The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 259: Blackboard News

The official and private schools in Bianjing have long implemented blackboard teaching, and some more rigorous teachers will practice specifically because they are not accustomed to using chalk on the blackboard to make the handwriting more beautiful.

The new ideas provided by Yun Yanhui gave hope to these students who wanted to run an internal newspaper.

"I think it is good to run a newspaper with a blackboard, and in this way, we can also put the blackboard on the outer wall so that anyone in the past can see it."

"It's just that I put it on the blackboard, and every time I change the issue, the content is erased. Isn't it a pity?"

"No, no matter whether it is placed inside or outside the school, good poetry can't be wiped off."

"That's right. If there are good poems, everyone will naturally copy them. If they are of no value, they will be wiped away."

The students had some discussion and felt that this was really a good way.

When Yun Yan heard them saying that he wanted to put it on the outer wall, he also smiled, "If you want to put it on the outer wall, then you have to fix it. This represents the level of the entire government school. Passers-by will think this It's the best thing that Kaifeng Mansion learned."

All beings suddenly realize that the responsibility is great, and if they want to run a newspaper, they must keep improving. And everyone thinks that it is better to put it on the outer wall. Although it has to be tested by more people, this is also a great opportunity to know everyone's level.

As a result, the students of Kaifeng Fuxue crowdfunded a sum of money, and after applying with the teacher, they built a long blackboard on the outside wall of the Fuxue. Then, he set up an editorial board, invited several gentlemen, including Yun Yan, to come back as consultants, and then compiled a newspaper seriously.

There are students here who have also practiced in the "Kaifeng Mansion News", so the implementation of the process can be considered wise.

After half a month, I searched for a morning, and students who had no class took turns to copy the content on the blackboard. This was the first issue of Kaifeng Fuxue Blackboard Journal. There are words and pictures, and pictures and texts are both abundant.

Yun Yanhui and several gentlemen knew they had come out, and they took them to look outside the school.

There are people coming and going on Touxi Street. After the blackboard was installed, many people paid attention. They just didn't know what it was for. They thought it was a new bulletin board, and there were people posting things on it.

While the students were copying, many people were watching. This is new. Nowadays, blackboards are only used in schools, and ordinary people have never seen it. It was especially interesting to see them writing with chalk and erasing them if they were wrong.

Especially children, who squatted around and watched them all morning and didn't take them away.

After the blackboard newspaper was transcripted, many people watched and read the words to everyone if they were literate.

Some people have a rough knowledge of poetry and will make a little comment.

Soon after, students from other colleges came to watch.

They are more professional than onlookers. They still have manuscript paper in their hands. When they encounter texts that they feel are good, they will copy them, and they will give pointers and comments here, and communicate with each other.

Yun Yan returned to them and looked at the door for a long time. There were not few people onlookers outside, only more. Many people couldn't get in afterwards, and they could only shout out blankly: "What are you looking at? Read it!" "

"What? Just read it? I didn't hear it too late!"

"What is written on it?"

As for the editors and the students who have published works in this issue, they have a sense of accomplishment. They want to watch the response of their works, but they are not embarrassed, so they can only force to stay calm in school.

Those students who did not publish their works ran out to watch the response, and then came back after a while to report aloud, which classmate's work has been read the most times.

A few days later, people still surrounded the Kaifeng Academy to sign newspapers. It also caused a lot of repercussions among scholars, especially students, and was highly praised.

Although this Kaifeng Fuxue has not been established for a long time, it seems that it has always been leading the trend since its establishment. From the mode of studying in separate studios to their social practice activities, they are very influential, and there is a faint tendency to lead the leaders of the schools in Beijing.

Other academies looked itchy. Everyone could apply for the blackboard, so it didn't take long for the blackboard newspaper to spring up like bamboo shoots in the middle of Beijing.

Many college students are consciously not inferior to those from Kaifeng Fu, and they are struggling to do better.

Even if some colleges do not have students organized to make blackboard newspapers, the colleges also post blackboards, draw some pictures on them, and advertise the college’s past results.

And as expected by those students, only good works will not be a pity because they are erased, but because everyone knows that the blackboard newspaper will be erased, and may even be beaten by the rain, so they are anxious to copy.

Another phenomenon has also appeared, that is, various academies have begun to secretly become more popular. Taixue is the worst, because the painting school newly established in the past two years with the Hanlin Academy of Art belongs to the same system. They also bring in painting students to help draw some decorative layout illustrations.

The paintings are completely dazzling, how to attract people. There are students in painting school and Zheng Ling who are learning three-dimensional painting. It is a particularly trendy genre in Beijing in the past two years. A painting above can attract many people to look at it.

But this kind of behavior also makes many students in other colleges envy, jealous, and disdainful. Seriously, if they have a relationship, they also want to bring people who study painting. Not to mention anything else, after the layouts and illustrations of Taixue were handed over to painting students, the sense of design was enhanced, and they all looked high-end and high-end.

As for people who disdain this behavior, it is good to be good, but it is an act of cheating. To learn too much is to learn too much, painting is painting learning, and a system does not bring such fun. If you want to do this, can you still call martial arts students in the fight with other academies?

But having said that, these blackboard newspapers are read by many idlers, passers-by, and scholars. Later, the more famous school blackboards on the outer walls are about to become tourist attractions in Beijing. Outsiders who come to Kyoto should appreciate it.

Later, it has fed many people. There are newspaper readers in the teahouse, as well as newspaper readers beside this blackboard newspaper. Most of them are tourists’ business. Not only can they help with reading newspapers, but they can also tell stories. What kind of unfair competition is too learned? The blackboard newspaper caused a sensation.


——All of the above is something to follow. Soon after Kaifeng School opened the blackboard newspaper, their student Cuju League was also in the championship finals.

This championship candidate team all came from private academies, and unfortunately all official schools were eliminated.

However, due to the struggle for some time, even if most schools were eliminated, they still came to the scene with great concern, wanting to see who won the championship.

Some members of professional Cuju teams such as the Baihua Lions and Xiejie Teams were also invited to the scene to watch the game, and awards will be presented to the players after the game.

The venue is in Puguanze’s stadium, which is also the place where professional leagues are held. Because the student league is very popular, Puguanze originally had many tourists and professional players as guests. So Yunyan went back to the scene to see that it was too. Sit full.

There are many advertising banners on the stadium. The advertisers who came to the scene were also very happy to see so many people.

They are all small and medium-sized businesses that can't afford to sponsor professional leagues, so they sponsored the student leagues. They didn't expect the response to be good. They were out of their expectation, and the advertising expenses were worthwhile, and everyone was very happy.

When the merchants Yunyan met back to see that he was also here, they came up to say hello.

"At first I knew that it was your student, so I signed the contract. Later I learned that you were not in Bianjing anymore. It was the students who did it by themselves. I was a little disappointed. I thought the money was lost. I didn't expect this competition to be very successful. Your demeanor, I spend too much money."

Yun Yan returned to be humble, "I'm not a serious gentleman. I take care of them eating and sleeping, but our students have studied in many yamen, and they are very capable."

"It's enough to go anywhere in the future, if only you can come to me..."

As soon as this person said what he said, he was booed by everyone.

"You want to be beautiful."

"Isn't it okay to think about it? If it comes, I can give this number." The man said and gestured a number, which caused the big guy to ridicule.

Nowadays, the ability of scholars to do things is really uneven, especially for those who study the classics. Even many officials are complaining. The imperial court recruiting scholars to these people is simply blind and knows nothing. The students of classics are widely dismissed.

However, in Kaifeng Prefecture, because of the divided fast teaching method and sufficient practical opportunities, even students majoring in Confucian classics are not inferior to others in terms of practical work.

Students like this are very popular whether they go to the yamen or the shops. It takes less effort to train them, and it will be much faster to get started. The best of them, like the main organizers of this league, let alone.

Almost everyone of the students of Kaifeng Fu participated in the organization of this league, and each had their own responsibilities. On this day, they are still wearing school uniforms and busy on the field as staff.

Yun Yan was chatting with people on the side, and he felt quite proud to listen to the students who praised the school.

After a game, the situation was not as good as the professional league, but it was also quite fierce, which mobilized the emotions of the audience. In the end, one of the colleges won the championship, and the professional players went to the field to distribute prizes.

——Also among them is Li, who seems to be more excited than the winning student.

Since joining the professional Cuju team, Lee's life has been changed. From the past, he was said to be stupid in the charity club, and now he is often recognized on the streets. Now, he can even give awards to those who are particularly good at reading. He himself thinks how capable is He De.

The championship prizes are sponsored, which is considered a big gift package, which contains the four treasures of the high-grade study, hardcover books, etc., all marked with the logo to prove that it is a special edition of the championship. It is not directly converted into a bonus, but it is in line with the style of the student league.

One thing that makes everyone dumbfounded is that the people of the Hundred Blossom Lions team feel that the championship team's ball head has great potential, and they especially want to pry the corner. The boss behind the Hundred Blossom Lions team is a nobleman and rich. So while awarding the prizes, he offered high prices and wanted to dig people.

People entered the academy because they wanted to study and become an official. Cuju is a hobby. How could I want to be a professional player, I immediately declined.

The Hundred Flowers Lions team did not give up and tried to persuade them repeatedly.

On the one hand, their bosses have a lot to do with officialdom. On the other hand, they don’t have to play football for many years. How old is Jiang Taigong as an official? It’s not too late to go to school after playing for a few years!

Everyone who heard it started booing, making the student dumbfounded.

After the gentleman from the college found out, he hurried over to protect the students. If you participate in a competition for students, you can still encounter diggers. The most annoying thing is that the diggers are not other colleges, but are playing football. What a thing!

Seeing that the gentleman of the academy was in a hurry, the people in the Xiejie team were still gloating and gloating on the sidelines, and the people from the Hundred Blossom Lions team had to converge, saying that they would visit again in the future.

This scared Mr. Shuyuan, because the conditions offered by the Hundred Blossom Lions were really attractive. He pulled the student aside and persuaded him again and again, teaching him that he must not be dazzled by money and popularity. The Emperor Zhenzong once said that there is a golden house in the book, and you can have those things after reading.

The student organisers of Kaifeng Fuxue also said silently that I invite you to present awards, not to disrupt the situation. It’s too unpretentious to be poaching in person. If so, which college would dare to allow students to participate in the competition? One game, all the people are lost.

After this episode, everyone was excited to celebrate.

A student from a college suggested: "Let’s go to a restaurant, invite some oiran ladies to add to the fun, eat wine and write poetry!"

The cold sweat of the students in Kaifeng Fu dripped all of a sudden. Although it was not the time for class, but looking at Mr. Yun, who was smiling kindly, they all felt a bit chilly...

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