The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 124 Enshrined God

Ye Rongyao saw that there were only 200 honor points left, gritted his teeth and exited the lottery interface, there was no way, the remaining 200 honor points, Ye Rongyao was very useful.

Forget it, since there was no lottery, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but check that he had no attributes for a long time.


Host gender: male

Host Age: 28

Host Position: Multi-talented farmer.

Host level: Semi-excellent lazy person.

Host knowledge reserve: the second grade of junior high school.

The host's physical condition: general elite.

Host life skills: God-level chef (cook), intermediate acupuncture, basic medicine, advanced animal taming.

Other skills of the host: riding bicycles, electric vehicles, motorcycles, tai chi, iron cloth shirts, master-level piano skills.

Host special attribute: water attribute (the attribute that can breathe in water)

Host Glory: 200

Seeing that his position is a multi-talented and single-skilled farmer, Ye Rongyao understands that this skill probably refers to piano, chess, and calligraphy. Now that he knows the piano skills, all of them are single skills. Of course, these are just Ye Rongyao's own guesses. Is it true? Ye Rongyao didn't even know that.

I don't know if I don't see it, but when I saw it, Ye Rongyao almost forgot that in just three or four months, he had acquired so many skills, which made Ye Rongyao feel like he was a little superman.


Monday, November 23, 2015, is the 12th day of October (small) in 2015 of the lunar calendar. Ganzhi, Yiwei year Dinghai month Guimao day.

Haircut, consecration, dismantling, dismantling, decoration, burial, construction, trading, voucher establishment, plaque hanging, bed placement, planting.

Entering a house, moving, making a stove, praying for blessings, offering sacrifices, getting married, thanking soil, digging a well, building a house, and visiting a sick person.

This is the day when the old man in the village who knows feng shui fortune-telling will start construction in the village chosen according to the almanac.


Or called the imperial calendar, which is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, and has many calendars that indicate the good and bad luck of the day.

According to legend, Huangli was created by Xuanyuan Huangdi, so it is called Huangli, and it is also commonly known as "Tongshu" among the people.

The main content of the almanac is the date table of the twenty-four solar terms, the daily good and bad luck and taboos, the fortune of the zodiac, etc.

However, before the construction started, there was a ceremony to worship the mountain god. In rural areas, people were still relatively feudal. Before opening a mountain or building a road, it is necessary to sacrifice to the gods.

In the eyes of the rural people, opening mountains and building roads are all about disturbing the gods. If you don’t sacrifice to the gods and show filial piety, you will easily be disturbed by the gods.

Once the gods are annoyed, the gods will bring disasters, which is an incredible thing, so the old people in the village attach great importance to it. The things needed for the sacrifice have been arranged a few days ago. Ye Guangyao does not understand this aspect, as long as he signs Just give money.

Anyway, Ye Yaoyao is clear, you can care about all kinds of money, but the money you need to spend on sacrifices, you can't give less. , that would be disrespectful.

No one wanted to upset the legendary gods, not to mention Ye Guangyao grew up in the countryside, and was very superstitious about these miraculous things.

At about 7:30 in the morning, the old and young men and women of the village all came to the entrance of the village to participate in the ceremony of worshiping the mountain god.

Everyone set up a few square tables in the middle of the road, and placed various tributes on the tables, most of which were fruits, and in the middle was a large pig head, as well as some incense, paper, candles and the like.

You must know that the sacrifice to the gods is at the price of offering gifts. When people submit to the gods, they can kneel and kowtow, and they can burn incense and paper, but the most affordable way to sacrifice to the gods is to offer sacrifices.

In the eyes of the ancients, people have seven emotions and six desires, and so do gods. Since people pray to the gods, they should be willing to sacrifice their best things to win the favor of the gods.

But people have different preferences, and different gods have their own tastes, so there are many kinds of sacrifices. Mainly meat-based.

After all, in the eyes of the ancients, among many foods, meat is the most important. In the era of primitive gathering and hunting, meat was hunted by people with their lives. When primitive agriculture and animal husbandry developed, meat was still extremely valuable.

The ideal life conceived by ancient Mencius is based on being able to eat meat at the age of 70 as an important criterion, and the gifts of disciples to their teachers are only two bunches of jerky, which shows that meat is rare.

Because of this, meat became the main offering to the gods. The carnivorous animals used for sacrifice in ancient times were called "sacrifice", which refers to livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and hogs. Later, they were called "six animals". Among the six animals, the most commonly used are cattle, sheep and hogs, and fish, rabbit and game can also be used. In sacrifice, but not in the "sacrifice".

In addition to "sacrifice", the food used as a sacrifice also includes grains and grains, which are called "粢sheng". Fresh and tender fruits and vegetables are also commonly used in folk sacrifices. After Buddhism was introduced to China, the "Zhai Ji" was richer in fruits. In addition, wine was also a commonly used sacrifice for the gods.

As for the origin of sacrifice, it is said that in the distant ancient times, the ancestors of human beings cut thorns and furs, trekked mountains and rivers, opened up land, and settled villages and crops. Awe of nature, I believe that heaven, earth, sun and moon, mountains and rivers, all creatures have their own gods.

Later, with religious thinking, this kind of Shinto concept became more specific and practical. The Chinese people are actually very broad-minded.

I always think that since gods come to protect human beings, of course, the more the merrier, so they will not refuse. Buddhism has Buddhist gods and Buddhas, Taoism has Taoist gods, and although Confucianism has not developed a religious form or religious organization , but Confucius said the words "intelligence and integrity are called gods", which is equivalent to setting a standard for "godhood".

Under this concept, many sage kings, sages, great Confucians, and famous generals in the history of the country, as well as loyal ministers, righteous men, women, and filial sons in various places, who are in line with the "divine personality" and have outstanding deeds. , born as a British, after death with a spirit, have the opportunity to set up a temple to worship.

Given China's vast land, large population, long history, prosperous cultural relics, and so many sources of gods and spirits, it is not surprising that there are such gods and gods in China, who protect the world and receive incense from all directions.

In addition to the essential sacrifices, incense sticks are also indispensable in sacrifice, because in ancient legends, people cannot directly communicate with the gods, and they have to express their wishes to the gods through the altar smoke of burning incense sticks.

There is a common saying: "Going into the temple to worship the gods and calling people into the house" is a kind of respect and courtesy. Entering the temple to worship the gods requires offering incense, but it does not mean that the gods will breathe these incense. This is a way to greet the gods.

"Start to worship the mountain gods, play music and fire salutes."

As soon as 8 o'clock arrived, Ye Kongming, the main sacrifice, shouted loudly, announcing the official start of the ceremony to sacrifice to the mountain god.

After the salute was fired, the candles and incense began to be lit, and the worship began. There was also a long series of sacrificial texts that Ye Rongyao could not understand. Ye Rongrong didn't need to worry about anything.

It took half an hour to end the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the mountain gods, and the sacrifices were also withdrawn. These sacrifices were taken back to share with everyone, so that everyone could experience the spirit of immortality. After all, in people's consciousness, these After the sacrifices are paid, the gods will only eat a little bit, and the rest will be given to the people.


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