The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 232: Rich country and strong soldier

It is said that Bao Zheng was awarded the post of political affairs minister and officially became the deputy minister. In the original work, this man is from the sky and the stars descend to the earth. He has always had a sense of mission. Once he became deputy minister, he immediately thought about doing things.

Bao Zheng called Gongsunce, Zhan Zhao and Yun Yan back. These people can be said to be convinced by him, and their character is also reliable.

"Since the official has entered the stage, there is something to do." Bao Zheng said solemnly.

Yun Yan answered hurriedly, "I know I know."

Bao Zheng said "Hey", "How do you know Zhufeng? Let's listen."

Yun Yan replied solemnly: "The grandfather is no longer young. He has been busy with political affairs and has no time to get married. We all see it in our eyes and remember it in our hearts. As the saying goes, get married first, then set up a career... Leave it to us!"

Bao Zheng: "..."

Gongsun Ce and Zhan Zhao both laughed secretly.

"Leave it to you, what do you want to do?" Bao Zheng pointed at Yunyan back, "You are a man!"

Yun Yanhui hurriedly acted humbly: "Master Xiang, please enlighten me."

"This official came into the picture at such an age. It is actually trusted by the officials. In the past few years in Kaifeng Mansion, the official also has some insights." Bao Zheng glanced back at Yun Yan. "Therefore, if you want to offer advice, you three have each. Director, so I ask you to come and see it for more details."

Having said that, Bao Zheng came up with a document, which is full of good intentions.

Gongsun Ce smiled and said: "Zhufeng is also a joke, the master said, let's listen carefully and make a strong contribution."

Bao Zheng nodded and said: "Not long ago, we cleaned up Tokyo, which took several years to complete. The rule of a government is still the same, let alone a state and a country? In the final analysis, it is caused by two reasons."

"First, many states in our dynasty have strong folk customs, green forests, robbers and robbers. Second, there are many officials and soldiers. Although there are many sergeants, there are many old, weak or cunning people in Beijing. Xiang Bing is still like this, let alone elsewhere?

"The robbers are mostly born out of nothing to do, and some are just to oppress the people. What about this redundant army..."

Having said this, Bao Zheng paused, as if thinking about what to say.

Yun Yan replied: "It is a problem left over from history."

Bao Zheng thought that it was quite accurate, so he nodded and said, "Yes, this is a problem left over from history."

Since the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the generals were jealous, and until now they have emphasized civility over military affairs. However, the border has been fighting constantly, and many soldiers have to be raised to maintain combat effectiveness. Therefore, there are many soldiers but not good enough, and the entire military system is rather chaotic.

Although Bao Zheng was a civil servant, he did not despise the military commander, but thought it was a malaise.

Bao Zheng also said: "In the early days, the court also ordered these unemployed vagrants to join the army, but instead it prompted many people to flee for theft again after they learned some skills in the army. They are so proficient as thieves."

"From Tokyo’s experience, we can see how to solve it. After the gangsters in Tokyo were able to switch to other things after the Kaifeng Mansion cracked down on them, they were able to do other things because they had work to do. Otherwise, they would fight harder. There is no way to go.

"Come on, these soldiers are all subdued, and the guards, guards Bai, and others have taught them their skills. I heard that some people have fought with the Forbidden Army and won?"

When Bao Zheng talked about this, Zhan Zhao suddenly became embarrassed. He thought that Bao Zheng didn't know, and nodded helplessly, "Although he often practiced, he still inevitably fights hard."

Zhan Zhao didn't dare to say it, and it wasn't because Bai Yutang instigated it.

Gongsun Ce lightly nodded his head and said: "The Lord's mean is to offer advice to the officials so that everywhere can imitate it?"

"Yes, every time there is a famine, the imperial court always urges various temples and Taoist temples to fund bridges and pave the road, hire the people, and work for relief." Bao Zheng said.

"However, this does not completely solve the problem. If it is not a bridge or road, but a place where money can be made, it is not only repaired during the famine? Take Puguanze as an example, how much did it hire in the construction process? Minfu, after the completion, how many long-term jobs have been provided?"

"I also made a lot of money," Yun Yan said back. "Shen Cunzhong also told me before that only when the money flows can it play a bigger role and solve more problems."

Although what Bao Zheng said was a public security issue, it actually involved many important aspects. This is the experience of Kaifeng Prefecture, and it is not impossible to apply it in other places.

Bao Zheng was here to ask for opinions. Now that he has said, Gongsun Ce and Zhan Zhao have also added up.

Zhan Zhao believes that the equipment of the army is too poor. Like their soldiers, their weapons are rusted, and many equipment is only stored in the accounts. This was a problem that existed throughout the entire Song Dynasty. Don't mention weapons or anything. There were many cavalry soldiers in the Song Dynasty who didn't even have horses.

Gongsun Ce shook his head and said, "There is no place to raise horses in the Great Song Dynasty, so it is difficult to produce good horses!"

This good horse can only be bred in a cold place, and there is no horse producing area in the Song Dynasty. Not to mention good horses, even ordinary horses are now a problem.

Yun Yan thought back for a while, "As soon as the prince talked about the issue of hiring civilian husbands to provide jobs, then why can't the horses be raised by private households? I heard that the Zhenzong Dynasty also had supervision and pastoral care, but because there was no large pasture land, They even use cultivated land to raise horses. But why bother herding herds? It can be completely dispersed and ask the households to raise horses voluntarily, so that they can raise horses that meet the requirements in exchange for taxes and taxes."

As soon as Bao Zheng heard this, he kept calling out great kindness. This issue of raising horses was completely covered by everyone, but I didn't expect Yun Yanhui to actually have good suggestions, "What about the second?"

"Secondly," Yun Yan laughed back, "Didn't we establish the Tusi system? When I chatted with Little Tiger, I learned that there are actually many alpine grasslands in Guangnan. Many Tu people living in the deep mountains are looking for a place to live. At that time, priority will be given to the fertility, water and beauty of the land, so the little tigers know that there is such a place."

"I don't know how to raise horses, but just now when the guards talked about the conditions for a good horse, I remembered that these high mountain grasslands, where the weather is cold and the water is very good, are great places to raise horses. Many local officials teach the Tu people. It is to tell them to come out of the mountains and live in the city. But maybe they can use their familiarity with the deep mountains to ask them to raise horses for salt and tea supplies?

"Although I don't know how many grasslands like this exist, the legs of mosquitoes are also fleshy. This can be used to strengthen the control of the tusi and the Tu people."

Yun Yan replied that other people did not consciously even nodded their heads, and their thinking became broader, and they had been discussing it for a long time.

In the end, Bao Zheng wrote down all the suggestions, and Xindao called them to discuss it. It was true that the three heads were even better than Zhuge Liang, not to mention the three who have experienced the past few years with him.

Bao Zheng wants to summarize again, and then enter the palace to Renzong.

Bao Zheng looked very confident and sent Yun Yan back to the three of them.

Yun Yan thought back to his heart, and saw Gongsun Ce and Zhan Zhao's relaxed look, and suddenly remembered that he was actually worried that the ills of the Song Dynasty in history will be difficult to correct, but this is not the complete real history.

Bao Zheng descended from the stars, and Renzong was still a generation of Mingjun. He recruited talents everywhere, and he also valued people with high martial arts such as Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang. Therefore, Bao Zheng said together that if Renzong thinks it is right, maybe he will really change the old style of emphasizing literature and ignoring martial arts!

No, it's not that maybe... According to Renzong's appearance, it is very possible!

Yun Yan immediately laughed in response.

Gongsun Ce and Zhan Zhao both looked at Yun Yan in surprise, "What are you laughing at?"

Yun Yanhui immediately converged his expression, and happened to see Zhao Yunchu not far away, so he said, "I didn't laugh at all, I saw Xiaochu, I'll find him to eat!" After a long time brainstorming with Bao Zheng, He is really hungry.

Yun Yan ran back happily, patted Zhao Yunchu, and wrapped his shoulder with one hand, and the two went to the cafeteria intimately.

Zhan Zhao said with emotion: "It turns out that I saw Brother Zhao, so it's no wonder that they laughed so happily. The two of them really deserved to be misunderstood as a friendship with a broken sleeve! Isn't it, Mr. Gongsun?"

Gongsun Ce was also looking at Yun Yan back to their backs. At this moment, he looked back, turned his head, smiled, "You think so, so be it." Then he walked away.

"??" Zhan Zhao was inexplicable, feeling that he didn't understand Mr. Gongsun's meaning, did he say something wrong?


"What's the matter with Bao Xianggong looking for you?" Zhao Yunchu asked caringly, "I'm so busy, there won't be any work, right?"

Yun Yan shook his head back and said, "What do you think?

What I said today is not easy to spread, even if the relationship is close, this Yun Yan will still understand, so he said seriously, "It is about whether the grandfather should be married."

Zhao Yunchu was shocked: "My grandfather wants to get married?"

Because Zhao Yunchu didn't pay attention to lowering his voice when he was surprised, people passing by heard it and were shocked, "My grandfather is getting married?"

The difference between one word is big, and everyone around me leaned forward.

"Morning? Which lady is it?"

"Our father-in-law is now participating in political affairs. What a noble woman is not worthy of!"

"This is a great thing. The grandfather is so busy with office affairs that he has no time to think about marriage. It's time to get married."

"Yes, many people are also concerned about this matter."

Yun Yan replied: "..."

Yun Yan returned quickly and solemnly declared that there was nothing left. Everyone agreed verbally, but they turned their heads and discussed in a low voice.

"Then just want to? It's also... the grandfather is not young anymore, there is no one in the room..."

"That's it, you should think it is. The grandfather's family is not in Beijing, and no one manages it. Otherwise, why is it so!"

Yun Yan was also speechless, witnessing the origin of a rumor with his own eyes.

A few days later, Renzong listened to the advice, and as expected, he issued a decree with several orders.

The first is the promulgation of a new law on horse-raising, which includes two parts. One is to ask the people to use horses to deduct tax, and the other is to ask the Tu people to set up horse farms on high mountain grasslands in Guangnan, the Tusi experimental site, to raise horses for the court.

Secondly, Pu Guanze is doing very well. Kong Ji is also opening classes and accepting apprentices. You can also build branch gardens in other prefectures. Powerful state capitals can participate in the operation. You just need to submit an application. This matter will be left to Youyuan. The management will be responsible.

The third is the establishment of a new department such as the Military Equipment Supervision Department.

This is not very special about Tu people’s horse raising and Puguanze’s opening of the branch garden.

Many people think that the former is to further consolidate the position of the chieftain, and the court has been working hard to increase the number of horses. The latter has been heard a long time ago, and Pu Guanze will go to the national chain in the future.

Some ministers also said whether we can open one in Liao or the border between the two countries to make money from the Liao people, or at least we can make a crew.

You know, not only are all parts of the country enthusiastically looking forward to the Bian opera, the people in Liao are even more obsessed, and they have been calling for the Kong family class to perform in the past.

Only the establishment of a military equipment supervisor is relatively new. It is said that this is a place that specializes in weapons research and will collect ideas from all over the country. Officials were transferred from other departments, and Shen Kuo of the former Ministry of Industry was transferred to serve as deputy.

However, this matter did not cause much disturbance. No one knows that this idea and candidate were all mentioned by Yun Yan back. He trusts this brother-in-law's ability very much.

When they talked with Bao Zheng that day, they said that they must first sharpen their tools if they want to do well.

It is very necessary for the establishment of a military weapon monitor. We can now develop weapons, and we can monitor the quality of military weapons in various regions in the future.

This is actually already a signal. When the country was founded, it paid great attention to the research and development of weapons, and then gradually decreased, and now it has improved, and a special department has been established, which shows that we must re-emphasize the military.

These are just the first steps. In the future, Renzong will gradually improve the control and rewards of the army and generals, including eliminating miscellaneous soldiers, recruiting experts, and training the army. The beginning of a rich country and a strong army.

Because he was afraid of causing a backlash from the civilian officials, Renzong could only quietly reform, step by step, and wait until the development was completed, it would be useless to let those people shout. There are no more than two slaps in the DPRK who know about this.

Seeing that everything was implemented as planned, Bao Zheng went very smoothly and was in a good mood, and returned home humming the drama "Liu Bei's Crossing the River".

Once back to the mansion, someone reported that several matchmakers came to the house today and have been waiting for a long time.

Bao Zheng was stunned, "Matchmaker? What is the matchmaker here, do you complain?"

Bao Zheng wondered, could it be that there was a big case involving matchmakers who asked these people to report the case together, and it was directly reported to him. You must know that many cases are now being tried by the officials below.

The official reported: "I heard that the grandfather intends to marry and wants to match you..."

Bao Zheng: "..."

Recently, Yun Yan mentioned something about his marriage, that is, when everyone was discussing the policy. When Bao Zheng thought about it, his face suddenly (more) darkened, "Outrageous, go call Yun Zhufeng to me!"

The official was very surprised and said, "Hey, what... Did Mr. Yun know that your grandfather wants to see him? It's a brilliant plan! He said that if the grandfather is looking for him, he will tell you that he will go to the government to invigorate the exam. , I won't be back in three or five days, I have to watch it again in seven or eight days!"

Bao Zheng: "..."

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