The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 281: Life After Disappearance (Second Change)

"You mean, someone was watching me just now?" Jon, who had already taken off the iron ring, glanced at the stone monster in surprise.

Naturally, he wasn't inserted backwards into the disappearing cabinet by the Weasley brothers, he just cast a "Forgetting Charm" on them and slightly modified their memories.

As for this period of time, he has been staying in the headmaster's office... This is undoubtedly the safest place in Hogwarts, because with Dumbledore's departure, the stone monster will not let anyone but himself enter here.

But in the dead of night, Jon would walk to the door of the principal's office, read a book, and occasionally chat with the stone monster.

Because the headmaster's office is really too noisy, those chattering portraits of the headmaster, since Dumbledore left, never stop their mouths, discussing some strange things all day long... Such a noisy environment, in It is really hard to read in there.

Although the stone monster is naive, it is much quieter than the dozens of principals.

So when the stone monster told Jon that he was being "surveilled", he was immediately stunned.

"That's right." The stone monster nodded: "But that magic should not only be aimed at you, it may be a detection magic or objects aimed at the entire school... I have already hidden your two names within the scope of the principal's office Wake up, no magic can detect you now."

"You actually have this ability?" Jon stood up, put down the book in his hand, and looked at the ugly stone monster curiously.

"Of course!" The stone monster raised its head proudly: "As the guardian of the principal's office, I have served three consecutive principals with a history of more than a hundred years... If any magic can invade the principal's office, What use am I then?"

"...Are you only over a hundred years old?" Jon couldn't help blinking: "That is to say, any ghosts, statues or portraits that are pulled out of the castle are all older than your grandpa's generation?"

Like a punctured ball, the stone monster weakened all of a sudden, and it gave Jon a sad look.

Seeing its pitiful expression, Jon could only comfort him: "Actually, you can think about it from another angle... Although the other statues in the castle are older than you, they are not as good as you...You are so young... With such ability, the future is limitless!"

The stone monster suddenly smiled, happily wagging its tail at Jon and nodding from time to time.


A reminder from the stone monster made Jon contact Harry Potter's "Marauder's Map".

Probably this type of magic item, I hope no one notices me... But Jon Hart has been dead for more than half a year theoretically, so even if people pay attention, it will probably be considered an illusion.

Now that the entire area of ​​the principal's office is hidden by stone monsters, he is safe. But just to be on the safe side, even at night, he couldn't leave the scope of the principal's office to prevent accidents.

The stone monster beside him has already lay down and started snoring.

Jon also stood up and returned to the principal's office.

After twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, it became very quiet here.

There was a grilled chicken and a plate of sandwiches on the table. Jon gently pulled out the chicken leg and began to nibble on it.

Naturally, there is no food other than candy in the headmaster's office, and Jon dare not ask the house elves to bring food over (Umbridge, as the "headmaster", can order house elves).

However, he was not completely helpless. He spent more than ten minutes "coercing and luring" Principal Phineas Black, and successfully got him to go to Grimmauld Square to deliver a message.

Dumbledore and Fox stayed there most of the time, so since the news passed, Fox would fly over with a pile of food every few days.

That stupid phoenix seems to be very happy with this kind of "messenger" job, because every time she returns to the principal's office, she can fill her stomach with herbs before going back...


Jon was gnawing on the chicken leg when he suddenly heard the sound of swallowing saliva behind him.

Looking back, it was Principal Dexter Fusco, who was looking at him secretly... After seeing Jon turning his head, the fat wizard with the red nose quickly closed his eyes, pretending that he was sleeping.

"Principal Fusco?" Jon tiptoed over and called in a low voice to avoid disturbing others.

Principal Dexter Fusco had to open his eyes. When he saw the chicken leg waving in Jon's hand, he had to look away and coughed lightly:

"Ahem... I really miss it. The last time I ate something was almost three hundred years ago."

When he saw Jon's expression of wanting to laugh, he became angry from embarrassment: "You will have this day too, after you become a portrait!"

He spoke so fast that Jon couldn't catch him.

And Jon is apologizing to him with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, Principal Fusco, I didn't mean it; I will take it out when I eat in the future, and go to the stone monster at the door..."

Principal Fusco's face softened a lot.

He lowered his head and saw the opened pages of the "Summary of Cutting-edge Spells" in Jon's hand.

"Are you learning the Disillusionment Charm?" he asked.

"Yeah." Jon nodded, and said honestly: "The most I can do now is to make the cursed object look like a chameleon, with the color and texture consistent with the environment behind and around it... a little It will be exposed as soon as it moves, but it cannot be completely invisible."

"There is a little problem with your overall thinking!" Dexter Fusco commented unceremoniously: "It is the most stupid way to make the color and texture consistent with the environment behind and around you, because the surrounding environment The environment is different...the correct approach should be to act on yourself..."

"That's right, you should pay attention to the effect of light, that's the most important thing!" A voice suddenly came from above, it was Chris Evra, who had never been very talkative, and he said with a serious expression.

"Actually, I think invisibility cloaks are more useful..." Phineas Black said weakly: "Invisible beasts are actually quite common in Africa... If you walk around the East African prairie, within two years Definitely find one."

Only then did Jon notice that almost all the headmaster's portraits had their eyes open.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked quickly.

"Of course not." Phineas Black shook his head: "How could our portrait need to sleep?"

"Then...then why do you show a sleepy expression every day?" Jon asked in astonishment.

"I'm just pretending..." Phineas Black said as a matter of course, "How boring it is to keep your eyes open all the time!"

Jon shifted his gaze to the other principals, and they all nodded, including Oliver Cromwell, who always looked serious.

Jon stood there dumbfounded, and the chicken leg in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily.

"Let's continue discussing the Disillusionment Curse." Dexter Fusco ignored them: "Where did we just talk... By the way, the top-notch Disillusionment Curse should work on light..."

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