The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 375 Dinner Party and Oil Painting (Part 1)

From the first grade to the seventh grade, almost all the students of Beauxbatons were fixed on the rostrum.

No one noticed that there was suddenly an extra person in the last row of the fifth grade.

Jon lifted the Disillusionment Charm as if nothing had happened, and then stood the other "students", staring intently at Madame Maxime on the rostrum.

Seeing that everyone had already entered the auditorium, the principal Mrs. Maxim nodded with a serious expression, and then sat down.

As she took her seat, the rest of the standing teachers also sat down one by one.

Then came the students, after waiting for all the teachers to take their seats...they sat in their seats almost in the same way.

Fortunately, Jon reacted quickly. After seeing a series of students sitting in front of him, he quickly followed the long table.

The long-haired Beauxbaton girl in front of him just turned around and looked at him in astonishment... She had no idea that suddenly there was another person behind her.


Jon held out a hand and muttered softly.

The girl kept her eyes on, froze for a moment, then turned around as if nothing had happened.

Jon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief; it looked like he was lucky this time, and the wandless casting was quite successful this time... After taking a confusion spell, the girl seemed to have accepted the fact that she was not the last in the party.

Even if all the staff were seated, the entire hall was still silent; Jon followed the example of other Beauxbatons students, wiped the tableware, and sat on the seat dignifiedly.

"Very good!" Madam Maxim's voice came from a distant rostrum: "Then, let the banquet begin!"

I only heard clapping hands, and then on the long table in front of me, empty gold plates and pots first appeared one after another, and after a few seconds, all kinds of food appeared.


Just as Fleur Delacour thought at Hogwarts, Beauxbaton's food quality is indeed higher than Hogwarts.

After all, it's almost a given that the British aren't good at cooking; neither are British house-elves.

The French are just the opposite, they pay as much attention to food as the Chinese.

Just like Hogwarts, the plates were suddenly full of food... But at Hogwarts, Jon had never seen such a rich array of dishes, all kinds of dishes placed in front of them:

Burgundy baked snails, French fried foie gras, lobster, frog legs, cheese, roast suckling pig, roast lamb saddle, bloody duck, cream rib fish, Provence bouillabaisse, Strasbourg cream cake wait.

There are even a lot of weird things that Jon can't name at all.

After the banquet started, the formal or serious atmosphere in the auditorium eased a lot.

Madam Maxim no longer maintained the order in the auditorium, she was bending over, gracefully toasting wine to another female teacher. While the students were eating, there was a "twittering" sound.

However, the atmosphere was far less lively than it was during the opening ceremony at Hogwarts.

Jon was not polite, took a little bit of everything on the plate, and then began to munch ... the taste is not bad!

"In my impression, I don't seem to have seen you before?" The girl sitting on his left leaned over her head and asked curiously.

"Yes... Freshman..." Jon simply explained, "He just transferred from Durmstrang."

The Durmstrang students couldn't stand the atmosphere over there, and transferring to Beauxbatons was a fairly common thing; this didn't cause much surprise to the girl, who turned around and talked with the other side. Friends started whispering.

Some lonely banquets gradually come to an end like this.

Once almost everyone had opened their bellies and filled their stomachs, the rest of the food disappeared from the plates in a single stroke, replaced by sweets of all kinds: a weird, bland blancmange, for example, or A plate of rosette-shaped pastries...

Jon felt that Albus Dumbledore would like these.

Many people started chatting happily with their friends while enjoying desserts.

At the same time, there was no "prescribed" time for the banquet, and a small group of students who were full got up and left the auditorium... including on the rostrum, Jon also disappeared when he saw the huge figure of Mrs. Maxim.

"Looks like it's time to go to the Headmaster's office?" Jon thought to himself.

He patted the shoulder of the girl next to him lightly, and asked, "Please tell me where the principal's office is... I have something to do, and I want to find Mrs. Maxim."

"On the seventh floor of the castle, opposite the oil painting 'The Female Knight at the Burning Stake'." The other party replied.

"Okay, thank you." Jon also chose to get up and left the long table.


The noisy auditorium was getting farther and farther away from him, and Jon walked cautiously in Beauxbaton's castle.

There were hardly any people around. After all, only a small number of students had finished their dinner, and most of them chose to go back to the lounge.

The torch illuminates the marble floor, making it look a bit eerie... A ghost appears from time to time in the wall, which will scare you even more.

Unlike Hogwarts, though, the stairs here don't change all the time and make you get lost... which is good news.

The seventh floor of the castle is the top floor, so Jon felt a little bit like complaining: "Do you headmasters like to live on the top of the castle?"

"The female knight at the burning, the female knight at the burning, the female knight at the burning..." While talking to himself, Jon looked at every oil painting in the corridor.

I have to say, they are all exquisite works of art.

The emperor standing in the snow... the citizen dying in the bathtub... the monastery in flames... the bloody guillotine... the meditating alchemist...

When Jon saw an oil painting of "a hunchbacked man ringing a bell", the ugly hunchbacked man in the oil painting turned around and hummed roughly, "What are you looking at?"

"Um, I'm sorry..." Jon asked quickly, "Do you know where the oil painting of 'The Female Knight in Flame' is?"

"Go one hundred and ten steps to the left, turn right and take another twenty-six steps." The other party replied without thinking, and then continued to ring the bell.

The loud sound of "bang bang" made Jon's scalp tingle a little.

"Okay, thank you!" Jon shouted loudly, not knowing if the other party heard it, he was still ringing the bell.

Then, he hurried forward according to the words of the hunchbacked man just now.

First one hundred and ten steps forward, then turn right——

"Twenty-four... twenty-five... twenty-six..."

Jon, who stopped in his tracks, looked up and saw the oil painting——

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