They walked through a luxurious marble staircase covered with gorgeous carpets; every few steps on the stone wall next to it, you could see flaming torches; on the ceiling, there were also various patterns painted...

Hodder, the house-elf, stopped whenever he passed a fork in the road; he made a gesture of please before continuing to lead the way.

His steps were very light, and his bare feet walked silently on the carpet for a few steps; Jon could understand why when he appeared next to himself and Fawkes before, no one or bird noticed.

Passing through a dimly lit but luxuriously decorated corridor, the pale statues on the walls stared at them, and the oil paintings whispered from time to time.

Finally, Hodder stopped before the heavy wooden door leading to the next house.

"The lady is waiting for you inside, Mr. Hart!" he whispered.

Jon nodded, took a breath, and turned the brass handle.


The room inside is smaller than Jon imagined, it looks like a study. .

The blazing flames in the marble fireplace illuminated the entire room; the walls other than the fireplace were filled with various books; and in the center of the room was a desk...

On the desk, a golden elk head statue was placed closest to the wooden door, with its sharp horns aimed at the door.

And behind the statue, a lady sitting at a desk took off her glasses, and then she stood up—

"Mr. Hart, is it?" Mrs. Diana Greengrass said gently.

On the train to Hogwarts two years ago, that fake Alastor Moody once mentioned that Astoria looked a lot like her mother.

Now it seems that the Death Eater was not lying. Mrs. Greengrass and her daughter are almost dolls made out of the same mold...the same golden curly hair, but Mrs. Greengrass's hair is tied up , leaving only a small strand of bangs at the front.

Compared with Astoria, she has experienced more years of baptism, and her gestures are full of gentleness... Jon is very skeptical, even if she lives another twenty years, Astoria will be very It's hard to behave like her mother.

"Yes, ma'am." Jon hurried over, came to her, and saluted respectfully: "It's an honor to meet you!"

The lady held out her right hand to Jon, and smiled at him.

Jon bent his knees in a half-kneeling posture, then took the lady's right hand with both hands, and bowed his head to symbolically kiss the back of her finger.

"Sit!" she whispered, pointing to a chair facing her.

"Thank you!" Jon said hastily, and then sat on the chair with his waist straightened and his chest straight.

"You don't have to be so restrained!" Mrs. Greengrass covered her mouth and smiled, and shook her head slightly at Jon: "It's just as good as being at home!"

"Okay... ma'am..." Jon nodded awkwardly, and then tried to make his movements a little more casual.


"Mind if I have a cigarette first?" asked Mrs. Greengrass.

"Of course not...You can..." Jon shook his head.

"Thank you!" While speaking, she had already opened the cigarette box beside her, and at the same time, she picked out one of them with her slender, white fingers.

She leaned back on the chair lazily, spraying smoke softly in her mouth, while staring at Jon intently, looking him up and down.

This made Jon even more embarrassed... It would be too rude to keep looking at her; he could only focus on the golden elk head, pretending to be interested in it.

A few minutes later--

Gently pressing the remaining cigarette butt in the ashtray, Mrs. Greengrass exhaled the last puff of smoke.

"Sorry, I always like to smoke a cigarette when I think about it." She explained calmly: "Of course I will avoid my two daughters, so as to prevent them from getting such a bad habit."

Then why don't you avoid me, I'm still a child, younger than your two daughters... Jon secretly cursed.

"Your smoking is very elegant!" But he naturally didn't show it on his face, but smiled flatteringly.

"Thank you... I was not surprised when Hodder told me that it was Jon Hart, not Christopher Patrick!" Mrs. Greengrass continued, "Because I vaguely guessed that the two This identity is actually the same person..."

Seeing Jon's astonished gaze, Mrs. Greengrass waved her hand slightly:

"My simple little daughter is not one to keep secrets, though she does her best enough; but as a mother, I could easily see a little in her face... Of course Mr. Hart, You can rest assured that I didn't tell anyone, not even Daphne!"

"Then I'm really grateful to you!" Jon lowered his head and curled his lips while trying to put on a thank you tone.

"I've been watching you all the time when I was smoking," continued Mrs. Greengrass.

Aren't you observing blatantly... Jon continued to slander.

I don't know why, but in front of Mrs. Greengrass, Jon felt a lot of pressure or aura from the beginning to the end... The initiative of this conversation was firmly controlled by the other party from the very beginning.

I have to say, this feeling is very uncomfortable!

"I've heard a lot about you... For a sixteen-year-old boy, it's hard to be better than you!" Mrs. Greengrass commented, her voice didn't contain too much feelings: "So I understand very well, Astoria has been secretly promising you all these years..."

"You're overrated, ma'am..." Jon quickly denied.

"But because of this..." Mrs. Greengrass paused, seeming to organize her words.

Jon also raised his head. He knew that the topic of the conversation should be coming.

"If you like Daphne, I won't make any obstacles between you!" Mrs. Greengrass raised her voice and changed her tone completely; her voice became dignified: "To be honest, I don't care about blood Or things like family background, the tradition of the Greengrass family doesn't care about these..."

"But Astoria... her situation is special... so I hope she can leave you..." Diana Greengrass shook her head slightly at Jon: "I know my daughter, she I will think so too; because it's all for your own good!"

The look on Jon's face didn't fluctuate at all, he was already organizing his words...

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