The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 525 The O.W.Ls Exam Concluded

The final O.W.Ls exam subject is History of Magic.

When the huge hourglass in front of Professor March finished flowing, she stood up and shouted: "All students, please put down your test papers and pens, this exam is over!"

Astoria Greengrass put down the quill in his hand, and looked at the test paper with some reluctance.

The exam is over, which also means that her grades on the test paper have been fixed.

To be honest, she doesn't think she's doing a good job—

There was a fly buzzing and buzzing against a high window next to it, which was quite distracting; it took her a while before she could fully concentrate on answering the questions.

Moreover, the test paper was more difficult than she had imagined. Many things that Professor Binns seldom talked about on weekdays appeared on the test paper, and some of the key points for review were not tested.

The absence of half a year of classes may be a factor.

And the status of today's exam is quite average.

For example, in the sixth question of filling in the blanks, "Please list the five main participants in the Giant War", Astoria racked his brains to come up with the bloodthirsty Bran, Hengis of Upper Barnton, Kukro For the three names of Pusi, there are two blank spaces.

There is also the second question of the essay question "According to your opinion, did the Wand Regulations contribute to or help to better control the goblin riots in the eighteenth century"; she couldn't organize her words for a while, so she simply skipped this question, I was going to go back to answer after I finished writing the test paper; in the end, I completely forgot about it, and I forgot that there was still a question that I hadn't written.

And the last question of the essay question "Please introduce the life story of the demon Emeric in detail", she wrote it in great detail; looking back now, she seems to have confused the demon Emeric with the weird Urick, so All she wrote down were the life stories of the weird Urick.

"It's terrible!" Astoria patted his little head and murmured, "Why didn't I think of it earlier?"

But now it can no longer be modified. Professor March has already walked over and collected the test paper in front of Astoria.

"Hey!" With a long and weak sigh, she looked around.

A small number of people also looked worried like her; but the vast majority of students had already begun to celebrate, at least before the O.W.Ls test results came out at the end of July, they could be unscrupulously happy for more than a month.

"Let's relax!" Astoria took out a mirror from his pocket, and then smiled at himself in the mirror: "What are you going to do now... go find Jon!"


The eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, inside the headmaster's office.

It was already noon, but the busy Headmaster Jon Hart didn't seem to have much time to eat.

"Professor Mellors said that she has completely solved the curse on the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." The headmaster in a portrait said slowly.

"That's great!" Jon's face suddenly beamed with joy: "It seems that I made the right choice to invite Professor Mellors back."

"In addition, Professor Melles also asked me to apply for your resignation on her behalf. Her body can no longer sustain the high-intensity teaching work..." The old headmaster continued to speak slowly.

The smile on Jon's face disappeared immediately, and he muttered with some complaints: "Why don't you finish your sentence..."

This is indeed a big problem. As early as four or five years ago, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had difficulty hiring a qualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor... After all, there are curses, It has already spread in the British magic circle, and few serious wizards are willing to accept this invitation.

Fortunately, as the major exams are basically over, this school year has come to an end; there are still two or three months before the new semester.

But this time I have to find a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts with higher quality and excellent professional ability. After all, with the end of the curse, this position is no longer changed every year.

Just when he finished writing a recruitment letter with a quill pen and was about to ask Fox to stamp it——

Suddenly footsteps came from the spiral staircase at the door.

Astoria was the only one who could break into the principal's office without saying a password.

It occurred to Jon that this morning seemed to be the last of the O.W.Ls.


With a "squeak", Astoria pushed open the door of the principal's office and broke in.

Jon just let Fox engrave the paw print on the recruitment letter. He folded the invitation letter into the envelope and prepared to let the owl take it to the "Daily Prophet" newspaper; Ya glance:

"How did you do on the exam?"

Astoria's face, which was still smiling before, suddenly became depressed, and she whispered, "Jon...I wrote the wrong life experience of the demon Emeric..."

"Devil Emeric, who is that?" Jon Hart was stunned for a moment.

His dazed look made Astoria chuckle.

"Oh, I remembered!" Fortunately, Jon's reaction was not slow: "It was the wizard Emeric who practiced a reign of terror in southern England in the early Middle Ages, right? His nickname was 'Emeric the Devil'... ..."

While talking, he looked at the elder wand on the table; if the historical records are correct, that 'Emeric the Devil' was the former owner of the Elder Wand.

"Did you confuse the demon Emeric with the weird Urick?" Jon suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

"How do you know..." Astoria glanced at him in surprise.

"It's easy to guess." Jon smiled mysteriously: "Because when we were studying this history in the first grade, Professor Binns confused these two people... I spent half a year trying to figure it out." It took hours to check the information before I could fully understand this point."

"Then why didn't you tell me..." Astoria pouted.

"I didn't know that the O.W.Ls exam had to be tested!" Jon spread his hands helplessly: "But if I take the O.W.Ls exam, I can't guarantee anything else. The grade in "History of Magic" will definitely be O (excellent) )!"

"Stop showing off... I'm suffering..."

"What's so embarrassing, is it possible that you still choose "History of Magic" as a sixth grade course?" Jon said casually: "Even if you want to choose, Professor Binns' courses over the years generally only require O.W.Ls. An A (pass) is enough for can't even fail an A, can you?"

Having said that, Astoria seems to be in a better mood.

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