The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 293 Chapter 292 I Need Your Help (Second)

Umbridge's breathing became rapid——

"If Connelly was injured... meanwhile I caught Dumbledore and Black..." Umbridge murmured, eyes gleaming greedily.

"Yes, I have to write to the Department of Magical Transport and the Auror Office!" Umbridge took a lot of effort to calm down, and she pretended to be serious: "I don't dare to risk The risk of Dumbledore fleeing would be too great a loss to the Ministry... I think if Connelly was here, he would support me in doing so."

Looking at Umbridge who had been limped, Jon showed an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

Headmaster Dolores Umbridge had already sat at her desk, picked up a quill and parchment, and began to write quickly.

"Be sure to choose the person you trust the most, and never disclose any detailed information to them..." Jon whispered from the side: "Just tell them to do so!"

"Christopher, I understand..." Umbridge nodded seriously.

Then she carefully placed the two letters in the owl's claws, and sent the two owls to fly to the Ministry of Magic.

With the two letters sent away, Umbridge looked very happy...

"Christoph, if I become the Minister of Magic..." She said kindly: "After you graduate, are you interested in working for me at the Ministry of Magic... I promise that within ten years, I will send you Pushed up to Senior Deputy Minister, which is where I am now."

"It's my pleasure, Professor Umbridge," said Jon, looking happy.

"It's a nine out of ten chance..." Umbridge said enthusiastically to himself there: "If Connelly is injured, my only competitors are Scrimgeour and Burns; but if I catch Dumbledore and Black, then they are definitely not my opponents."

Excited, out of the corner of Umbridge's eye, he saw Hermione Granger, who was tied to one side.

"So what do we do with you, Mudblood, Granger?" She turned around with a fierce look on her face: "I think you should have heard all the conversation between Christopher and me, if you keep you, then you a hidden danger."

"Woo... woo... woo..." The gagged Hermione let out a few sobs.

"If I kill you, it will inevitably arouse suspicion..." Umbridge said to himself again: "But if we just use the Cruciatus Curse to drive you crazy, then it won't cause too much bad effect ..."

"...That's right, the future minister accidentally told a Mudblood to go crazy in order to capture Dumbledore...I don't think it's a big deal!" Umbridge pulled out his wand excitedly: " Reflect on it, Granger... Who told you to be against me for the past year... I will let St. Mungo's therapists take good care of you for the rest of your life..."

"Crucio..." Umbridge screamed.

"Expelliarmus." A calm voice came from behind Umbridge.


As a senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Umbridge is not a brilliant witch, but she has a lot of experience in magic.

Under normal circumstances, she would not have been disarmed by a fourth grade student so easily.

It's purely because she trusts Mr. Christopher Patrick too much... This young Slytherin student has given her a lot of help since she came to school and has become her right-hand man... …

Umbridge never thought that he would betray himself at this moment.

"What are you doing, Christopher!" Umbridge asked in astonishment.

"Don't call me Christopher, Ms. Toad!" Jon said lazily, "I'm sorry, but I'm an undercover agent..."




One curse after another hit Umbridge accurately; she was flying around in the sky like a rubber ball.

Jon let out all the anger he had been building up all semester.

"You are... Dumbledore's man..." Umbridge murmured as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"You guessed it!" Jon laughed: "If there is only one person in this castle who is loyal to Dumbledore, it is me... Stupefy!"

The pink toad lost consciousness as the final Stunning Spell hit Umbridge's head.


Jon turned around and looked at Hermione who was crouching in the corner.

Hermione's face was full of fear, and she looked like she was afraid that Jon would silence her.

"Diffindo!" Jon pointed lightly with his wand, and the rope binding Hermione's body broke.

"What are you doing..." Hermione looked at Jon vigilantly and asked tremblingly.

Jon first put his wand back in his pocket, then took out Hermione's wand and handed it to her.

Hermione looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

"Who the hell are you?" She stammered.

"Hermione, it's me!" Jon took off the iron ring on his hand and smiled at Hermione.


"Jon...Jon..." Hermione Granger only felt that a membrane in his mind was broken at this moment.

A series of memories flooded into her mind, and her head became very swollen at this moment...

"Jon... so you're not dead..." Hermione said tremblingly.

"Yes, I'm not dead." Jon nodded.

"It was you who modified my memory in the Forbidden Forest... No wonder I couldn't find Viktor's letter... No wonder I appeared in front of Hagrid's hut for no reason..."

"Yes, I did it, I'm sorry, Hermione." Jon continued to explain: "But I can't risk exposing myself at any point... And I didn't delete your memory, I just deleted it Lock it up just to explain it to you today!"

"Then what are you doing all this for...why don't you just knock me unconscious like Harry?" Hermione Granger asked a little excitedly.

Jon held out a hand to signal her to stop talking.

"Listen to me, Hermione." He said earnestly, "I need your help now."

"Help, I need your help..." Hermione grabbed Jon's sleeve as if waking up from a dream, and begged, "Jon, Siri...the mysterious man captured one of our friends, The Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic..."

"No!" Jon shook his head and said with certainty, "This is a trap."

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