The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 346: Legend of the Underworld (Part 1) (Part 1)

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared, black ruthlessly enveloped the entire sky. It was midsummer, and the weather in the Transylvanian Plateau was extremely hot, even as night fell, it never eased.

This plateau at an altitude of 1000-1600 feet is fragmented by the tributaries of the Danube Rivers such as the Mures River, the Somers River, and the Kris River; and in the area close to these rivers, there are Romanians one by one. , Hungarian and Gypsy villages.

Our story takes place in a small town called Jiluu on the banks of the Muresh River. Because night has fallen, every house in the town has already closed its doors and windows and lit the lights.

And on the suspension bridge over the Muresh River, which is about a mile away from the town, a man in black is trying to drive towards the town.

The man in black is not tall, and his whole body is wrapped in a black cloak, with only a pair of eyes exposed... His eyebrows are very delicate, and he looks young, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Holding a suitcase in his hand, he looked back from time to time.

The howling of hungry wolves was vaguely heard from behind... Wild wolves are a very common wild animal on the Transylvanian Plateau. Although the appearance of poachers has drastically reduced their number in recent years, encounters in the wild They're still not a very uncommon thing.

The man in black subconsciously quickened his pace... Walking across the suspension bridge and entering the territory of the town, he will be safe; no matter how fierce the hungry wolf is, he will not have the guts to break into the human settlement.

The sound of water flowing under the suspension bridge was incessantly rushing; a bright moon appeared in the sky, very round and only a thin line away from the full moon; while the man in black was trotting, he looked at the emerald green light behind him with some fear point……

It wasn't until he turned around when he reached the end of the suspension bridge that the man in black realized that there was actually a man standing at the end of the bridge in front of him.

The man was tall and strong, exuding a dangerous aura; at the same time, he closed his eyes tightly... The man in black subconsciously prepared to avoid him, because she realized that there had never been such a person in the village... …

The man's strong body occupied almost half of the head of the bridge; so she leaned to the right and tried to squeeze past him.

But the moment they passed by, the burly man in front of him suddenly savagely clawed at her face.


Several bloodstains appeared on the face of the man in black, and her mask was also pulled off, revealing a slightly immature face.

She is a pretty girl, but a few fresh scars have completely ruined her beauty; judging from her dress and appearance, she seems to be a female student who is rushing home.

The burly man also strode to her side, holding something like a small wooden stick in his hand; his nails were intentionally cut very sharp, which looked a little scary.

Then, a rope came out of nowhere and tied her firmly to the ground...

At the same time, she could also clearly see the man's face—a very rough face, with messy gray hair, a face full of scars, and sharp canine teeth exposed... For some reason, when she saw When he saw this man, he thought of a hungry wolf in his mind; because his eyes were green, and even faintly emitted a green light.

"Please, let me go..." The girl lying on the ground trembled, and she begged a little stammeringly: "My house is in Jilewu Town father is the mayor...he will give you money of……"

She was speaking in Romanian, which she didn't seem to understand at all and didn't want to understand.

The hungry wolf-like man leaned over and sniffed her face vigorously; his body exuded an unpleasant stench.

"For such a young Muggle girl, it looks like I'm lucky..." the man said to himself, while licking his lips lightly: "But it's not very lucky, after all, today is not a full moon."

Then only a scream was heard——

The man jumped up like a hungry wolf and bit the girl by the throat.


Picking up his booty as easily as a chicken, he strode across the drawbridge again. The girl caught by him was still alive, and she faintly let out a few helpless groans...

There is no need to go too far, because those green light spots are also approaching him a little bit.

Until they were within fifty yards of each other, the "green dots" began to reveal their true colors——

They are not the wild wolves in the girl's imagination, they are all human, but their eyes can emit green light in the dark night.

The man threw his trophy to the ground, and at the same time a man who was about as strong as him walked up to him... two strong men who were as big as a hill hugged each other fiercely.

"Fenrir, my friend... It's been a long time!" The other party's voice sounded a little excited.

"Yeah, Yeorman...we're all living in the dark!" Fenrir Greyback grinned, showing his blood-stained teeth.

"Where's Gene, I heard he's with you, working for the Dark Lord?"

Fenrir Greyback replied: "He should be able to come over the day after tomorrow... He is in Albania now, completing a mission for the Dark Lord!"

"That would be an honor..."

Fenrir Greyback looked away from his friend and began to survey the remaining "green blobs".

"My countrymen, my new friends..." he cried, "maybe you have to introduce yourself to me, let's get to know each other!"

"I'm Fenrir Greyback, from England!" His voice was very loud, and his tone had an undeniable taste, and he was already the leader of this group of people.

"About-Hebrew!" A man with green eyes came over, he avoided Greyback's gaze in some panic: "From Spain."

"Hello... Abt... welcome, my friend!" Fenrir Greyback boldly stepped forward and gave him a hug.

"Jessica Bate, from Luxembourg."

"Ivan Sumarokov, from Ukraine."


Starting with the first person, men and women came over and hugged Fenrir Greyback one after another... They came from all over Europe, and they all made no secret of their fear of Greyback.

The last one to come forward was a man who looked haggard, pale, and tired; he seemed to be very young, but his forehead was prematurely wrinkled, his hair was gray, and his clothes were ragged...

But he didn't avoid Fenrir Greyback's eyes like everyone else, but looked straight at him without fear.

His voice was calm: "Remus Lupine, from Wales."

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