Sang Zi was surprised when he saw Qin Yuhuai: "Why are you here?"

"This hotel belongs to me." Qin Yuhuai replied, his voice was low and his expression was frighteningly serious.

His eyes looked like he wanted to eat someone.

"Does the Lita Hotel belong to you? I don't even know."

Sang Zi only knew that Qin Yuhuai was not in charge of the affairs of the Qin family's original company, but opened a hotel of his own.

But she didn't ask for details, so she didn't know that Qin Yuhuai opened the Lita Hotel.

"You should have inquired more before doing such a thing." Qin Yuhuai said coldly.

"This kind of thing? That kind of thing?" Sang Zi looked confused.

She felt that Qin Yuhuai was acting strange today, but she couldn't tell in what way.

Just as Sang Zi was confused, the door to the bathroom next to him opened, and a young and muscular man walked out.

The man had a very short haircut, was tall and strong, and had a tough guy vibe all over his body.

The man seemed to have just taken a shower, and his hair was still wet.

He was only wearing a thin vest, and his strong arm muscles were exposed.

A man and a woman were alone in the same hotel. The man had just finished taking a shower.

Taken together, these factors make it difficult not to think of something.

Qin Yuhuai looked at the man with eyes full of hostility and anger.

The man who had just come out of the bathroom looked wary when he saw someone at the door, and then asked Sang Zi, "Do you know him?"

"Yes, I know him, but I didn't know he would come here." Sang Zi replied.

Sangzi, who was shy and introverted when facing outsiders, was obviously more relaxed when facing this man.

Qin Yuhuai already knew that Sang Zi would only show such a side when facing people he knew very well, which showed that the relationship between the two was unusual.

"So you like this type of thing."

Qin Yuhuai didn't know why there was a ball of anger burning in his chest, and at the same time, there was a sour taste in his words.

"What are you talking about? What kind of thing?" Sang Zi didn't understand what Qin Yuhuai meant.


Qin Yuhuai snorted coldly. He didn't know why he was so angry, let alone how to find a suitable outlet for his anger.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Sang Zi stepped forward and looked at Qin Yuhuai carefully.

His face looked ugly, as if something was really wrong.

Looking at Sang Zi who was so close and looking at her concerned eyes, Qin Yuhuai's anger not only did not go out, but instead grew stronger.

How could she develop such a relationship with another man and still look at him with such concern?

Qin Yuhuai grabbed Sang Zi's arm and stared at her fiercely.

Sang Zi was a little frightened, "You...what's wrong with you?"

There was something wrong with Qin Yuhuai today, so wrong that Sang Zi was a little scared.

"Let her go."

Seeing this, the man who had just come out of the bathroom came forward and said to Qin Yuhuai with a warning look on his face.

If Qin Yuhuai continues to be so indifferent, don't blame him for being rude.

The man stood next to Sang Zi, and the two stood side by side, giving people a feeling of intimacy.

Qin Yuhuai's hands couldn't help but tighten, and veins appeared on the back of his hands.

"You hurt her."

Seeing that Qin Yuhuai didn't let go for a long time, the man no longer showed mercy.

He took a step forward, grabbed Qin Yuhuai's suit by his chest, and pushed him against the wall...

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