The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 88: Humanoid self-propelled dragon ball attractor

At the same time, Stark Industries is backed by a factory area on the highway in the northern suburbs of New York, and the factory building where the giant ark cold nuclear fusion reactor is located.

At the door of the factory building, an elderly white man with a bald head on his head was left with only a ring of white beard on his head. He asked the security personnel at the door with a cigar, "Where is he?"


Xu Wenyan said that the old bald man with a white beard pulled out a white access card from the straight inner pocket of his suit. After swiping at the door, he walked into the automatically opened bulletproof glass door.

Inside the yamen, under the giant ark reactor, stood a handsome middle-aged mustache, who had just faced the whole world, and had to slay himself from Tony Stark ...

Old bald strode over to him: "Tony, what do you want me to say about you?"


Tony Stark staring at the Ark reactor, turned his head and said, "If you came to tell me, I just installed a target for attack in my head, then save it."

"Your head?"

Stark Industries ’second-largest shareholder, Chief Executive Officer“ Obadea Stein ”, put his hands on his waist while holding a cigar:“ Why do n’t you talk about my head? Do you think our stock will fall? How many?"

"Say optimistic? Forty points."

"You are indeed optimistic enough, at least fifty! Tony, we are arms manufacturers! An arms group that does not make arms? You make Stark Industries a laughing stock!"

"Obi, I don't want to see any more corpses pile up into mountains because of the weapons we make!"

"Tony! We make weapons is our business! We do this!"

"On our building, my name is hanging, and what we do is up to me!"

After a bitter quarrel, Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Obi, we haven't done enough, we can do better, we can ..."

"What can I do?"

巴 Obadea Stan interrupted Tony Stark and asked with a mock face: "What do you make without weapons? Do you want us to start making bottles?"

Tony Stark groaned a little and said his inner thoughts: "I think we can think about it and restart the Ark reactor project."

拜 "Come on, the Ark reactor? This is just a publicity stunt!"

巴 Obadea Stein pointed to the Ark reactor in front of him with a cigar in his hand: "Tony, what a joke? We made this just to shut some people up!"

"'This' is useful."

"But there is no economic benefit! We knew before we built it, this is a dead end, isn't it?"


MA "MAYBE? In this regard, we have ... have not achieved breakthrough research results for thirty years, have we?"

"that is because……"

Tony Starkang turned his head and added a tone to "I": "I have never participated in this research."


Obadea Stein was silent, and the reaction of Tony Stark was different from what he expected. He thought that in a few words, Tony Stark's arrogance came up, for sure Will show their new results ...

"Obi, your poker face is terrible."

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders, tearing through the tentative slamming action of Obadey: "Frankly, who told you?"

"It doesn't matter who told me, show me."

"Rody or Pepper?"

"I want to see the real thing."

"Well, it looks like Roddy."

Tony Stark said to himself affirmed his guess, at the same time unbuttoned the shirt on the upper body, exposed the lamp on the chest ... Oh no, not a light bulb, but a mini-sized ark reactor the size of a fist ...

巴 Obadea Stan gave a silent grin, and after looking around, he personally buttoned Tony's shirt buttons and covered the small ark reactor again.

"What I just said, the Ark reactor is very ..."

The word "useful" in Tony Stark's mouth wasn't finished, and the whole man suddenly stopped, and he saw that the huge ark reactor in front of him had a sudden change. The continuous beating arc in the transparent cabin flickered as if the rear force was inadequate, and then it was completely extinguished ...

巴 Obadea Stein blinked: "You just said ... this thing is useful?"


Tony Stark glanced silently at the giant ark reactor, and just after saying "this is impossible" in his mouth, I saw a streamer suddenly appearing on top of the ark reactor, rushing straight at him Come over!

"Wow oh oh oh!"

Tony Stark is not yet Iron Man. After confirming that this is a beam of energy, he screamed strangely in his mouth. A lazy donkey rolled and fell to the ground. Then he saw the streamer with his eyes open. Turned a corner and continued to bump into his chest!


Tony Stark closed his eyes tightly, his arms crossed against his chest, no matter it looked or sounded, it was a little scared girl ...

Then, when that white stream of light hit the small ark reactor on Tony Stark's chest, he stayed there, very unscientificly changing from an invisible energy body to a tangible material body.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Tony Stark, who hadn't waited for the expected painful response for a long time, opened his eyes carefully while touching a few hands on his chest, and saw a gray, spherical ball, "sticky" On the small ark reactor on his chest, he tried to drag it with his hand ~ ~ and found that it was quite firmly adhered, and even if he tried his best, the stone remained motionless ...

"This unscientific!"

Tony Stark was going to count how many laws of physics this stone violated. The voice of artificial intelligence Jarvis suddenly sounded in his mobile phone in his pocket: "Mr. Stark, please note , The energy contained in the ark reactor on your chest is declining rapidly. If you continue like this, all the energy will be exhausted within three hours, please replace it in time. "


Tony Stark slammed a squeak, small ark reactor on his chest, but it was his life. Once the energy in it was exhausted, the electromagnet in his chest would fail. He himself is not far from death. Under this real threat of life, he can't even care about Opadry, who has long been dumbfounded. After taking off his suit to cover his chest, he rushed out like a gust of wind. After the workshop, he drove out of the factory area and went straight to his mansion off the coast of New Jersey.

(I know that according to the settings of the movie, this grandson's villa is in Malibu Beach, California. The problem is the West Coast of the United States, and New York is on the East Coast. The difference is thousands of kilometers. It ’s impossible. The director of the movie (that is, the actor of Hapi Hogan) may need to respect the opinion of the villain of the villa. I do n’t need to ...)

PS: Stark Industries is headquartered in New York, the Expo Park is in New York, and the factory area is also in New York. It is also reasonable to build luxury homes on the coast of New Jersey next to New York. Is it irritating to fly a few thousand kilometers? Being rich and willful does not mean being rich and cheap ...

PS and PS: The above nonsense is not counted as literal words ...

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