The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 360 Tour Brown Castle (Part 1)

Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle) can be said to be the most famous attraction in Transylvania, and even in Romania as a whole.

Because of some literary works and film and television works, coupled with local vampire legends that have been circulating for hundreds of years; this seemingly mysterious castle is very popular with foreign tourists and can provide a lot of financial revenue to the local government every year...

Therefore, it is very common for two foreign tourists to suddenly appear near the castle.

In order to prevent being too conspicuous, Jon specially got Sandro a black robe to cover him from head to toe; this way, although it was a bit strange, his rough appearance would not attract people's attention frequently.

Sandro was quite dissatisfied with this outfit, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"That Muggle Pistor... are you really assured to let him leave alone?" Sandro, who lowered his head and under the black veil, asked softly, "What if he tells us the news... ..."

"No." Jon shook his head confidently: "We are his only hope for revenge, and he will definitely not betray us."

Sandro pouted and said nothing more.

Taking advantage of this time, Jon has already bought two tickets to enter Brown Castle.


Through communicating with the mayor of Pistor, Jon can confirm that there have been almost no records of vampires in Transylvania in the past fifty years.

After all, since the 1940s and 1950s, the media has been relatively developed. If there are a large number of vampire attacks and a large number of casualties, it must not be concealed.

And those who have actually experienced vampire attacks are old people... Although they really believe in the existence of vampires, everyone thinks that the old people's stories are stories made up to coax children, or "legends" spread by falsehoods.

However, the core stories of many of these "legends" finally focused on Bran's Castle, that is, Dracula's Castle... Jon thought over and over again, and decided to come and investigate, maybe he could find some clues?

The number of tourists at Brown Castle was more than Jon imagined; he found a tour guide, patiently followed a group of tourists, and listened to her explanation——

"Many legendary monsters are actually related to common local beasts... For example, in Transylvania, there were a large number of wolves and bats living in the 19th century and before. The local people feared them, so they were included in the legend Anthropomorphic, rumored to be monsters like vampires and werewolves." The local tour guide in Transylvania was introducing in stuttering English:

"This kind of anthropomorphic monster exists all over the world...for example, the tiger man in Indian legend, the leopard man in Peru, and the man-faced lion in Egyptian legend...all of which are related to the large number of local tigers, The jaguar and the African lion are related to..."

Jon listened patiently, and felt that what she said was somewhat reasonable... Although according to the description in "History of Magic", humanoid magical creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and sphinxes are mostly related to failed transfiguration or The dark wizard's curse has something to do...

"Reminiscent of the motherland where I lived in my previous life, there are no more detailed monsters in Chinese legends that frequently appear half-beast and half-human; after all, the environment in the Guanzhong area, the North China Plain, or the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is relatively stable, and there are rarely many monsters. Ferocious wild beasts are infested, so it does not constitute the condition that the tour guide said before... No, it is not completely absent..."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Jon's mouth. Because he suddenly realized that he was wrong, he thought of a half-human, half-beast monster that frequently appeared in traditional Chinese culture——

fox man!

Or call them "fox spirits".


No longer divergent thinking, Jon continued to follow behind the tour guide, mixed in the crowd and patiently observed the surrounding situation.

The tour guide had already brought them to the drawbridge of the castle. A few naughty children were dangling on the drawbridge, causing the women next to them to scream.

"According to our archaeologists' research, the real Count Dracula does not actually exist." The female guide continued: "His prototype comes from Vlad Tepesh, the Grand Duke of Wallachia in the Middle Ages (Vlad Tepesh). III), who ruled the current Romania region from 1456 to 1462... It is said that the Grand Duke had a blood-crazy illness, and his temperament was extremely cruel. He liked to kill prisoners with pickets and humiliate their bodies... During the reign of Rad III, there were..."

"Vlad Tepes is Dracula, the first Earl Dracula!" Sandro's face suddenly darkened, and he whispered: "He used the identity of a secular principality king as a disguise to hide his own vampire. His identity; the fundamental reason why he tortured and killed the prisoners of war was also to share the blood of the prisoners with his descendants..."

" the Fourth Kruya War, it was this damned vampire who informed the Ottoman Sultans, led to the defeat of Albania, and finally killed the great George Skanderbeg..."

"...George Skanderbeg, our ancestor, finally died in Dracula's castle, together with a thousand brave Kruja warriors who were captured by him; by that bastard, and his descendants... ...sucked alive and turned into a human fuck!"

While wiping away his tears, Sandro said intermittently: "From now on, we are incompatible with those bats in the darkness...even if we are not their opponents, even if we fight to the last person..."

Jon patted Sandro's shoulder lightly, comforting him softly.

At the same time, he heard the director pointing to the forest on one side and introducing: "The forest in front was a cemetery hundreds of years ago... According to legend, Vlad III and his descendants killed a prisoner every Afterwards, the corpses will be discarded in that forest... For hundreds of years, that cemetery has been filled with tens of thousands of corpses..."

Sandro wiped away his tears, faced the forest, and prayed silently.

Jon glanced around——

When he saw behind him, he couldn't help frowning, and put his right hand into his pocket.

Because not far behind them, a group of ferocious-looking passengers were rushing towards them... The passengers next to them gave way to them one after another.

Jon was a little familiar with the cruel face at the head...

PS: George Scanderbeg (1405-1468) and Vlad III (the prototype of Dracula, 1431-1476) are indeed people of the same era. The plots in this chapter and the previous chapters are based on artistic creation And pure fiction; don't take it seriously.

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