The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 369: The Awakening of the Dark Lord (Part 1)

In a small town on the west side of Surrey, there is an old house that has been abandoned for many years...

According to legend, twenty years ago, a husband killed his cheating wife, his wife's lover and two children here, and then chose to commit suicide...

Because of the existence of such a dark history, and the fact that the old house has no other heirs, after many unsuccessful auctions, it has been abandoned since then... Twenty years have made it lose its former glory; people in the town Avoid it, only naughty children occasionally break through the window to play.

But tonight, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in the windows on the upper floor of the old house, although it was flickering and uncertain...

The creeper-covered front door showed no signs of forced entry, and the windows were intact. But in the house, two uninvited guests did break into; they seemed to appear out of thin air.

Following the gleam of light on the wand, a man in black walked into the cave-like gloomy old house... After a lot of effort, he found the door leading to the corridor. Fumbling and walking over, a rotten smell came to my nostrils.

Perhaps because of the thick dust accumulated on the stone steps, his footsteps barely made any sound.

And in front of the man in black, there is a mouse, it seems to be leading the way...

"Wormtail?" The man in black snorted coldly, but his voice was strangely high-pitched, and as icy as cold wind. .

"Master... my master..." In the blink of an eye, the mouse suddenly turned into a short, bald man with gray hair and a short stature, with a mouse-like face and a pointed nose... and his voice Appear timid and afraid.

"Go and light the fireplace first, I'm getting cold!" Voldemort said indifferently: "Then go back and clean up the traces we left behind!"

"Follow... obey!" Wormtail's voice still seemed awkward.

He frantically raised his wand, ran to the fireplace, and worked for a long time on the remaining firewood inside, before letting the flame rise from it again.

Then he turned back into a mouse, sprinted to the ground, and disappeared again.


The bright fire lit up Voldemort's face.

It also made his fragile body feel a little warm.

The life of fleeing in the past few months has indeed been a bit embarrassing... However, it has inadvertently made Voldemort aware of a very important thing.

Ever since the Department of Mysteries was defeated and his body was destroyed, some things have subtly changed.

It was as if something that had been lost was slowly being restored.

For example, his emotions no longer become irritable and irritable, his brain is no longer easily controlled by impulse, and some things can be hidden in his heart again... The whole person has become much more rational than before.

It reminded Voldemort of the past, many years ago, when he was young and his character was just that—

On the outside, he is polite, treats people kindly, and hides everything in his heart...

But since that successful trip to Albania, everything seems to have changed... That trip gave him the power of immortality, but at this point, he gradually lost his sanity.

But now, those lost sanity have returned!

Although as a price, within the past year, his five Horcruxes were destroyed one after another.

"Could it be that the Horcrux has been affecting me?" Facing the bright furnace in front of him, Voldemort murmured:

"It must be like this!"

Now, he suddenly understood why the despicable Haierbo only created one Horcrux in his life... because every piece of split soul will have an impact on the soul's owner.

In other words, his attempt to create seven Horcruxes was completely wrong!

But now, he only has one horcrux... Although the destruction of the horcrux made him extremely vulnerable, the split soul has much less impact on him!

In a sense, it can be said to be a blessing in disguise!

A hideous smile appeared on Voldemort's mouth.


From his pocket, Voldemort produced a crumpled newspaper.

After staying in the Muggle world for so many years after being young, Voldemort actually has a much deeper understanding of Muggles than his Death Eaters... He knows how to get information through Muggles, especially now He had no access to the wizarding world at all.

Moreover, this afternoon, Voldemort saw a very exciting piece of news in the Muggle newspaper——

"The fire in Transylvania!"

After reconfirming the authenticity of the news, the Dark Lord seemed relieved.

Looks like Fenrir Greyback is doing well.

Voldemort never looked down on those werewolves, but he was very aware of their loyalty to him... because only under his rule, those werewolves could usher in a better life.

So, he sent Fenrir Greyback and his army of werewolves to Transylvania... His purpose was not to rescue or enslave those vampires, who were actually worthless !

His real purpose is only one——

draw attention!

Not only to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic, but especially to attract the attention of Albus Dumbledore!

Everyone knew that Fenrir Greyback had served the Dark Lord loyally; and when he appeared in such a high-profile faraway Eastern Europe, he would naturally attract a lot of attention.

Especially Albus Dumbledore!

The old fox, I'm afraid, is hastening to Transylvania by now, and may even be there.

As for myself, as long as Dumbledore is not in England, it is the best opportunity.


Wormtail has returned, and he seems to have cleaned up all the traces left by the future tense.

Voldemort also threw the Muggle newspaper into the fireplace and burned it up... He didn't believe that Wormtail would betray him, but he should be cautious, especially since his traces were repeatedly reported by the Ministry of Magic and the Phoenix. Under the premise that the company finds.

"Wormtail!" Voldemort shouted coldly.

"Master..." Peter Pedilu raised his head and said timidly.

"Stretch out your arms," ​​Voldemort ordered.

As he spoke, Voldemort bent down, pulled up Wormtail's left arm, and rolled his sleeve up to his elbow—

What appears to be a bright red tattoo on the exposed skin: a skeleton with a snake coming out of its mouth

Voldemort held out his long, pale index finger and pressed it to Wormtail's arm.

Wormtail wailed again, and the scarlet blot turned black...

The air was suddenly filled with the puffing of cloaks, and wizards Apparated in every dark place outside the old house.

They were all hooded and covered their faces.

They came one by one... slowly and carefully.

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