The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 72: SHIELD Queen's Fighter

And Matthew Murdoch, the professional "Dreaver", is indeed different from the other three street heroes who are still amateurs. Not only is he extremely experienced in combat, but he is also comparable to iron fist in martial arts. It even made him an incomparable tactical master, but ... except for the combat power added by the extraordinary senses, his offensive and defensive ends are only a dozen points ...

To be the most comprehensive, it is still Jessica Jones. More than a hundred combat capabilities are real, able to fight, fight, run and jump. However, this "civilian" has not received any systematic training, only By virtue of her brute force, she was the easiest to solve among the four.

Who else? !!

Invincible! How lonely is Invincible!

In the abyss of self-fascination, In Saint, who has been completely unable to extricate himself, has forgotten selectively. In fact, not far from him, there is a New York Temple belonging to "Kama Taj". Have his opponent, as long as he has the courage to die ...

ANYWAY ... In the past two weeks, in addition to the trivial matters mentioned above, there are two major things that must be mentioned.

First, that night, two weeks ago, the long-awaited SHIELD gave the club a fatal blow. Although it did not kill the five fingers as expected, the club was originally going to fight against the Pure Society. That night, it was an excellent effort, basically under the cover of the entire army, and the losses suffered were not significant. Compared with the pure and pure society that is now in name, it is better, but it is also greatly injured. It takes at least ten years to restore the original prosperity.

The SHIELD that succeeded in the attack certainly didn't stop there. Two weeks later, Jiucheng & the various large and small strongholds of the Federation in New York have been swept away, including Colleen Wenxin ’s heart. The "charity organization" located in the outskirts of New York, after sweeping this training base of the Federation, most of the reserve members of the Federation were thrown into prisons and reformed, and a few who were not yet mature also entered. Young management institutions have been rehabilitated.

At this point, Colleen Wen's heart knot was untied most of the time, only one day in the future, and then eliminate the culprit of the culprit, you can really get the idea.

Secondly, the same night, two weeks ago, under the muzzle of the SHIELD and the blade of the hand union, rescued a large number of civilians, Instant, and it was a fire!

Huh, to be precise, the fire is not him, but the superhero "Golden Boy". (GOLDENBOY, a boy of gold.)

After fourteen days of fermentation, it is hard to say anywhere else, but throughout New York State, because of Santana ’s blond hair, her hair is upright, her face value has been raised, and her golden golden flame special effect has been transformed into an image. It is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the "GOLDENBOY" is a household name.

As the most typical immigrant country, the United States has a very diverse race and ethnic group. Although it has been striving for the word "equality", it is undeniable that the word "racism" still exists in every country in this country. Corners, whether Asian, Afro, Latino or Native Indian, will inevitably suffer from different levels of discrimination. The only exception is, of course, that they have firmly occupied the elite class from the beginning, and White population with more than half of the world's total population.

Coincidentally, the appearance of blond hair is the most representative white character. Captain America, as a national idol, is also blond and blue-eyed, because of the transformation image of Saint, why it was quickly sought after in a short time. It was self-evident that the fire broke out inside.

You must know that the combination of the two English words "GOLDENBOY" is used to describe valuable people. Because Sainte was able to get this title in the beginning, it is enough to explain the problem.

如果 If one day, when people suddenly discover that the "golden boy" they regard as a new national idol is actually a typical Chinese, the picture must be beautiful ...

Uh ...

On the fifteenth day, according to the agreement with Cyclops, Yin Sheng returned to the Trident building as one of the SHIELD headquarters with the image of a golden boy behind him. Leading him to a tarmac, a strangely shaped fighter, has been waiting for a long time.

It is completely different from ordinary fighters. The wings of this small aircraft actually bend downwards. Compared with the wings of ordinary aircraft, it looks more similar to the wings of birds. The overall shape is like a Raptor preparing to prey.

Kun Kun fighter!

Because Saint Trima recognized this main fighter independently developed by the SHIELD, not counting the "Wakanda" with "Zhenjinhei Technology", the Queen fighter is the most top fighter in the Marvel world. In the future, the exclusive vehicle of the "Avengers" is also a Kunming fighter aircraft transformed by "Tony Stark" ~ ~ So, I have seen the "Iron Man" After the deluxe version of the Kunshan style created in the future, Yin Sheng was not very appreciative of the "civilian version" in front of him, and Coleson, who was full of sullen factors in his bones, noticed that he did not take it seriously. After expressing his expression, he couldn't help but said, "This is the unique Kunming fighter of our SHIELD, and it is also the world's first jet fighter capable of taking off and landing vertically."

the first? Ha ha!

Because Sainte didn't comment on this, but pointed to the Kunming fighter in front of him, and mercilessly exposed the old base of the SHIELD: "This fighter uses the same turbojet engine as your car. Howard Stark, one of your founders, proposed the concept as early as 1943 and provided experimental research results. Now, it is almost 2009, and you have just developed What's so proud of the finished product? "


Colson turned his head silently, and secretly vowed in his heart, if there is no need in the future, the cliff will not take the initiative to talk with Incentive!

During the talk, the two had reached the rear hatch of the Queen's fighter, and the pilot of the fighter was waiting at the door of the cabin. It was Phil Coulson's old partner, and his famous "iron ride" -Melinda May.

I saw her, because Shengte was even more surprised than seeing the Kun-style fighter. Without saying a word of greeting, he stared and said, "Good guy! You actually learned" qi "?!"


Melinda Mei Leng came up with a Chinese language in her face, in a hate-like tone, thanked dryly: "If it wasn't for the 'qi' you gave, I would n’t learn Kunlun's refining gas Thank you. "

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