The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 55: Transfiguration? Transform!

"That book! I'm not trying to increase ten times, what am I really nervous about?"

Because Sante gritted his teeth fiercely, his expression looked a little embarrassed: "I'm a Saiyan, how can I double up, how can I not carry it?"

The next moment, the terrible cry of cries suddenly sounded in the quiet room, listening to the ears of the unsuspecting person, I am afraid that everyone must think that this must be the sorrow of human death ...

A short while later, when Lorna Lansell, wearing a black nightdress, appeared outside the door of the quiet room, the scream of Sainte had been silenced, and Lorna had a look of uncertainty. , Knocked on the door and said, "Boss? Was it just you miserable ... Was it just your voice?"

After waiting for a few seconds, Lorna didn't get a response. She immediately stretched out her arms, pushed the door and opened the door. When she walked in, she looked with a shocked expression: "Old ... board?"

I saw, in the center of the quiet room, a handsome young boy with blond hair stood upright, and his turquoise pupils were bright and deep. From the contour of the face, it was a little like a Saint. , But on the whole, it doesn't look like Instant at all.

First, Yin Shengte's face is not so handsome ...

Second, because of the racial characteristics of Sainte, it is standard Asian, with black hair and black eyes.

Third, because Saints are usually full of suffocation, the person in front of him is full of body, exuding an elegant and indifferent aristocratic temperament!

Therefore, even Lorna, who is very familiar with Instant, was a little unafraid for a moment, and opened her eyes and asked, "Boss? Is it you?"

洛 Under Lorna's inquiry, Yin Shengte, who had changed a lot from the inside to the outside, seemed to have not heard her, and still stood still with staring eyes, as if the whole person was just a perfect sculpture.


Lona frowned and took a step forward, and gently pushed Instant, which made him "uh?" Woke up and turned to ask: "Lona? When did you come in?"

"Boss, are you ... awake?"

As a mutant, Lorna Lanscher immediately thought of the X gene, but after Saint Stern screamed for a while, the whole person suddenly became unrecognizable, and it seemed that there were only four "gene mutations". The word is a more reasonable explanation.

Because Sainte raised his hand subconsciously, and touched the blond hair standing on his head, shook his head and said, "No ... Lona, can you go out for a while? I have something to figure out for myself. Explain to you. "


Lona nodded, and reluctantly poked his lips: "All right."

Before her words fell, Yin Sheng was once again in a state of loss, trying to enter the state of mysterious epiphany just now, and he knew almost instinctively that this was related to his future desire to break through the "Super Saiyan" ", The threshold that must be experienced.

It's a pity that after being interrupted by Lorna, Yin Sheng can no longer find the feeling just now, even if she wants to remember it, she can't do it at all.


Yun Yin Saint frowned and muttered, but did not blame Lorna. Out of concern, he should not be blamed anyway.

After a little regret, because Saint didn't think about the still far future, he slowly raised his fist, feeling the hidden force under the calm appearance, could not help but make a noise Sigh: "This is the full power of Saiyan ... Sun Wukong is really a genius!"

"Oh, no,‘ saiyan full power ’is a tenfold increase, and I ’m still far from the name.”

Quinn Saint laughed with a self-deprecating smile: "Well, it should be called 'twice the Saiyan full power'? No, that's not twenty times ... well, it should be called 'two percent Saiyan full power.'"

Ten times 20%, that's twice as much. Because Sainte had 187 combat power before the transformation, now it is 374. This improvement is all-round, strength, speed, response, all Multiply, without any shortcomings, and, under the premise of no shot, no load on physical energy, no consumption of breath.

This is the double boxing king boxing without any negative effects after Sun Wukong's improvement!

As for the higher multiplier, for example, it is equivalent to "three percent of Saiyan full power" equivalent to three times the king boxing, and equivalent to "four percent Saiyan full power" equivalent to four times the king boxing. Before the "gravimeter", he should not continue to die ...

After all, without a gravimeter, it is impossible to test the pressure limit that it can withstand. Previously, Sainte felt that he could handle the transformation process, which is purely taken for granted. Since Saiyans can get used to ten times gravity, Then, after incorporating Saiyan genes, the lowest double-fold increase in Wangquan ~ ~ should not be a problem. Right now, bets are correct, in fact, it is considered that he is lucky, if not satisfied What isn't that looking for death?

After experiencing the transformation status of "20% Saiyan full power", Yin Sheng stepped out of the quiet room and wanted to go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. When she stepped out of the door, she saw Lona staring at him eagerly. , Apparently still waiting for the explanation he promised.

"I'm not a mutant."

Yin Sheng first said such a sentence with certainty, then paused for a moment, and then thought and said, "Lona, I don't want to lie to you. To some extent, I am 'special' like you, But do n’t ask for specifics. Know, it will only become a burden on you. ”

He Wenyan said, Lorna rolled her eyes: "Aren't you the 'saiyan'? You just want to keep it secret, isn't it too late?"

I heard her say this, because Sainte immediately showed a stupid expression: "How do you know?"

Lona shrugged her shoulders and smiled slyly: "It's not that I overheard, it's because you were just inside, talking to yourself very loudly ..."


Because of Saint's silent sneer, was the word "quiet room" just plain? But he transformed it by himself, and added a layer of foam board by himself. How is the sound insulation effect, he himself would not know? If Lorna wasn't close to the door, she could hear him talking to himself!

所以 "So, what is‘ saiyan ’?”

Listening to Lorna's question, Yin Sheng responded with a perfunctory response: "The Aboriginal people who once lived on the" saiyan planet "are called Saiyans."


Lona's eyes widened, and she didn't even notice the word "once": "Boss, are you an alien?"

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