The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 385: Jon Hart's Plan (Part 1)

"Principal Phineas Black, I need your help!" Facing the portrait in front of him, Jon called softly.

Nothing appeared in this gorgeously decorated but empty picture frame.

Jon pulled out his wand and lightly poked the blank part of the painting frame: "Phineas... Phineas-Nigelus... please!"

"The word 'please' will always be useful!" Principal Phineas Nigellus Black's signature sharp voice sounded from the portrait.

His head slid into the frame, his sly black eyes glanced at Jon, and he said triumphantly, "You said you needed my help...what's the matter?"

Jon suddenly understood why the portraits of the other principals preferred to use their hands instead of their mouths when facing Principal Phineas Black.

Patience, he told Principal Phineas Black about the devastation caused by Death Eaters and Giants to Lancashire and Cheshire a few hours ago.

Phineas seemed a little absent-minded the whole time, and even closed his eyes, as if falling asleep... But Jon knew that he was actually listening carefully.

"That kid Riddle, what on earth is he trying to do?" After Jon finished speaking, Principal Phineas Black raised his head in surprise, as if talking to himself.

"It's possible..." Jon hesitated for a moment before expressing his previous doubts.

"You mean... he let the giant out on purpose?" Principal Phineas Black seemed taken aback, he shook his head in disbelief: "To attract you, to make you throw yourself into a trap?"

"I just think... there might be such a possibility!" Jon curled his lips and said softly: "Of course, it's just a guess."

"So who else knows about giants?" Phineas Black frowned, and his voice became low: "Except for Dumbledore..."

"Mrs. Greengrass knows, but after the giant attack, and she must be trustworthy." Jon lowered his head and said while thinking: "There are also many portraits of the headmaster..."

"It is impossible for us to betray you!" Phineas Black said firmly: "Our mission and responsibility is to help every headmaster of Hogwarts, so there is no possibility of betrayal..."

"Okay, I'm sorry..." Jon quickly apologized: "There are two half-blood giants... Mrs. Olim Maxim, the principal of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the key keeper of Hogwarts , Professor Rubeus Hagrid, Gamekeeper and Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

"Principal of Beauxbatons!" Phineas Black said contemptuously, it seems that his sense of this "enemy school" is not very good: "Honestly, she is very suspicious, why is she so innocent? To help you..."

Jon couldn't help but frown. If I remember correctly, the source of the information about "giants have a precise method of cutting souls" is Mrs. Orim Maxim.

A few months ago, both vampires and werewolves were buried in the Black Forest on the east side of Dracula's Castle... Tom Riddle, who also walked this way, if it is true that Horace Slughorn said Speaking of which, knowing that Jon Hart and Christopher Patrick are the same person, he probably guessed that he was preparing to create a Horcrux...

Then, Mrs. Maxim's release of this news is indeed very suspicious!

Just as Jon was thinking carefully——

"It's terrible news, damn it... I have to go back to Hogwarts, I hope Dumbledore is still in the headmaster's office, I still have a chance to discuss with him!" Phineas Black said a little irritated .

Just as he was about to leave the portrait, Jon stopped him by tapping the frame with his wand.

He lowered his voice and said softly to the former principal on the portrait: "Principal Black, actually, it's okay..."


With Phineas Black gone, the basement returned to calm.

After hearing a few coughs outside the door, Jon remembered that Mrs. Greengrass and Hodder the house elf were still outside the door.

Quickly walked over and opened the door——

In came the mistress of Greengrass and the house-elf butler.

"Who were you talking to just now, Mr. Hart?" Hodder the house elf asked curiously.

A look of hesitation appeared on Jon's face, Diana Greengrass winked at her house elf, then smiled and shook her head at Jon——

"What happened?" She asked softly, with a bit of concern in her voice.

"It's nothing, it's just some unnecessary worries, and it's all right now." Jon replied simply, he didn't tell Mrs. Greengrass the truth of the matter completely.

Firstly, he didn't think the other party could provide any help for this matter; secondly, he was also worried that more people would know about this matter, and there would be a higher risk of leaking it; finally, he didn't want the Greengrass family to be troubled in vain .

Mrs. Greengrass gave Jon a meaningful look, but said nothing.

"Ahem... ma'am, can you continue to tell us more about the attack?" Jon cleared his throat and asked seriously.

"Of course." Mrs. Greengrass also nodded solemnly, and then she came gracefully:

"... Amelia has reached a consensus and contact with the Muggle Prime Minister, and this attack has been characterized as a 'West Coast Hurricane', at least it will be reported in the Muggle news..."

"...At the same time, hundreds of employees from the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement have been mobilized overnight; they will cleanse the memories of all the parties involved overnight, making them mistakenly believe that the damage and the damage they said they received The damage was caused by a 'hurricane'; the scene will also be 'modified' to make it more in line with the setting of the hurricane."

"...the Aurors will be dispatched tomorrow morning, and they will meet with the temporary members of the Office of Misinformation; then follow the tracks left by the giants, track and hunt them, Rufo, Director of Magical Law Enforcement Scrimgeour will lead the team himself!"

Jon listened carefully, and at the same time he had made a silent decision.

It was about Astoria's life and death... Whether it was a conspiracy or not, it was impossible for him to ignore the traces left by the giant this time.

If it's not a conspiracy but a coincidence, then it's a good thing; and if it's really a conspiracy against him, no matter if it's a dragon's lake or a tiger's lair, he has to break into it...

"Madam, may I ask... Were you responsible for selecting the temporary members of the Misinformation Office who participated in the 'Giant Hunting Operation'?" Jon asked softly.

Although the Office of Misinformation is not a permanent department of the Ministry of Magic, it is still part of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures; that is, under Director Diana Greengrass.

Mrs. Greengrass nodded: "Of course... But I already made the list at the meeting."

"It doesn't matter..." Jon shook his head: "Can you show me the list?"

Mrs. Greengrass nodded without hesitation, and then took out a piece of parchment from her jacket pocket, on which were written a dozen or so names in elegant fonts.

Jon lowered his head and looked at the names...

"It's getting late, Jon..." Mrs. Greengrass reminded in a low voice, "Do you want to deal with this matter tomorrow?"

"No, I'm afraid we have to make preparations tonight." Jon said with a serious face, and he gestured to Mrs. Greengrass, signaling her to come closer.

Then he leaned close to the other party's ear and whispered all his plans.

"Oh my god... are you crazy?" After hearing Jon's words, Diana Greengrass glanced at him in shock: "You are going to pretend to be..."

But she quickly got herself under control and didn't say all of it.

"Of course..." Jon nodded, then picked up his suitcase, and said seriously: "I'm sorry to disturb you tonight, ma'am... I think I have to get out of here now!"

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