The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 333 Change the way of attack

After Ye Rongyao exited the system of the island country's train station, he invaded the computer system of the island country's airport. Following the same method, he implanted the "Xiao Silai New Year's Eve" virus into the island country's airport system. Soon, the island country's airport system also paralyzed. ●⌒,.

At 13:30 in the afternoon of the island country time, the island country train station system was paralyzed.

At 13:50 in the afternoon of the island country time, the island country airport system was paralyzed.

At 14:20 in the afternoon of the island country time, the island country's banking system was paralyzed.

At 14:30 in the afternoon of the island country time, the island country government sounded a yellow warning, announcing that the country had entered a state of secondary alert, and all domestic civil aviation, trains, and banks had stopped running.

Immediately afterwards, the island country government, the island country virus center, and five antivirus software companies jointly issued an emergency yellow alert for the virus. Why is the yellow alert instead of the highest alert for the virus, the red alert?

The main reason is that the islanders are too confident. Although the networks of airports, banks, and train stations have all fallen, in the eyes of island government officials and network experts, they are all viruses. In this case, it should not be difficult to crack the new virus. Once it is cracked, just patch it up.

The island nation's computer network virus control center has now assembled cybersecurity experts and hackers from a large archipelago.

I have to say that the cyber security experts and hackers in the island country are still very powerful. It only took one hour to crack the "Xiao Si Lai New Year" virus.

People in the entire network virus center cheered. In their opinion, there is nothing in this world that can stymie the elites of the island country. The experts and hackers of the island country can crack such a powerful virus in only an hour.

In their opinion, this is something that cyber experts and hackers from other countries in the world cannot do, as long as the islanders under the light of their "sacred aunt" can do it.

But soon they couldn't cheer again. The virus database was updated, but this "Xiao Silai New Year's Eve" virus also targeted this antivirus program, and its mother's was also automatically updated. To be precise, it is automatically mutated.

The experts and hackers of the entire network virus control center were dumbfounded. This is a worm that can mutate automatically. There has never been a worm in the world that can be automatically updated according to the anti-virus program. How can it be cracked?

Immediately. The people in the entire control center were stunned, not knowing what to do next.


After attacking the island nation's bank,

Ye Rongyao quickly evacuated, and gradually cleaned up the traces of use of each "broiler".

After resting for five minutes, Ye Rongyao shook his dizzy mind. Ye Rongrong found that he was going in the wrong direction, and he actually attacked one website after another by himself.

This efficiency is too slow to mention, and it is also very dangerous. It is easy to be waited for by others and catch the traces of one's own attack. Although this possibility is small, it may not be impossible.

I actually do something stupid. Some real hackers transmit viruses through their own attacks, and they all spread to each other through the Internet.

Ye Rongyao re-arranged his thoughts. Soon came up with a solution.

Ye Rongyao quickly created several disguised files on his computer and implanted the virus of "Xiao Si Lai to pay New Year's greetings" in it.

After finding dozens of "broilers" again, Ye Rongyao transferred these files.

Soon, Ye Rongyao took control of twenty personal computers in the island country. How did people find it? They are all looking for the personal computers of famous stars and entrepreneurs in those island countries.

These 20 personal computers have been completely controlled by Ye Rongyao and become Ye Rongyao's new "broilers". Ye Rongyao calls these computers "virus sources" and is also the first batch of computer infections.

It's just different from the "Xiao Si Lai New Year" virus when Ye Yaoyao attacked just now, the current "Xiao Si Lai New Year" virus has been updated. Instead of paralyzing the computer immediately, there is a ten-minute incubation period.

During this ten-minute incubation period, these ten computers will continue to send out emails and video invitations. Chat invitation.

As long as the computer of the other party clicks to accept, the new "Xiaosilai New Year's Eve" virus will be implanted into the new computer, sneak into the system, and repeat the above behavior again, even if the computer is controlled by the "Xiaosilai New Year's Eve" virus, if If you don't power off the computer. The computer will also continue to send virus files.

Of course, if you disconnect from the network or shut down your computer, no matter how powerful the "Xiao Si Lai to celebrate the New Year" virus is, it will not be able to spread the virus through your computer.

After completing these tasks, Ye Rongyao quickly cleaned up all traces of the intrusion, shut down his computer, and finished what he had to do, so he didn't need to worry about the rest, the virus would spread on its own.

As long as there is a network, as long as there is an operating system with the island language as the main language, the spread of this virus will not stop unless the loopholes in the system are found and the virus is blocked from the computer system.

Computer system viruses are all controlled based on system loopholes, so it is impossible to have system viruses that cannot be cracked. Ye Rongyao also believes that his own virus that "comes to New Year's Eve" will also be cracked. It's just a matter of time.

Shaking his dizzy head, Ye Yaoyao fell on the bed and rested. He was using too much brain power just now. Even with Ye Yaoyao's current energy, his head was still a little dizzy.

Lying on the bed, Ye Rongyao fell asleep within a few minutes. Not only did he fall asleep, but he also slept soundly and snorted loudly.

within the island country.

An office building,,, an office light is on.

Yamano Kojiro is the sales executive of a large company in an island country. As usual, he handles some affairs on the computer.


An email without a subject was sent. Although the email had no subject, Shiro Yamano still clicked on it immediately. There was no way. This email was sent by the boss of the group company.

Although Yamano Xiaoshilang has worked in this big company for more than ten years, he has seen the big boss a few times in the distance, and he is not even qualified to say a word to the big boss.

Although he didn't understand why the big boss would send him an email, Little Shiro Yamano didn't dare not to read it. With curiosity, Little Shiro Yamano opened his big boss's email.

After clicking it, Shiro Yamano found strangely that the content of the email was a bunch of garbled characters, and he didn't know what it was. Little Shiro Yamano didn't understand why his big boss sent such an inexplicable email to the middle-level cadres of his small company.

After being stunned for four or five minutes, Shiro Yamano really couldn't think of the reason, so he just ignored it and continued to deal with his own affairs.

But five minutes later, a dynamic picture of a fat man urinating on a grave suddenly occupied the interface of his computer, and he kept repeating the action of urinating. (To be continued.) Mobile users target="_blank"\u003ehttp://m.piaotian.(www.. )

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