The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 84: Crossbones! Brock Rumlow

"No need to."

I heard that I was over half a year old, but still looked very strong. I did n’t show the old “Brock Rumlow” and waved back: “If you give her a tranquilizer, you have to wait a few moments. Only hours later, she was able to use vomiting agent. Because Saint Lee has now returned to China, we must complete the task as soon as possible, and then 'dispose of her', so as to avoid night long dreams. "

"I see, sir."

The young soldier watched Rumlow out of the room respectfully before he squatted down and opened Colleen Win's handcuffs. She was about to drag her to the torture chair, but saw a small white tender hand in front of him. Zoom in rapidly in sight! Immediately afterwards, a terrible pain came from his throat!

"Uh ... uh ..."

The young soldier covered his blood-scarring neck with both hands and couldn't make a sound. His eyes became more and more frightened. In the previous second, the whole person was still immobile, Colleen Wen, and suddenly opened his eyes, lightning. He poked a hand-knife at him, and then, a flash of bright blood suddenly appeared to his eyes.

Colleen Wen, who was splashed with blood on her face, looked a little embarrassed. She covered the chin of the young soldier, blocked his silent call for help, and pinched his back with his other hand. At the same time a fierce expression was revealed, his arms violently staggered, twisting the young soldier's neck and ending his pain.

"where am I……"

Colleen Win placed the corpse in her hands silently on the floor, her eyes a little confused, although she had already woken up long before Langlo and the young soldiers started talking, but only those few The content of the sentence is obviously not enough to piece together the whole incident. The only thing she can be sure of is that these people should be damned!

Especially the **** named Ram Low!

Colleen Wen gritted her teeth fiercely and said to herself silently, "Take me away? Don't let me meet you again!"

I need weapons.

With such an idea, Colleen Wen found a half-foot-long sabre from the corpse under her feet. As for the rifle and pistol carried by the young soldier, she simply ignored it.

Colleen Win had a three-pointer in her heart after she had a knife. Although she said that with the blessing of qi, her bare hands and empty punches were already very lethal weapons, but the so-called accumulation was difficult to change. She touched The knife for nearly ten years has long been used to the feeling of having a guy on the hand.

Just then, in the hallway outside the door of the torture room, a flash of red light suddenly flashed, and a whining sirens sounded, then came in from the doorway, and Colleen Wen frowned, I looked around the room and found a camera in one of the corners.

I ca n’t stay here and wait.

Colleen Win thought about it, hurried out of the door, just ran two steps in the corridor, and saw only a distant corner, a brown-haired white soldier with a rifle in both hands. When she was the first time, she aimed the muzzle of the black hole at her and put her finger on the trigger at the same time.

I'm too late!

Colleen Win estimated the distance between her and the brown-haired soldier, and suddenly stopped, and the whole person stayed in place. If you look closely, you will find that her expression is still frozen at this moment, it seems very stiff.

The next moment, the continuous, spaced gunfire of "Da, Da, Da" rang through the corridor, judging from the trajectory shot by the brown-haired soldier, he aimed at Colleen Wen's legs and feet, apparently receiving The order is to shoot, but not to kill.

However, it doesn't really matter where the brown-haired soldier is aiming. The several bullets fired from his muzzle all penetrated the "Coleen Wen" and "噗噗 噗" He hit the wall behind him, and when he showed a doubtful expression, he suddenly noticed that there was a figure around him. Before he turned his eyes to see who it was, he just felt a pain in his chest and looked at it. A familiar standard saber that penetrated the body armor and pierced his heart.

Colleen Win pushed the dead brown-haired soldier hard, and took out the blood-stained saber. Her face looked very ugly. With her physical ability, she could only use the "residual fist" once in the battle. Otherwise, if the body was still If she was forced to use it again without a break, the consequences would be unthinkable. Of course, she had given the "big move" so early. Of course, she couldn't be happy.

To make matters worse, Colleen Wen didn't see even a window on the road after she continued on the road, and she was not familiar with the terrain at all. Before she touched the edge of the entrance, she was given by a large number of soldiers with live ammunition. Blocked, and fell into a desperate situation where there was no way forward, and there was chasing after.

Colleen Win has never been a person who easily admits defeat, even if she knows she is dead ~ ~ but she has not lost her fighting spirit. She rushed to the open room with the rain in the gun forest. One second before channeling in, "Oh!" He screamed in pain, his body slammed a bit, and he almost fell into the room.

"Bang!" After slamming onto the metal room door and locking it to death, Colleen Wen's gaze swept left and right, and she found that it was an office. She limped away and walked two steps. "Bang!" And knocked down a metal filing cabinet, blocked the door horizontally, and then sat down against the wall, checking the painful right leg.

The sharp warhead of a rifle bullet penetrated into Colleen Wen's thigh and remained in her body. Fortunately, it seemed to be stuck in the muscle and did not hurt the bone.

Hearing only a bang, Colleen Wen tore off a piece of cloth from her jacket, simply bandaged the wound, and began to look carefully at the office, trying to find an escape route.

The only feasible solution is obviously the vents on the ceiling. However, the louver vents that block the ventilation ducts are made of a solid alloy at first glance, and it is impossible to pry open, and those soldiers who have begun to hit the door obviously do not Will give Colleen Win so much time.

科 At this time when Colleen Wen felt helpless, there was a loud noise of "Boom!" Outside the door, and the wall she was leaning against was shaken at the same time.


Colleen Wen first scratched out these two words in her mind, and then she looked at the part that was partially distorted, but still kept the complete metal door. She immediately rejected the conjecture, and she heard it again, and the door came The continuous firing sound of "DaDaDa", the clatter of "cracking", and the bursts of exclaiming and screaming.

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