The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 441 Escape from Azkaban

"Of course, although I am not young, my mind is still clear!" Albus Dumbledore said kindly: "At least I still have a certain impression of every student in my head! "

While speaking, Albus Dumbledore took out his iconic elder wand and waved it lightly.

Then suddenly a large bright red bird appeared out of the air and flew among them, almost startling Mr Gadvin-Robbards.

Is this the phoenix? According to legend, Professor Dumbledore owns a phoenix loyal to him! thought Mr. Robards, as he surreptitiously studied the great bird.

"Fox, you go and send those two children away first!" Dumbledore said gently, stroking the phoenix's crown lightly.

Phoenix nodded, spread his wings and took off, and quickly disappeared in front of the two of them.

"Sorry, Gadwin, things have been troublesome recently!" Albus Dumbledore turned around and said to Auror with a little apology: "Actually, I sent those two children here just now." When I was here, I was going to come to you...but a wizard from the Austrian Ministry of Magic suddenly contacted me..."

"A wizard from the Austrian Ministry of Magic?" Mr. Robards couldn't help but tremble. "Could it be that the rumors are true... that dark wizard who was defeated by you escaped from that prison?"

"I can't deny..." Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I have to say, the situation is very bad... So, we must quickly solve the problem on one side!"

"Okay, if you have any orders for me..." Mr. Robards bit his lips, and then said solemnly.

"Of course, I'm here to look for you!" Albus Dumbledore's voice suddenly became low: "Gardwin, you should have heard about the attack at Hogwarts, right?"

"Of's a girl named 'Katie Bell', right..."The Daily Prophet" reported the uproar at that time!" Mr. Robards quickly replied: "I have always been very concerned about the students in the school. situation!"

"That's right..." Albus Dumbledore nodded: "In fact, the real culprit behind this incident... I have actually found it!"

"Oh? Who is it? Do you need Aurors to catch him?" Robards asked hastily.

"It's Draco Malfoy!"

"Draco Malfoy?" Gadvin Robards widened his eyes: "If I remember correctly, he is still a child!"

"Because of this, there must be a huge conspiracy about Voldemort hidden behind this!" Dumbledore said with a serious face.

Hearing the name "Voldemort", Robards couldn't help but shudder.

"Then what can I do about it, Professor Dumbledore?" Robards asked hastily after adjusting his tone.

"I heard that Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy, is in Azkaban now!" Albus Dumbledore finally revealed his reason for coming.


"You mean..." Mr. Gadvin-Robards couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"I have some loyal subordinates in the Order of the Phoenix, and some of them secretly defected to Voldemort..." Dumbledore said tactfully, "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you their identities..."

"Of course, I understand!" Robards nodded hastily.

"One of them gave me this suggestion!" Dumbledore continued: "Lucius Malfoy has become an abandoned child on Voldemort's side. Even in the last 'hostage exchange' operation, he Nor was Voldemort asked to return it; but for the Draco-Malfoy matter, this pawn is important to us..."

"So..." Robards murmured.

"That's right, let Lucius Malfoy out of Azkaban!" Albus Dumbledore said firmly, "Don't worry... Rufus and Amelia, I will I went over and explained to them myself, you don't need to worry..."

If someone else asked Gadvin Robards to release a prisoner in Azkaban, Robards would definitely choose to arrest the other party immediately.

However, since it is Albus Dumbledore...

There must be a reason for him!

Obviously, the Dumbledore in front of him couldn't be a fake.

After all, there are countless protective magics around Azkaban. Except for Dumbledore himself, no one can get here without triggering any alarms; not to mention that even if "polyjuice potion" is used, there is no Death Eater Capable of getting Albus Dumbledore's hair!

"I see, Professor Dumbledore!" Gadvin Robards nodded with a serious face, and asked at the same time, "What should I do?"


The chill from the dementors is dissipating...

A warm breath quietly enveloped the side.

Lucius Malfoy opened his eyes hazily.

He seems to have had a dream, just a few minutes ago... In the dream, he met a young man named Christopher Patrick, who asked him to pledge his allegiance to Gellert Grindelwald, and promised to meet him in ten minutes He will be rescued from Azkaban soon!

How is it possible... With the current layer of defenses in Azkaban, who can break through it within ten minutes!

But... the warm breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the cold seems to have completely disappeared!

Lucius Malfoy woke up and found that he was on someone's back!

And a silver-white owl patron saint flew in front of them... The reason why the influence of the dementors is disappearing is because of this patron saint.

"Galdwin Robards?" Lucius Malfoy almost shouted.

Because he recognized the man who saved him.

Gadvin Robards... a half-blood wizard, the current director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, the chief Auror, the confidant of Rufus Scrimgeour and Amelia Burns, and extremely loyal to the Ministry of Magic Aurors...

Such an Auror has already been identified as an "impossible object of development" among the Death Eaters!

But now, the other party seems to be secretly saving himself and leaving Azkaban?

Lucius shook his head as hard as he could, making his mind clearer.

Obviously, this "Robbards" cannot be disguised by others... The appearance of a person can be faked, but the patron saint cannot be faked.

Lucius knew a long time ago that Gadwin Robards owned an "Owl" Patronus... This is an extremely rare Patronus, and few wizards in the world have it.

"Malfoy!" Robards, who was carrying Lucius on his back, said coldly, "Don't say anything...don't ask anything...I'm only responsible for sending you out of here, that's all!"

They have come to the seaside, farther and farther away from the castle of Azkaban...

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