the city and ask if there are strange snakes in the vicinity!

The strange snake is naturally a Bodhisattva snake!

Without knowing the efficacy, most people regard it as a strange-looking snake!

The place where the Bodhisattva snake haunts should not be far from the Dugu Sword Tomb!

Tianyun did the same!

An hour passed, Tianyun returned to the rented room of the hotel again, and when Xiaolongnu saw it, she immediately got up to greet her, and asked, "How is it?"


Tianyun smiled and nodded, came to the table and poured a cup of tea, and said while drinking: "I asked a few old hunters, saying that 10 kilometers southwest of Xiangyang, I have seen the Bodhisattva snake! It's not early today, let's rest for one night, and go over there early tomorrow morning to look for it! Come to think of it, with my white eyes, I have a general direction, and it is not difficult to find the Dugu Sword Tomb!"

"That's good!!" the little dragon girl listened and was relieved.

"Hehe!" Seeing her appearance, Tianyun couldn't help but reach out and see her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I also heard the news of that kid Yang Guo!"

"Huh, that bear... Aren't you worried about your pretending to be a fairy?"

Xiaolongnu almost said the word bear child, but fortunately, she reacted quickly and corrected the words in time.

"It's fine!"

Tianyun suddenly shook his head with a smile and said: "That kid is not in Xiangyang for the time being! But followed Guo Jing and Huang Rong and them to Dasanguan to hold a heroic conference! It is said that the 100,000 iron horsemen of the Hazy Ancient Kingdom have already gone south, and they will be in Xiangyang City in a few days, and most of the martial arts people in the entire Central Plains have gone there, but there is no need to worry that Yang Guo will come over in the next two days!"

"Hazy called?"

When Xiaolongnu heard this, she was slightly surprised, remembering the Golden Wheel Dharma King who was killed before, and turned to Tianyun and said: "You really let Tianyun guess correctly! That Golden Wheel Dharma King seems to be indeed ill-intentioned! Tianyun, aren't you going to participate in the war of Song Meng?"

The little dragon girl was slightly puzzled!

Seeing Tianyun act before, he should be a person who cares about this kind of thing!

Lin Feng listened, smiled and touched his chin, and thought: "If the time is right, you can take a kick, isn't there still a few days? I can't waste time here!" and..."

Speaking of this, Tianyun reached out and scraped the bridge of Xiaolongnu's nose funny, and teased: "Don't you want to meet Yang Guo that kid for the time being? Let's just go to Dugu Sword Shrine to improve our cultivation first, and search for some good things, and then see the situation and intervene!"

This time, in order to take care of the feelings of the little dragon girl, and at the same time take the little dragon girl to feel the scenery along the way, Tianyun did not use a helicopter to hurry.

When he gets back, he won't be using a car anymore.

And the helicopter he got from the world of special forces is military, with missiles on board!

When the time comes, find the right opportunity, give the Hazy Ancient Army a moment, get rid of their heads, and the Xiangyang crisis will naturally be temporarily resolved.

As for what happens after that, it's not something that Tianyun can manage now!

In the final analysis, if you want to change the current situation, you have to replace the Song court and revitalize Huaxia to reverse the situation in the world.

However, this is not something that can be done in a short time! The preparation and conditions required are not a little bit, and Tianyun does not have the energy and ability to do so now.

When it comes to the full number, he still has 720 origin points left! That's enough for him to stay here for more than two months, and in such a short time, he can't do anything at all!


He doesn't have the heart to do that yet!

Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, there are more worlds like this, does he still have to worry about one world after another?

If you can help, you can help, if it's too troublesome, forgive him for loving and helping!

"It's okay!!!I don't want Tianyun to risk you for this!" The little dragon girl agreed with Tianyun's idea.

Think back then, didn't her grandmother and mother-in-law also get entangled with Wang Chongyang all her life because of the national disaster, but she couldn't get the happiness she wanted?

The hero of the country should be handed over to someone else! She just wants to stay with Tianyun!

After two months of getting along intermittently, it made the two of them feel stronger and stronger, and their feelings of longing and admiration are increasing day by day, and it is not surprising that they have the idea of staying together for a long time.

"Okay! Don't talk about that! Hungry, let's eat!! It's not easy to cook outside today, let's eat what I have prepared!!"

As he spoke, Tianyun took the little dragon girl to the table in the room and sat down, waved his hand to take out a piece of food from the small world and put it on the table.

"Wow! It smells so good!!!Where did all this come from? Who made it?"

Smelling the fragrance, Xiaolongnu's eyes lit up, and she wanted to discuss the origin and method of these dishes with Tianyun.

Tianyun has been hungry for a long time! How can he have the heart to say this?

Besides, these are all done by his sister Lily, and he said in front of the little dragon girl, isn't it uncomfortable?

"You!!Leave it alone!!Eat first!I'm hungry!"

He could only fool around at will, shake off his cheeks, and let go of eating.

At the same time, he also pondered in his heart, if he had the opportunity to practice his cooking skills more, he would be able to deal with the problem of the little dragon girl in the future, wouldn't he?

Yes! The Chinese cuisine of the Hyuga Lily Society was taught by him, and he would have made it in his previous life, but, yes, it is completely different from being proficient and making it delicious!

Anyway, he felt that his culinary talent was not good or bad! It was almost to his own liking, and if he really wanted to say how delicious it was, it might not be.

That's it!

However, when it comes to cooking, he instantly thinks of Kushina's dark cuisine.

I'm a good girl!

Therefore, Bo Feng Shuimen can get Jiu Xinnai and successfully live with her, which is definitely not an ordinary person!

The average person died a long time ago!


PS: Ask for flowers!Collect!Collect!Reward!Ask for subscription!If you have any suggestions, you are also welcome to put them in the comments.,I'll try to satisfy.。

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