The Legend of Honghuang Erlang

Chapter 154 Yaoji has no regrets and tears, Erlang splits the mountain and is hurt

The fairy spring washes the fat, and the charm is beautiful.

The orchid is hidden in the empty mountain, and the gods do not know this tranquility.

"I am……"

Yang Jian was about to speak, but his words got stuck at the top of his voice, and he paused slightly.

The inexplicable excitement and inexplicable sadness in his heart were slowly suppressed by him;

The urge to jump into her arms and call mother, which is the most deeply remembered in this specific body, was also suppressed by Yang Jian's rationality, allowing him to maintain some calm at this time.

"Tianpeng, a commander of Tianhe, found this place by accident."

As Yang Jian said so, a wry smile appeared on his lips.

His lie was so obvious that even his own tone said it was a lie, but the woman standing there nodded slightly, as if she really believed it.

"Don't stay here for a long time, this is my prison, if people know that you are here, something will happen to you." Yao Ji said softly.

That kind of tenderness is not intentional, but a habit, a natural temperament, which makes people feel that she is somewhat weak.

Yang Jian asked again: "Why are you... here."

"Of course it's because of a mistake." Yao Ji looked sad, but she still smiled, "Go quickly, there is a magic circle here, if you are locked up here, it will be very difficult for you to realize Taoism and practice."

did wrong……

Yang Jian raised his head lightly, preventing Yao Ji from seeing the complicated gaze in his eyes.

She actually said she made a mistake? Are her son and her daughter all wrong?

"Do you think you're wrong?"

Yao Ji froze for a moment, stood there looking at Yang Jian, naturally she couldn't see through anything, she just felt that what stood in front of her was a transparent and blurry shadow.

Yang Jian asked again: "Do you think you are wrong?"

"Well," Yao Ji nodded lightly, as if she was a little impatient at being pressed by him, she said with a wry smile, "I have harmed my husband, my children, and made them live in nowhere and fear, but I can't do anything for them."

"Then where do you think you are wrong?" Yang Jian raised his voice uncontrollably.

Yao Ji looked at Yang Jian with some suspicion, and then said with a sad smile: "Did the Jade Emperor send you here?"

Yang Jian was silent, just looking at Yao Ji.

Yao Ji's eyes were staggered on him, she looked at the stone wall she had stared at for five hundred years, and said softly: "You can ask whatever you want, I will not make it difficult for you. Your Majesty has not let me go, asked me, or killed me for so many years. I don't know why I am still alive."

"I just came here to ask, where did you go wrong?" Yang Jian's voice had returned to calm.

He wanted to know the answer, and he was afraid of Yao Ji's words, so he completely negated and directly overturned his previous efforts and painstaking efforts.

"It turns out that His Majesty the Jade Emperor sent you to ask me about this matter." Yao Ji nodded knowingly, and said with a wry smile: "My mistake was that I descended to the earth privately, married a mortal, and gave birth to a pair of children, which shamed the heavenly court."

Yang Jian clenched his fists subconsciously, took a sharp step forward, and then took two steps back.

"Is there any more..."

"Also," Yao Ji sneered, but she was too beautiful and gentle, and this sneer also had a different kind of charm.

Yao Ji sighed softly again, "I was wrong. I shouldn't have returned to the Heavenly Court with my brother. I thought he was just a fairy in the Heavenly Court. I wanted to come here to have a look, but I didn't expect that he was the master of the Three Realms. As soon as I came, I was locked in the Heavenly Court."

Yang Jian closed his eyes: "Is there any more?"

"No, I've only done two wrong things in my life."

"Is it gone?" Yang Jian nodded, his eyes were moist unconsciously, and he turned around immediately.

Yao Ji thought he was going to leave, so she shifted her eyes to Yang Jian and said, "Please tell my elder brother, this general, that although I made mistakes, I have no regrets."

Yang Jian took a breath, used the mysterious method to drive away the moisture in his eyes, returned to normal, and turned to look at Yao Ji.

He said, "How?"

"I don't regret following my elder brother to the Heavenly Court and become the Heavenly Court's Princess Bailian. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be able to meet this marriage in the future."

Yao Ji smiled a bit poignantly, and said like a dream: "I don't regret being tricked by others when I go down to earth. They plot against me because I gave them the chance to plot against me. If it weren't for these plots, I wouldn't have met him."

"I don't even regret that I gave birth to my children. My son is so smart, he will definitely become a man of the sky; my daughter is so cute, and she must be a beauty when she grows up..."

As she spoke, she seemed to be in a dream, with a dazed look on her face.

"If I were asked to do it again, knowing that it was a calculation, maybe I would be willing to do it and not avoid it."

With a soft plop, Yao Ji seemed undecided.

But when the handsome general kowtowed to her suddenly, Yao Ji woke up from her dream and looked at Yang Jian.

"General why..."

"I'm not a general!" Yang Jian raised his head, his eyes were already a little red, the profound energy wrapped himself, removed the transformation method, and showed his own shape.

Yang Jian shouted loudly: "My name is Yang Jian! I am the second in the family. My father and brother were killed by the heavenly general Mo Han. I survived by chance and brought my younger sister Yang Xiaochan to worship under the Taoist Master Yuding! I sneaked into the Heavenly Court just to find my mother. My mother's name is Yao Ji. She was originally the White Lotus Princess of the Heavenly Court!"

He didn't say a word, Yao Ji took a step back, and when Yang Jian finished his last sentence, the voice echoed in the mountain, Yao Ji's body was unstable, and she fell to sit on the jade slab.

Yao Ji opened her mouth for a moment without knowing what to say, and pointed at Yang Jian, ", really..."

Yang Jian slowly closed his eyes, sighed a long time, a tear finally slipped down from the corner of his eye.

Yao Ji's eyes were blurred, she sat there as if she was in a daze, "Jianer, is it really you?"

Yang Jian took out a long coat from his arms and slowly put it on the ground.

Yaoji suddenly covered her mouth and nose, got up on the ground and was about to run to this side, but was blocked by a light wall beside the stream, so she could only stick to the light wall.

"Jian'er... come here, let mother see, let mother..."

But he couldn't make a sound, and couldn't even make a string of words.

"Mother! The child is not filial, so you have to suffer here."

Yang Jian kowtowed, stood up, and took two steps forward.

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten his own origin in his heart, and the two originally weak souls completely overlapped.

Seeing that Yang Jian was about to walk over, Yao Ji was so excited that she couldn't help but suddenly realized something.

Yao Ji hurriedly shouted: "Go away! Go away! It must be the Jade Emperor's plan for you to sneak in. He must be plotting against you! Go away, don't be here, go away!"


"Go quickly, don't worry about mother, as long as you and Chan'er are safe and happy, even if mother has been suppressed here for tens of thousands of years, mother will be happy and won't go!"

"I'll save my mother right now!"

Yang Jian suddenly took the non-pointed gun in his hand, took a step forward, and his momentum reached the peak in an instant!

"Mom, please step aside! I'll split this light curtain!"

"No...don't do stupid things, go, this is the eye of the heavenly formation, you can't break it!"

"Mom! How can I be content if I don't try you?"

Yang Jian gritted his teeth, no matter what happened, he took the pointed gun and threw it at the light wall in front of Yao Ji.

He chose an area one foot away from Yao Ji, naturally he was afraid that the wall of light would be broken and hurt his mother...

The no-pointed spear in his hand is more powerful after fusing with the Open Dzi Bead, it is extremely strong, but it is very sharp without a point.

What the mountain-opening ax can do, even if this non-pointed spear is a semi-finished magic weapon, it must be able to do it!

It was too late, and then it was too late, Yang Jian shot on the light wall, and the whole Taoshan began to tremble with a bang, and the formations around Taoshan were activated, and lights flowed everywhere.

Falling gravel also appeared in the mountain, but Yang Jian was bounced from a distance, hit the mountain wall, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

He looked at his palm in horror, it was trembling slightly...


why not?

What kind of treasure is a mountain-opening axe? Why can't my own pointless spear split the mountain of peaches that the sky-opening ax can split?

"Jian'er! Jian'er, are you okay Jian'er! Are you injured! Leave your mother alone, you can go!"

"Mother!" Yang Jian gritted his teeth and charged forward again with his gun raised.

There was another bang, and his figure was bounced away again, leaving another big hole in the shape of a human being on the mountain wall.

There is no crack in the light wall! On the contrary, Yang Jian himself was seriously injured!

Yao Ji knelt down against the light wall slowly, her temples were scattered, and she cried into tears, "Mother, please, go away...don't worry about me..."

"Cough! If you let me watch you suffer, it will be worse than killing me!"

Yang Jian rushed out of the cave, his feet were unsteady, and he knelt on the ground with one knee while leaning on the spear. Most of the mysterious beads in the treasure body were misplaced, there were cracks on two of the mysterious beads, and most of the light from the bones around him was also dimmed.

At this moment, a few shouts suddenly sounded outside the cave:

"Heavenly Court! Who dares to be presumptuous!"

"It's in this mountain! This place is the eye of the Heavenly Court formation, who is here? It can shake the foundation of the Heavenly Court!"

"Open the big formation, all generals pay attention!"


Yao Ji hurriedly looked at Yang Jian, Yang Jian's face was full of unwillingness, but he fell on the ground powerlessly.

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