The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 397 Journey to the Isle of Man (Second Change)

The Isle of Man is an island located between Britain and Ireland, covering an area of ​​572 square kilometers.

In some occasions, it is called the British Isles together with the British Isles and the Irish Islands.

In more precise geographic terms, it is the midpoint between England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The night in Port Douglas (the capital of the Isle of Man) is always so charming... At 8 o'clock in the evening, when the night completely enveloped the sky, the watchman on duty at the sheltered watchtower signaled that a ship was entering the port.

It was a luxury liner from Rotterdam, which arrived here after passing through Le Havre, London and Dublin.

The pilot boarded the small boat as usual, came out of the harbor, and led the passenger ship into the harbor... The passenger ship moved forward steadily, the anchor was lowered slowly, the bow girder broke away from the stays, and the passenger ship entered the narrow entrance of Port Douglas.

As the passenger ship came to a stop, batch after batch of passengers happily boarded the platform, looking curiously at the night view of the port.

The Isle of Man has always been famous for its natural scenery. There are a large number of Victorian and Edwardian historical relics on the island. It is very popular with tourists from all over the world, and the tourism industry is very developed. Of course, the tailless cats and black-faced sheep here are also famous.


Among the many tourists, a young couple seemed inconspicuous.

They are very young, probably underage; the boy has a maturity and sophistication that does not belong to his age, while the girl's face is slightly pale against the backdrop of the night, and she looks a little sick.

"We may have to go to that Muggle hotel to stay first." Jon Hart whispered: "To be honest, I don't know if there are wizards on the Isle of Man yet!"

"Well, you can arrange it!" Astoria Greengrass nodded.

"Come with me!" Jon took the initiative to take Astoria out of the port and walked into an alley.

Taking Astoria away from Greengrass Manor was a plan he had already thought up when he was sick in the Hogwarts School Hospital.

First of all, Greengrass Manor is not safe... There is only one house elf in it now, and Jon doesn't think Hodder is enough to protect Astoria's safety.

Since Voldemort and the Death Eaters knew about their relationship with Astoria, they would most likely use Astoria to threaten them.

They haven't made a move yet because the Aurors are still monitoring the manor... However, the "protection" provided by the Aurors won't last long. Once they relax, Astoria may fall into crisis at any time.

Secondly, staying in that manor full of bad memories will definitely have a negative impact on Astoria's mood... Even if the blood curse has a faint tendency to break out now, Jon hopes that the time will be postponed The later the better.

As for going to the Isle of Man, it was Jon's inspiration.

When investigating giants on the west coast, he suspected that Voldemort hid them on the Isle of Man between Britain and Ireland, and he later mentioned this day to Dumbledore.

As a famous tourist attraction in England, the scenery on the island is actually pretty good. Such a trip might help Astoria recover from a bad mood.

So Jon took Astoria to London and joined a Muggle tour group on the Isle of Man.

They didn't use any magical means of transportation throughout the whole process, just like a pair of ordinary Muggle couples, they embarked on this journey.

This avoids any possibility of being discovered by the Death Eaters; after all, once used in any wizarding world transport, it will be recorded at the Ministry of Magic. At this stage, everyone knows that the Death Eaters have penetrated the Ministry of Magic very deeply.

Especially a few days ago, under heavy pressure, the Ministry of Magic was forced to release Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, and Antonin Dolohov. After the infamous Death Eater...

An aura of fear has enveloped the entire wizarding world.

It's not even any different from the first wizarding war!


Generally speaking, the traces of giants are actually not difficult to find... Their habits determine that they like to drill into deep mountains; and there are not many areas that can be called "mountains" on this small island in the Irish Sea .

But if there is a wizard to help, especially a powerful wizard like Tom Riddle, the situation is different.

Jon knew that the Dark Lord could easily hide those giants with spells, so that Muggles and even wizards could not find them...

But Jon can also be sure of one thing, that is, after any magic is used, it will definitely leave traces... The area of ​​the Isle of Man is not small, but it is not too big...

At the Muggle travel agency, Jon has booked almost all the special attractions in the "area" of the island, even in order to detect the traces left by magic while "traveling".

Soon, they arrived at the agreed Muggle hotel.

The proprietress of the hotel is a fat middle-aged woman. She warmly received the two passengers.

Astoria's attention was attracted by a white ""Isle of Man cat" on the counter... The strange thing about this kind of cat is that they have no tail at all. a dent.

After obtaining the owner's consent, Astoria happily squatted there, playing with the little white cat.

Jon didn't bother her, but after going through the procedures silently, he told her a few words... Then, he went back to the hotel room alone.

He opened the suitcase, and took out the empty portrait that was slightly larger than the cross-section of the suitcase. Jon hung it on the wall beside him, pulled out his wand, and tapped frame with portrait.

"Principal Black..."

"Principal Phineas Black..."

"Phineas Nigellus Black!"

After calling several times with different titles, the old headmaster on the portrait just arrived late.

"This is terrible!" Principal Phineas Black complained loudly to Jon: "I was wobbling all day before, which made me almost vomit, and I can't stay in the portrait at all." what!"

"Sorry, Muggle passenger ships are relatively slow..." Jon explained while complaining silently that the portrait would actually get seasick.

"Forget it, no need to explain, I forgive you!" Phineas Black shook his head helplessly, and then added:

"Come on, what do you want me to tell Dumbledore?"

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