The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 61: Colleen Win

"Well, I'll be happy to help you."

Quinn's voice didn't fall, and people were already on the ground. With no skill at all, it was a purely crushing method, and he knocked down the last two ninjas with one punch.


Natasha silently compared her hardships with Instant's ease, and squirked: "I take back that sentence, but I still really mind ..."

"is it?"

Quinn Saint shrugged again: "If there is one next time, I will leave one for you, bye."

"and many more!"

Natasha hurried forward, and before Intant intended to fly away, he extended a right hand to him: "Know, Natasha Romanov."

Because Sainte scanned it with breath induction first, and found that the pursuit of the SHIELD opponents' association was basically near the end, then he turned around, held Natasha's fingertips, and shook it gently. With a shake, his unabashed self-introduction said: "In Saint Lee."

In fact, it ’s not because Sant does n’t want to hide it, but he knows that his transformation shape is enough to bluff the average person, but if he wants to hide the SHIELD, it is just a lunatic dream. Since In this case, rather than provoke suspicion and be dismantled afterwards, it would be more generous to admit it.

"Really you?"

Natasha raised her eyebrows, apparently no stranger to Instant: "How can you still fly? And ... how did it become this way? Not only the color of her hair and eyes changed, but her appearance was a little bit Subtle differences. "

"you know me?"

Because Saint avoided answering Natasha's question, and asked a question in his mouth, he was actually a little surprised. He did not expect that the SHIELD would take him so seriously. It seems that even the famous black widow also I have seen the information about him. Although he has guessed that it is close to ten, he did not show it. He said, "I don't think we've seen it, Agent Romanov."

"You're welcome, you can call me Natasha."

Natasha's professional habits gave a wink: "It is true that we met for the first time, but I am a long-known name, because of Saint Lee, the only disciple of Guixianliu, an extraordinary martial arts Home, in our bureau, your level of confidentiality is the highest ten. Coincidentally, apart from our director, I am the only ten-level agent. "

"Should I be honored?"

Because Sainte exhausted his great perseverance, he was only immune to this winking attack. He considered the language and answered the question before Natasha: "Since this is the case, then you should also know that I have mastered many uses. The technique of "qi" and the "dancing air technique" capable of flying in the air are just one of them. As for my current appearance, it is not permanent. I can change back to the original look at any time. "

Natasha nodded her head: "What do you mean, you can fly and rely on some kind of martial arts? Changed appearance, is it just a disguise for you?"

"You can understand that."

Quinn did not intend to explain in detail, and said directly, "I'm glad to meet you, Natasha. I still have something to do. Let's take a step."

Natasha watched rising from the sky, disappeared into the dark night sky, frowned and said to herself: "Strange, this little guy ... seems to recognize me long ago, and , I deliberately told him that I was a tenth-level agent, and he did not show the slightest accident, it seemed to know me very well. So, what news channel did he use ... Turtle fairy stream? "

"I should notify 'Ferry' ..."

Natasha did not say anything on the public communication channel, but pulled out a military encrypted mobile phone, dialed a number, and then said, "I met the 'flying power', you must not think he is Who……"

On the other side, as Sainte followed the investigation of breath induction, he flew straight to the direction where Colleen Wen was. He suddenly left in a hurry because of his induction, Colleen Win was defending After the four members of the Alliance of Alliances joined together, suddenly a large number of people gathered around them, and the situation seemed a bit wrong.

Five minutes before the time returned, Colleen Wen and Danny Rand and others dashed across a street, got into a side street, and hid behind a corner.


As soon as everyone stopped, Danny Rand grabbed the collar of the casual Nocturne: "Are you crazy ?! Why attack the agents of SHIELD?"

Matthew Murdoch didn't resist, showing a half bitter expression (hidden scarf blocked half): "Because ... the person who had been caught by them before was Erika ..."

"Your ex-girlfriend? Isn't she a‘ True Pure Society ’person? Why is she wearing a uniform?”

"I don't know, but I will never admit the wrong person."

I'm a bit ironic ~ ~ A blind man claimed that he would never admit the wrong person, Danny Rand couldn't refute, and only gritted his teeth dejectedly: "Damn! We are in big trouble!"


Jessica Jones used a swearing tone to echo the "big trouble" in Danny Rand's mouth and turned to Luke Cage: "What did I say before? Let them hitchhiking, It must be fine! "


Luke Cage was speechless, with a helpless expression on his face: "Jace, now when I'm not saying 'I told you already', think about what to do, although we didn't do it , But I don't feel at all that SHIELD will easily let us 'comrades.' "

"Who is that bastard's companion?"

"Jess ... this is not your decision ..."

Jessica Jones pouted her lips, and suddenly turned her head again, continuing to use her "map cannon" talent, and said to Colleen Wen, who hadn't been silent, "Hey! Little girl in white, what are you doing Outsider attitude? You killed two agents of SHIELD with your own hands, and it will be the way it is now.

"I just knocked them out."

Colleen Wen frowned, apparently very opinionated about Jessica's tone, and her tone of sarcasm also said: "The two agents, but are preparing to shoot at you, you would rather eat two A bullet? "

"Come on, they must be aiming at my‘ blind lawyer who ’s not blind ’. What has it to do with you? Do n’t try to push me on your own wit!”

"Instant is right, you are a mad woman, it is unreasonable at all!"

"what did you say?!"

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