The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 283: Jon Hart's Philosophy of Magic (Part 2) (Second Change)

There was a whole wall, so the headmasters and headmasters on the portraits all stared at Jon intently with their eyes open.

"I've never been a very gifted wizard..." Jon said slowly: "Maybe I have a little talent in herbs and potions, because it doesn't require stupid waving of wands, so many people don't think they are. magic."

"Only the stupidest people would think that!" muttered the gray-haired principal, Armando Dippet.

"Maybe! In addition, my performance is not bad in some spells and magic related to the brain and memory." Jon continued: "Of course that's all... The rest, whether it's spells, transfiguration or Defense against the Dark Arts, my talent can only be called average..."

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Even the Sorting Hat once tried to sort me into the three houses Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherin, but it didn't consider Ravenclaw."

As he spoke, Jon glanced at the well-worn, patched, and grimy pointed wizard hat that sat in the corner of Dumbledore's desk.

"I think you are quite suitable for Ravenclaw!" Headmaster Chris Evra said softly, he is a Hogwarts headmaster from Ravenclaw: "And I always feel that our branch The rules are somewhat arbitrary."

"Maybe it is a bit arbitrary." Jon nodded: "But at least it can explain something, and I have realized this since several years ago."

"What's the matter?" Principal Phineas Black asked curiously.

Chris Evra on one side gave him a quick look.

"It's nothing." Jon smiled and shook his head at Principal Evra, and continued: "In terms of real spells, I've never been a magical genius... I'm not a protagonist, I can't take a look at spells like some wizards You can use it easily; you can’t spend half a month to learn the most complicated transformation technique like Animagus; or you can master more than half of the most esoteric magic in the first grade..."

Looking at the headmaster's bewildered eyes, Jon explained: "Of course I'm not mediocre, at least except for the first half semester of the first grade, I didn't encounter too many obstacles when learning spells. The real geniuses are far away...such as Professor Dumbledore, such as Tom Riddle, of course, and you!"

"That's natural!" Phineas Black nodded in satisfaction: "Compared with us and Albus, your talent is of course far behind!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Principal Black covered his head in pain and let out an "oops".

Several principals appeared on his portrait at the same time, and one of them gave him a blow on the head.


There was a brief silence in the principal's office.

"I remember that your grades have always been top-notch, almost all the courses?" It was Principal Oliver Cromwell who spoke this time. In addition to being cold, his voice was a little more concerned this time.

"It's okay, it's just because I work harder than my classmates." Jon smiled: "And my memory is not bad."

"Don't underestimate yourself!" The red-nosed principal Dexter Fusco shook his head, "Do you still remember that at this time last year, you were the champion of the Triwizard Tournament!"

But Jon began to wring his fingers and count: "In the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, I used devil's net and ghost vine; For the third project, I used Polyjuice Potion and Veritaserum, with the help of Fox..."

Principal Fusco sighed lightly, Principal Dippet coughed a few times, and Principal Black lowered his head in shame.

"You can use these things..." Principal Oliver Cromwell said slowly: "These also belong to your strength."

"That's right!" To everyone's surprise, a bright smile appeared on Jon Hart's face.

There was a bit of pride in his tone: "Because this is my magic philosophy!"


The principals all stared at each other, not quite understanding what Jon said.

"I just said...the biggest difference between wizards and magical animals is that wizards can use tools." Jon replied calmly: "Tools are not just wands, potions, herbs, and magical animals can all be our tools." Tools, and of course a lot of Muggle stuff."

"...The real strength of a wizard lies not in magic, but in wisdom." Jon's voice was full of confidence: "When encountering any problem, the first thing you want to do is to cast a spell to solve it. This is a sign of cowardice... ...I have always thought that this kind of person is nothing more than a barbarian who knows magic."

"Using every tool at our disposal, using our brains, solving the insoluble problems we encounter...rather than relying solely on magic or brute force, this is a really good wizard!"

Jon sat down on the ground and took a sip of pumpkin juice: "Of course, this is my understanding!"

Headmaster Cromwell was the first to applaud, then Phineas Black, and finally all the male and female headmasters on the portraits started to applaud vigorously.

The entire principal's office was covered in applause.


An hour later, Jon Hart was already in a sleeping bag, snoring lightly.

On the portrait wall, whispers still appeared from time to time, and they seemed to be discussing something.

"Since three years ago, when Albus told us that Hogwarts chose an eleven-year-old child, I have never been able to understand..." Principal Oliver Cromwell sighed softly: " And today, I finally understand."

"Sure enough, Hogwarts never makes mistakes." Brian Gaigveld, the oldest headmaster in the portrait, nodded thoughtfully.

"And what about that?" Phineas Black whispered, "Should we tell him?"

"That involves Albus's privacy, not to mention that he is the headmaster, we have not violated his rights." Headmaster Cromwell shook his head coldly.

"Okay..." Principal Black sighed: "According to the time, it won't be long before Albus should tell him everything..."


Hearing these soft conversations, the boy in the sleeping bag suddenly twitched at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't move, though, and continued to snore slightly.

In this world, portraits are not the only ones that can pretend to be asleep.

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