The Little Ancestor Teaches You How To Live

Chapter 745 Chu Heng became the scapegoat (1)

The car... the sunroof was... lifted!

Before Chu Heng could recover from the shock of the skylight being lifted, another loud noise came.

What is it this time?

Chu Heng quickly looked back.

The car...the deformed!

Chu Heng was stunned for only two seconds, and the car door received another punch from Su Su, from "deformed" to "broken".

What kind of monster is this?

That's a car! car! Metallic! Not paper!

How did she do it when she told her to do it?

Chu Heng quickly pulled over and parked the car.

I just stopped the car and when I turned back, the seats in the back seat were torn apart.

Chu Heng got out of the car quickly. Before he could figure out how to deal with Su Su, more than a dozen cars chased him and surrounded him.

Qin Xingzhi, Qin Yanyan, Xiao Beibei, Qin Yuche, Shao Jinyang's team members and others got off the car to help find people.

Everyone rushed to Chu Heng's car and took Su Su out of the damaged back seat.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"Is my sister injured anywhere? Let me see!"

Qin Xingzhi and Qin Yanyan surrounded Su Su. They looked up and down at Su Su carefully, fearing that there were wounds on Su Su's body.

"I'm fine, big brother and second brother, I'm fine, don't worry!" Su Su comforted.

She knew that her eldest brother and second brother would be worried about her if she disappeared, so she had to tell them that she was fine when she came back.

"What's going on with that car? Sister, are you being attacked?"

Looking at the tattered car that looked like it had been in a car accident, Qin Yan asked worriedly.

"I dismantled the car. That one is a bad guy. If the bad guy dismantles the car, he can't take me away!" Su Su replied.

This was what Su Su thought of after her first kidnapping.

Because when the car stops in a strange place where no one is around, she will not be able to find her way home.

So she decided to wreak havoc on the road so she wouldn't lose her home!

"My sister is so smart!"

Qin Xingzhi and Qin Yanyan couldn't help but praise them.

After confirming that Su Su was indeed uninjured, the Qin family's eyes immediately came to Chu Heng. Their eyes were as sharp as knives, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

Chu Heng looked confused: "What are you doing?"

"Chu Heng, you bastard!"

Xiao Beibei rushed in front of Chu Heng, raised her hand and punched him in the face.

Chu Heng felt the pain and touched his beaten face, feeling aggrieved and angry:

"You crazy woman, you are sick! I kindly sent your little monster back to you, but you come up and beat me indiscriminately?"

"Fuck you!" Xiao Beibei wanted to hit her, but was stopped by Shao Jinyang's team members.

"Mrs. Qin, he is not worthy of your violence for him. If you hit him again, he may sue you for personal assault."

Seeing someone stopping Xiao Beibei, this crazy woman, Chu Heng said viciously: "Is this crazy woman suffering from rabies? She comes up to bite people when she sees her?"

At this time, several comrades in uniforms came up: "Chu Heng, you are suspected of kidnapping Qin Susu. Now we are arresting you in accordance with the law. Please follow us to the bureau to assist in the investigation."

"You...what did you say? Kidnapping?"

Chu Heng was stunned.

He just answered Mr. Ming's call and came to see someone off. How did he become a kidnapper?

Qin Xingzhi was furious: "Chu Heng, you bastard, why are you pretending to be stupid here? If the Chu family you run has a conflict with our Qin family, then come after us! What kind of man are you doing to our sister?"

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