The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 372 Leaving Albania (Second Change)

For the past month, Jon has been staying in Albania and is not in a hurry to leave.

On the one hand, he needs to wait for the branches of Calaba, the tree of souls, to grow quietly and intact in the water bottle... Otherwise, if the branches accidentally wither during the bumpy journey, he will have to come back and get another one.

On the other hand, he is actually quite interested in the Albanian indigenous magic that originated in the African magic system.

After going through the incident in Transylvania and gaining the title of "Vampire Slayer", "Vampire Terminator" or "Vampire Butcher"—Jon has actually won the friendship of the residents of Eagle's Nest Mountain, He is very popular here.

Moreover, the local residents have no concept of "ancestral magic cannot be passed on".

So in the past month, he has been conducting a lot of magical "communications" with these Albanian Kruja wizards.

In terms of language, there are certain obstacles.

After all, in Kruja, apart from elder Phoenix and Sandro, there is no third person who can speak English.

And Sandro, as a warrior of the Eagle's Nest Mountain, needs to go out on patrol frequently and has his own tasks... It is impossible for him to appear by Jon's side all the time, to explain Jon's doubts, or to be an interpreter.

And Elder Phoenix, as the actual head and number one leader of Kruja, is even more impossible to have so much free time.

After Jon encountered a problem, he had to use sign language to communicate with other local wizards...

Fortunately, he is quite popular in the local area, especially a few young witches, who are happy to communicate with him in this way.


The biggest difference between African magic and Nordic magic is that traditional African magic is more used to relying on the wizard's own emotional fluctuations to control magic, while Nordic magic is used to controlling magic through runes.

For wizards of Nordic magic, they need to use wands to guide magic, which can make the effects of spells more accurate and effective; especially transfiguration and charms, which are often difficult to cast without using wands. Very few wizards are able to cast spells without a wand.

The wizards of the African magic department are not used to using wands, because when there is a medium, it will affect the transmission of their emotions-so they are more used to casting spells without wands and silent casting, which are very common.

However, as a price, the wizards of the African magic department generally have poor control over spells and accuracy of magic.

Jon stayed in Kruya for a month, and often saw an adult wizard make some very low-level mistakes when using simple daily spells such as fire spells, boiling water, or flying spells.

And if it's a graduate of Hogwarts, even a simple "Iron Armor Curse" can't be used well, it's not like this...

So from the 16th century to the 19th century, when a large number of colonial wizards broke into the African continent, the local indigenous wizards found that they were not their opponents at all, especially when facing some colonial wizards who were good at using black magic.

Facing a much smaller number of colonial wizards than them, the African wizards suffered heavy casualties in the battle, and even some Muggle colonists with guns easily killed them... In the end, they failed to defend their homeland. Being violated, they had to choose to flee deeper into the African continent; by the end of the nineteenth century, almost all African wizards fled to the surrounding areas of Uganda in Central Africa and hid.

It wasn't until after Gellert Grindelwald was defeated that Albus Dumbledore proposed to allow "wizards from all over the world to return to their homelands", which allowed the African magic that was on the verge of being lost to flourish again...

However, compared with spells, African magic has its unique features in transformation magic, especially Animagus magic.

In the third grade, Jon had already learned about the whole process of Animagus transformation from a book in the restricted area of ​​"Guide to Cutting-edge Transformation"...

But after communicating with Sandro and other Kruya wizards, Jon found that the description in the book actually had a lot of loopholes. The real Animagus magic is even more wonderful and incredible than he imagined.


But on the last day of August, Jon unexpectedly received a letter.

On the envelope were two golden crossed wands with three stars emerging from each. It comes from the principal of the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic: Mrs. Olim Maxim.

Opened the letter and briefly read it - the letter introduced the precautions for Beauxbaton's freshmen, and attached a list of subjects for Beauxbaton's fifth grade students.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Jon realized that at this stage, he was still a fifth-year student of Beauxbatons.

A year ago, Christopher Patrick transferred from Durmstrang to Beauxbatons, and "by chance" became an exchange student to Hogwarts... and now, the exchange period is over, his students The identity has not disappeared...

Of course, it is impossible to study, and it is impossible to continue studying in this life!

After going through so much, it is impossible for Jon to return to school to be a well-behaved student; it is also impossible to continue to seriously prepare for the exam and work hard to obtain several O.W.Ls certificates.

In fact, he also felt that he didn't need these certificates much.

In Jon's opinion, practice can learn more than in school; for example, he spent a month at Kruya, and he learned no more than he learned from his teachers at Hogwarts in the previous year. few.

Moreover, the situation in Astoria no longer allows him to waste a lot of time returning to the campus... In the next few months, he must help her make a complete Horcrux, so as to bring her a front line. vitality.

Although he was no longer going to study at Beauxbatons, it was not a good habit to leave without saying goodbye or to ignore him.

After all, Beauxbatons is an old school of magic. Although it has always been known for its laxity...but it is not guaranteed that there are any restrictions on magic for its students. Just as I was hiding in the remote Albanian mountains, this letter could be successfully delivered to me.

Jon was going to Beauxbatons after school started tomorrow, September 1st.

Then he and Mrs. Maxime applied to withdraw from school, canceled their status as Beauxbaton students, and then returned to England from France.


While thinking about it, Jon moved his gaze to the last line of the letter——

"Please be sure to arrive at the highest point with a radius of ten kilometers at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and then wait for a while!

The principal of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, Olim Maxim. "

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