The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 380 Daphne's Warning (Second)

An owl with brown feathers, a broad head, and a short looks very ordinary.

That is, the eagle owl that is usually used in schools to deliver letters.

Although its current posture is a bit strange...

Generally speaking, owls are creatures with high magical intelligence, they will not make such strange actions for no reason, unless——

It is actually sending a letter!

Jon squinted his eyes and studied the owl carefully. There was indeed a roll of parchment under its right paw.

In other words, the recipient of the roll of parchment is nearby; but the owl can't find him, so it can only make such strange movements in vain...

So who was the letter addressed to?

First use the method of elimination, it is definitely not sent to Fox!

Well, only...

Under Jon's signal, Phoenix concealed her breath as much as possible, and then flew higher, looking into the distance for sentry.

Jon himself quietly lifted the "Disillusionment Curse" on his body.

The moment the spell was lifted, the owl swooped down... Although it was unknown from which crack in the stone the man in front of him jumped out, it still threw the parchment under its right paw on the man's face.

Jon picked up the parchment from the ground—

The handwriting on the parchment is very beautiful, but it is also a little strange.

The sky is too dark, and the content written on it cannot be read clearly in the dark...

Jon waved slightly to Fox, and one person and one bird were shrouded in the "Disillusionment Curse" again.


In fact, it is not impossible to walk in the school openly.

After all, it was impossible for Filch or Mrs. Norris to patrol the edge of the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night.

But out of "respect" for Fox, Jon decided it was better to be cautious. After all, the sudden alarm that Fox gave him just now made him feel a little uneasy...

There was light shining from the window of Hagrid's hut, and Rubeus Hagrid's happy humming of a ditty came from inside...

Sitting down under Hagrid's window, Jon was able to clearly see the contents of the letter following the slightly dim light:


I don't know where you are, I don't know how to contact you, and I don't know if you can receive this letter.

But there is one very important thing that I must warn you about.

Professor Horace Slughorn (he's the new Potions teacher at Hogwarts, ex-Head of Slytherin, nice guy), he guessed I was your... well, friend……

He said that he has some contacts and can know some more secret information... He asked me to tell you that some Death Eaters already know your identity!

They know that Jon Hart is alive, and they already know that Christopher Patrick is Jon Hart; those Death Eaters think you are the culprit who drove them into a corner, and they are trying to get revenge on you, even trying to murder you!

Jon (this part of the parchment is a little crumpled), you must be careful out there alone!

Please, nothing will happen...Astoria...she's still waiting for you to come back!

Daphne Greenglass"

Suddenly there was a loud sound behind him, which almost startled Jon... It came from the cabin, and Hagrid seemed to be frying something in the frying pan, something strange as hard as a rock.

And after that, he seemed to be adding flour and other things to the pot... It seemed that Hagrid was humming a ditty while skillfully making the "notorious" rock cake.

Jon turned his gaze back to the letter in front of him, with a serious expression on his face.

There is no doubt that Daphne Greengrass is trustworthy, and she should not deliberately deceive herself.

After the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, he didn't intend to deliberately conceal the "fact" that Jon Hart was still alive; after all, he couldn't live a lifetime without a face.

The question is, why did the Death Eaters know that Christopher Patrick and Jon Hart are one person?

You must know that the number of wizards who really know this fact will never exceed one hand... Dumbledore, Mrs. Greengrass, or sisters Astoria and Daphne; none of them look like they will betray themselves ah?

Jon looked at the iron ring on his hand with a serious face, and after thinking for a moment, he gently took it off.


There was another movement from the Forbidden Forest.

The bald old man, who was as fat as a big elephant and wearing a nightgown, walked out of the Forbidden Forest slowly.

Holding a bag in his hand, he had a cheerful expression on his face... It seemed that Professor Horace Slughorn had reaped a lot of rewards from his trip to the Forbidden Forest just now, and even returned with a full reward.

Jon in the shadows looked at the name "Horace Slughorn" on the parchment in his hand, and then at Professor Slughorn who was walking slowly towards the castle.

At this moment, he even wanted to go up to stop the other party and ask what was going on.

But that seemed too rash!

Watching Slughorn walk into Hogwarts Castle from afar...

After thinking twice, Jon carefully handed the parchment to Fox's mouth——

Phoenix glared at him with some displeasure, and then a small group of flames burned the entire parchment to ashes at an extremely fast speed.

"Come on, take me to the principal's office!" Jon whispered.

Fawkes nodded and turned away... Jon took this opportunity and grabbed her tail feathers.

A loud, echoing crack, like a gunshot, pierced the silent night; and then there was a flash of golden light, and one person and one bird in the shadows had left this side.

"Who?" Hagrid in the hut was almost taken aback.

He hastily raised the crossbow and pointed it out of the window; Fang Fang was also there, barking at the window.

After several minutes of vigilance, nothing appeared... Hagrid was relieved just now.

When he turned his gaze back to the position of the iron pot, Hagrid couldn't help but let out a horrible scream.

Because, the rock cake in the pot...has been burnt.


Appeared again on the eighth floor of the familiar castle.

Fox had already flown into the principal's office first, and when Jon tried to keep up with her, he was blocked by the ugly stone monster.

The stone monster firmly blocked the entire road in an extremely bad sleeping position, while snoring loudly from time to time.

Jon managed to move one of its legs to make a way for himself, with all the effort it took to nurse.

"Really, it's just you, still guarding the door?" Jon shook his head out of breath: "There is no sense of responsibility at all!"

Then, he walked past the stone monster, pulled the griffin-shaped knocker on the gate, and walked up the revolving stairs.

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