East China Sea, north of Chentangguan, in front of a deserted beach.

Yang Jian didn't know when he came here. He sat on the beach and watched the stars turn quietly until the eastern sky turned white and the golden crow rose in the east.

The three-pointed double-edged gun lay beside him.

It's just that the appearance of the three-pointed and two-edged gun is a bit wrong at this time.

The original dragon gun had thin carvings on the gun body, and it was a black dragon soaring faintly; these fine lines can also make Yang Jian hold the gun tighter, and perform various moves more smoothly.

But at this time, the fine lines on the body of the three-pointed and two-edged gun disappeared, replaced by cracks everywhere.

If these cracks were any deeper, the gun body would probably be shattered directly.

The body of the gun is like this, and the cracks on the blade are even more obvious...

This weapon, which had been with Yang Jian for many years, was supposed to be an invincible weapon, but now it was like a piece of porcelain, extremely fragile.

Dragon Spear was humming.

Yang Jian sighed, sat here for three days and three nights, and finally recovered from the depression in his heart.

With his right hand caressing the gun body, the moaning sound disappeared, and instead it was a slight tremor.

It seems that it still wants to prove that it is still tough, and that it can continue to fight with Yang Jian to deal with those powerful enemies.

But in fact, this dragon spear could no longer withstand the force of Yang Jian's full-strength explosion.

Everything has its degree.

When Yang Jian's strength was weak, this dragon gun was like a tiger with wings added to him; after Yang Jian's Bajiu Xuangong passed the crucial fifth level, the dragon gun was both a sharp claw and a fang to him.

Now, Yang Jian kills Kunpeng, kills Minghe, and confronts the virtuous saint...

This dragon gun was completely unable to keep up with Yang Jian, who was galloping forward with strides. Even if he tried his best to exert 120% of the light and heat in his hands, it still became a constraint on Yang Jian's strength.

But Yang Jian had never thought of changing weapons before.



Yang Jian picked up the dragon gun, put it flat on his legs, took a handkerchief, and wiped it carefully.

When I first got this gun, there was no point, only a barrel.

At that time, the dragon king's brother-in-law was still a little bit reluctant, so he deliberately hid it, and even though it was a coincidence later, it was still taken by Yang Jian.

Donghai is really the treasure land where he made his fortune.

Married a beautiful wife here, gained fame, got a treasure gun, started to stir up troubles in the wilderness, and got the support of the Dragon Clan. The next few games with the Heavenly Court were thanks to the secret help of the Dragon Clan.

When fighting Wangmo, thanks to the strength of this spear, he was able to resist Wangmo's attack.

When fighting Zhao Gongming, thanks to the sharpness of this spear, he was able to pierce through the mighty immortal body at the most critical moment...

Showdowns, battles, the traces of the three-pointed and two-edged guns may still be shining everywhere in the sky at this moment.

It's a pity that this dragon gun has reached its final moment.

It can no longer hold on.

In fact, when Yang Jian was fighting with Zhun Ti's golden body, it had already reached its limit and was broken everywhere by the force of the counter-shock; but at that time, it felt Yang Jian's anger and unwillingness, so it was so stubborn.

In the fierce battle against Styx in the sea of ​​blood, Yang Jian also realized that the Dragon Spear was wrong at that time, so he deliberately handed over the Dragon Spear to his left hand, and kept fighting with Styx with Yuan Tu.

Yang Jian originally thought that he would go to the best craftsman in the world later to repair or reforge the dragon gun.

But after waking up from the coma, the thought transmitted to his heart by the Dragon Spear was extremely weak...

It was supposed to shatter when it was raised against the alignment, but it stood still and waited for Yang Jian to come back and bid him farewell.

There is no real verbal communication, and spirituality is always just spirituality, not the real spirit; the three-pointed double-edged spear is just an innate spiritual treasure, and there is a black dragon spear soul originally, and a real weapon spirit cannot be born.

Yang Jian's heart was neither sad nor bitter. At this time, he wiped the spear lightly, feeling parting and reluctance.

The dragon gun trembled a few times, as if expressing something.

Yang Jian nodded slowly, stood up, and faced the scorching sun on the East China Sea, holding the three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand.

Among the many weapons, the three-pointed double-edged spear is the most difficult and the weapon with the most changes.

The advanced grip can be used as a weapon, and the double lift is a slashing knife. It can not only display the number of long spears, but also extend all the changes of medium and long weapons.

Yang Jian used to ponder these moves for a long time, and they were very effective in fighting skills, which helped him fight all the way to today.

But today, Yang Jian waved this spear at the seaside, not too much fancy style, just a set of the simplest and most fundamental marksmanship.

He doesn't use profound energy, doesn't move the profound handle, and the dance is not fast, and the moves are not very subtle.

But under the sunlight, every movement of Yang Jian, the spear in his hand seemed to be shining brightly.

The gun follows the person, the shadow is like the body.

A little bit of cold light blew up, and the gun broke through the enemy's formation like a dragon.

After dancing a set of marksmanship for a while, Yang Jian made a gesture of stabbing forward, the dragon spear in his hand trembled suddenly, from the tip of the spear to the end of the spear, countless cracks shot out light at the same time.

The sound of a dragon's roar rose from the gun, and a black dragon that was almost invisible hovered over the gun body, and then slowly flew towards the East China Sea...

Yang Jian stared at the black dragon with a look of loneliness and helplessness that he had never seen before.

The black dragon flew far away and slowly dissipated in the sky; Yang Jian felt a little dazed, as if he saw a man in black armor standing on the sea water in the sky, and bowed to himself from a distance.

When he took a closer look, the figure was gone...

With a soft bang, the dragon gun in Yang Jian's hand shattered, turning into pieces of black scales and falling on the sand at his feet.

Yang Jian looked down, but didn't make any movement until the sun was setting and the twilight was about to sink. Yang Jian just squatted down, picked up these pieces, and felt their coldness and hardness in the palm of his hand.

When the stars were dim, Yang Jian had disappeared.

There is only a small pile of sand left on the beach, like a small tomb, but there is no tombstone, and no one knows what is buried here.


"I don't know where to go if I want to find someone to drink with."

On the cloud, Yang Jian sat there a little bored, thinking about where he would go next.

Lu Chunyang hasn't been reincarnated yet, and other people who have good acquaintances are either too senior, or they are too busy to be disturbed by retreat and practice, so they can't get a drink at all.

After turning half a circle, Yang Jian simply went to Huaguo Mountain for a stroll.

There is still a huge formation around Huaguo Mountain, and the Buddhist sect's control over this place is a little tighter than when he came last time.

It's a pity that no matter how many masters Ren Er has, no matter how many formations there are, Yang Jian wraps himself with profound energy, and just submerges in it so silently.

What surprised Yang Jian was that Xu Bodhi, who had been guarding this place all along, had disappeared.

However, Yang Jian didn't think too much about these twists and turns inside the Buddhist gate. Even if he is going to plan a journey to the West now, he is still interfering as a chess player to hinder the growth of the Buddhist gate.

As for the benefits of calculating Westward Journey... Yang Jian really didn't see it at this time.

Later, he could use his avatar to make troubles in Journey to the West, but Yang Jian didn't expect much from the stone monkey, nor did he expect to get anything from it.

Looking at the iron plate embedded in the strange stone, Yang Jian was stunned for a while, feeling the rhythm of the stone tire.

The time when the stone monkey was born should not be too far away.

"Go for it, boy."

With a chuckle, Yang Jian's figure disappeared with the wind, without disturbing the people in the Buddhist sect who were guarding the place secretly.

Taking the way to Meishan, Yang Jian thought of the old demon sage who was hiding in the mountains to support his life, and wanted to drink and chat with him; but when he flew into the Meishan formation, Yang Jian finally remembered that he had an apprentice named Zixia, and on a whim, after finding her breath, he flew towards a courtyard in the back mountain.

Above a sea of ​​flowers, the fairy who sits cross-legged and meditating is full of youthful beauty.

Only Meishan female fairies can enter and leave this place, and there are more than ten layers of formations around the courtyard, which looks quite solid.

Therefore, Zixia dressed a little more casually... not too much.

Outside the apron made of silver thread and silk, she wore a thin gauze dress; when the moonlight fell, her skin was like fat white jade, her small mouth was slightly opened, absorbing the vitality of the world and pouring into herself, and a light and agile air wrapped around herself.

Yang Jian was a little embarrassed as a master.

Under the illumination of Yao Ji and the abundant supply of cultivation resources, his apprentice has entered the Great Luo Realm, but Yang Jian feels that his apprentice is a little... unfamiliar.

"Cough," Yang Jian coughed dryly.

Zixia was taken aback for a moment, her eyes had not yet opened, her face was already filled with joy, she called softly: "Master?"

"Well, change your clothes and come to the back mountain to find me."

"Hey! Yes!"

Zixia opened her eyes and looked everywhere for Yang Jian, but naturally she couldn't find any trace.

Not long after, Zixia changed into a plain white dress, freshened up and flew to the back mountain, and saw Yang Jian and Bai Ze drinking there in a pavilion.

She rode the clouds forward and saluted gracefully, bringing a little brightness to this somewhat boring gazebo.

"Disciple pays homage to master and senior Bai Ze."

"Get up, there is no need to be formal," Yang Jian replied with a smile, pointing to the seat beside him, "Sit down."

"Master, it's fine if I stand up," Zixia pursed her lips and replied, standing neatly beside Yang Jian, as if pouring wine for Yang Jian.

Bai Ze sighed faintly: "Oh, it's better to take in a normal apprentice who can serve by your side. My apprentice... probably doesn't remember me."

"Why, I heard Liuya inquire about your recent situation before."

"real or fake?"

"you guess."

"I know you kid is fooling me!" Bai Ze rolled his eyes angrily, and drank the wine in the bottle; Zixia hurried over with the wine pot, and filled Bai Ze's wine.

Yang Jian laughed twice, but then felt a little lonely.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just lost a handy weapon tonight." Yang Jian looked at the palm prints in his hand and sighed softly, "Forget it, I'll find someone to make another one... Zixia, have you ever been tempted by Fanxin recently?"

Not to mention Zixia, Bai Ze tilted his head, and was caught off guard by Yang Jian's quick change of topic.

Zixia blinked, "Is the master testing the disciple's Taoist heart? The disciple's heart to the Tao has never wavered. I just want to be successful in my practice as soon as possible, so that I can help the master to solve the problems. I have never thought about the relationship between these men and women."

"You really haven't thought about it?" Yang Jian looked at Zixia with a smile.

Zixia was a little flustered, thinking about when and where she might have inadvertently done something unusual to a male fairy in the mountain, causing people to misunderstand her.

Bai Ze smiled and said, "Zixia don't worry, your master might want to find you a good husband, hahaha!"

"Senior!" Zixia stomped her feet blushing, if she didn't want to stay with her master for a while, she would have fled away in a cloud.

"Don't be kidding," Yang Jian said with a smile, "marrying an apprentice is as painful as marrying a daughter. I can't bear to marry her off. I just want to remind her to concentrate on her cultivation and don't fall for men's rhetoric so easily."

Zixia quickly nodded, "Yes, I will remember Master's teachings."

Yang Jian thought for a while, and then asked worriedly: "Are you naturally... close to men with thick hair?"

Zixia blinked, really confused by her master.

Hairy man? It might as well raise a spirit monkey to relieve boredom.

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