The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 204 Iron Man's Hearing, Marvel's 3 Major Metals

Because Saint dissipated before Tandy Bowen's eyes like a wisp of blue smoke blown away by the wind, and when he reappeared from the churning shadows, he had already arrived at Li's Chinese Restaurant second floor.

Although the jet lag has been reversed once before, the sense of confusion brought about by the space-time disorder will not disappear so easily. He sat in front of the bed in the bedroom for a long time before he straightened out his thoughts and put himself and Tandy together. The "extra time" spent in the mental world is packaged and stuffed into an imaginary "box", which is separated from memory alone.

"The power of time... the illusion caused by various contradictions is really uncomfortable..."

While Saint muttered something to himself, he also made up his mind in his heart that this kind of behavior of playing with time must be cautious in the future, not to mention the "accident" that happened between him and Tandy. The influence of thinking can easily cause some psychological problems. This is only a few months' time difference. If it is longer...

"Before I got kicked out by Colleen... what was I going to do today?"

It was obviously just one night later, but it took a long time for Saint to recall it: "That's right! I placed an order online yesterday, and today I plan to renovate the restaurant and find a place to build a gravity room."

Because Saint opened the door talking to himself, walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room, the moment he saw the TV, his "distant" memory revived again: "Oh! One more thing! Yesterday was Stark Expo Opening ceremony, then today should be..."

Glancing down at the current time, Saint stepped forward to turn on the TV, and after using the remote control to switch a few channels, he found a live broadcast of the hearing featuring Tony Stark.

"I am the steel suit, and the steel suit is me. Turning in the steel suit is the same as handing in myself. This is equivalent to slavery, or forcing a good man into prostitution. The specific crime depends on you, the senator, and which one you belong to." State law governs."

This grandson just turned a serious hearing into his own talk show...

Amidst the roar of laughter on the TV, Saint shook his head and sighed silently, and then took a closer look, the fat senator who was ridiculed by Tony Stark so helplessly, if he If I remember correctly, this is actually a member of Hydra. In the story of Captain America that hasn't started yet, he said "Hale, Hydera" himself.

Immediately afterwards, Senator Hydra, who felt alone, invited out "Justin Hammer" who represented "Hammer Industries". After Stark Industries closed the weapons manufacturing department, the US military's first military The supplier is the second child of this salted fish.

Facing a mere defeater who has been suppressed by Stark Industries all the year round,

Tony Stark obviously didn't feel any pressure, and still had a cynical expression on his face, until his good friend "Colonel Rhodes" was also involuntarily driven by military orders, On behalf of the U.S. military, he stood on the opposite side.

As a result, Tony Stark, who was irritated, went crazy on the spot without hesitation. As he blacked out the display screen at the hearing venue and released various failure cases of imitating the steel suit, this attempt to The hearing to prove the argument that "if you don't hand over your steel suit, you will endanger the United States" has completely become a farce.

Before "Sangbian" appeared, there was nothing to worry about, er, it seemed that even if he appeared, it would be no big deal...

Because of Saint turned off the TV that was broadcasting the chaotic scene live, because of him, Tony Stark, who had already got rid of the crisis of life, did not have the tendency to self-destruct like the original plot... No, he still has the tendency to self-destruct. Yes, but obviously not as serious as in the original plot... In addition, the "Veronica" who was born ahead of schedule, the "Harry Potter" who was born out of nowhere, and the current Iron Man, are not afraid of any challenges.

You can ignore the lightbulb man, just pay attention to when the "hammer" falls.

Saint recalled the "really distant" memories, and found that... just when Iron Man "rediscovered" a new element, Coulson was transferred to New Mexico by Nick Fury, To investigate a hammer that no one can lift...

However... even if there is no threat of "palladium poisoning", whether SHIELD will hand over the research materials left by Howard Stark to Tony Stark, the cause and effect have all been changed Under the circumstances, this point in time is obviously no longer able to be used as a reference...

Saint frowned. Because of himself, the "wheel of fate" has gone astray now. If he wanted to predict the development of things, he could only rely on guessing in many cases...

The Destroyer of Asgard... Uru Metal...

Insant, who intends to pay attention to the arrival of "Thor" on the earth, is actually not very interested in his hammer. As for taking it for himself, he has never even thought about it. It is the king of gods "Odin", "Mjolnir" who has personally branded the mark, no matter how exaggerated his strength is by leaps and bounds, it is impossible for him to be so arrogant that he does not take "Asgard" seriously, something that is truly inevitable, In the original plot, it was the "destroyer wreckage" recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., or in other words, the "Uru" metal that was cast into the destroyer.

When it comes to the strongest metal in the Marvel world, "Zhenjin" and "Edelman Alloy" are well-known, while "Ulu", one of the three major metals in Marvel, seems to be much more low-key, but the fact is that In fact, compared with the first two that are only famous on the earth, Ulu's name has already resounded all over the universe.

What else is made of Uru metal besides the Destroyer? Odin's "Spear of Eternity", Heimdall's "Sword of Guardian", Thor's current "Mjolnir", the upgraded version of "Storm Destroyer" in the future, and Thanos' "Infinity" Gloves"!

That's right, this metal can carry the power of infinite gems!

And the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau who got the wreckage of the Destroyer, what did they make with it after getting it? A laser gun as powerful as that...

Two words are not enough to describe...

Thinking of this, Saint curled his lips and said to himself, "Let's let it glow in my hands!"

Having said that, this is after all a matter of the future. The problem facing Yinshengte at present is that he does not have a suitable gravity room when he is about to go to the wishing gravity instrument.

And through practice in the spiritual world, Saint's use of the Shadow Cloak has reached a new level, which also gave him a new choice.

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