The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 63: Instant

"Turtle! Pie! Qi! Gong!"

Because Saint's words did not fall, the golden yellow of the palm was already full of light, a beam of energy thicker than the thigh suddenly emerged from it, and the speed of projection was clearly fast like lightning, but It can also make people see clearly, giving people a sense of contradiction that seems slow and fast.

When this beam of light that was tilted downwards penetrated a standard circular hole on the ground, the moment it sank into the ground, it only listened to the loud sound of "Boom!", All within a few meters of the circle. Everything was exploded by the raging energy, and instantly became crushed into powder! Immediately afterwards, a small mushroom cloud suddenly rose upward, and the ring-shaped thick dust also began to spread rapidly outward, blocking everyone's sight.

At the same time, the shock wave attached to the explosion reaction has caught up with the SHIELD agents who receded far away. These poor children who have not risen for a long time have either fallen backwards or moved forward A dog fell mud and fell to the ground again ...

On the other side, Danny Rand and other super-physical people were not stumped by the aftermath of being attacked. Everyone bent down to resist the shock wave. When the dust was cleared, they could see clearly Knowing the original location of the SHIELD people, the extra standard hemispherical large pit now took a deep breath, even Colleen Wen was no exception.

Matthew Murdoch, the Daredevil, first woke up from the shock. He turned his head and "looked" to Danny Land and said, "Danny, you just said ... because of the strength of Saint, Just 'somewhat' better than you? "


Danny Rand swallowed hard, and remained silent for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "How did I know that he actually hides so much power ?! It is better than what he showed before, I don't know how to be stronger How many times! "

After all, he still felt very resentful, adding another sentence: "This **** bastard! When we first met, he even lied to me that if I called out Iron Fist, he would not be my opponent at all! "

On hearing that, Colleen Win showed a rather weird expression. As the closest person to Incente, she knew clearly. Because Incentive was really weak at that time, as to why the speed of becoming stronger was so Exaggerated, it may only be his secret!

Of course, it is clear that Colleen Moderate and Incentive are actually one. Incentive ’s secret, that is, her secret, naturally cannot be said to confuse others.

Just then, Jessica Jones licked her lips, walked to Colleen Wen, and asked, "Hey, girl in white clothes, is that your boyfriend?"

Although it is said that neither Incente nor Colleen Win has yet given a clear label to each other's relationship, but listening to Jessica asking, Colleen Win nodded without hesitation, And proudly replied, "Yes, that's my man, because of Saint Lee."

"In Saint Lee ..."

Jessica repeated the name again, and the other light flashed in her eyes made Colleen Win feel very uncomfortable, and then narrowed her eyes: "Hey, crazy woman, what do you ask this for?"

"Who the crazy woman are you calling ?!"


Luke Cage took a step forward and pulled away Jessica, who was about to explode, to prevent her and Colleen Win from getting caught up. After seeing the destructive power of Incent, he The physical defense force completely lost the absolute self-confidence of the past, and I didn't want to try it at all. If I was upset, would I be able to take the punch that was angry with Saint ...

At the same time, on the street in front of the alley, after Saint Sein watched a large number of agents of the SHIELD, all disappeared into his own sight, and tiptoe, the whole person fluttered off the ground and went straight towards Colleen. · Wen Fei came over.

After she landed in front of the crowd, Sainte ignored Danny Rand and the other four, and her gaze was only on Colleen Wen: "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Colleen Win came forward with a smile, announcing her sovereignty hugging Incent, and resting her head on his chest: "Relax, I don't even have a bruise."

My reaction to her was a bit surprised by Sainte. In his eyes, Colleen Win took a knife and chopped people. That was purely normal, and the bird was on the person. This is not quite right ...

Because Sainte and Colleen Wen quietly hugged for more than ten seconds before they separated. He took Colleen Wen's hand and looked at Danny Land with angrily. "Say, Dan Neh, what good did you do? If I hadn't arrived in time, I would have almost killed Colleen! "

"Hey Hey hey!"

Jessica Jones didn't know which one was wrong, and suddenly grabbed Danny Rand before talking ~ ~ and jumped out without saying: "Can't you say that, we She will be under siege by SHIELD, and the girl in white clothes also has the responsibility, if not her ... "

"Jones! Shut your mouth!"

Matthew Murdoch stopped drinking and pushed Jessica away. He apologized sincerely to Incent: "I'm sorry, don't listen to her nonsense. I shot the SHIELD first. Ms. Wen was just kind. Help us to be involved in this storm. It is all my responsibility to cause the trouble as it was just now. I am really sorry and I am willing to make any compensation. "

Because Sainte glanced at the poor lawyer and had no interest in his "oral sincerity", he ignored his apology directly and still looked at Danny Rand and said, "Danny, if I read correctly, This blind ... This lawyer, Ma, is also your Kunlun man. He made a mistake. Can you pay for it? "

Danny Rand opened his mouth suddenly, and didn't say a word for a while. It wasn't that he didn't understand the meaning of Yin Shengte, and he used such explicit words like "pay". How could he not understand? However, due to the perception that Sainte just gave, it can only be described by the words "strong and invincible". Suddenly, such a "mind of the market" is put on the face. This gap is too big ... ...

"You are the stupidest of the iron fists of all ages!"

Because Sainte thought Danny Rand didn't understand it, he suddenly hated Iron and Steel and gave him a straight look and asked for money: "One hundred thousand dollars, compensation for my spiritual loss! Quickly, give money! "




I heard that of the five people present, four of them collapsed in Sanguan. The remaining one, Colleen Wen, only felt faceless, and couldn't help but reach out, and slammed on the waist of Yin Shengte. Take.

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