The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 272 I Caught Potter

It took Jon a long time to persuade Headmaster Phineas Black to return to the portrait in Grimmauld Place and report the news to Albus Dumbledore.

Judging from Phineas' expression, he seemed very dissatisfied with this.

"Can't I let my old bones rest for a while?" While squirming on the portrait, he muttered, "Look, I'm so tired tonight..."

There was a burst of protest from the surrounding portraits.

"Disobedience, bastard!" A big fat wizard with a red nose shouted, shaking his fists, "You're not doing your duty!"

It was Headmaster Dexter Fusco, who had led England to the Quidditch World Cup, glaring at Phineas Black angrily.

"Don't be ashamed, Phineas!" An old wizard who looked weak shouted, "I'll tell Dairis when she comes back..."

This time it was Dumbledore's predecessor, Armando Dippet, who spoke.

"Just kidding...I'm leaving...I'll go right away..." Phineas Black's face changed, he said hastily, and then disappeared into the portrait.

Jon felt that it was time for him to leave here too. After saying goodbye to the portraits of the principals and Fox, he pushed open the door of the principal's office and stepped into the retractable staircase again.

Taking a sip of the Polyjuice Potion containing Ron Weasley's hair, Jon walked away from the sleeping stone beast.

The black cat in the nearby portrait saw Ron Weasley walk out of the headmaster's office...and hurried away too.


Before the herbal medicine class started the next morning, Jon hurried to Dolores Umbridge's office.

Then he told the old pink toad who was kept in the dark about Marietta Aikemo's confession and Blaise Zabini's discovery on the gold Galleon. .

"Dumbledore's Army?" Umbridge's voice trembled.

"I think it should be, Miss Aikemo said so." Jon replied honestly.

"That's really great!" It seemed that Umbridge's emotions were not only anger, but also excitement.

"According to Miss Eckmore's confession...the reason why Potter and Granger did this was to form an army against the Ministry of Magic!" Jon explained to her solemnly: "They lied that the mysterious man had returned , and then there are a few nights every week, in that weird classroom on the eighth floor, practicing all kinds of vicious spells..."

"This old fox Dumbledore!" Umbridge smiled excitedly, "His fox tail... I finally caught it!"

Umbridge, who was excited, didn't seem to find any similarities between the two organizations "Dumbledore's Army" and "Dolores Support Club".

She is now in a hurry to take out a stack of parchment and a quill, and she is still talking to herself: "Who should I write to... First of all, I must write to the Daily Prophet, and then write To the Secretary's Office, Connelly himself should write a..."

"Professor Umbridge." Jon couldn't help reminding softly: "I think it's better for us to wait until we capture Potter and the others..."

"Not bad!" Dolores Umbridge straightened up and sat up immediately: "You're right, Patrick!"

The excited expression on Umbridge's face gradually calmed down, and she bit the end of the quill: "I'll inform Filch later, Patrick, you should also contact your group of friends... we will meet at eight o'clock in the evening. Gather here, remember to be careful, don't let others find out... When their party starts, we will catch them all!"

"I think this is a perfect plan, Professor Umbridge!" Jon complimented on the side.

"At that time, I will contact Connelly and ask him to bring a few Aurors... The witnesses and evidence are gathered, and I will see how Dumbledore can argue!" Umbridge was still immersed in her dream: "Throw that old fox into Azkaban and keep him with the dementors."

"Then I'll go back first and contact Draco and Blaise?" Jon asked in a low voice.

"Of course!" Umbridge glanced at Jon meaningfully: "Patrick, you are a good student."

"...I will write to Connelly and tell him how much you have helped me at school... so good, I think the Ministry of Magic should open the door to him even if it is a foreign wizard." Wu Mlich said sternly.

"It's my honor, Professor Umbridge." Jon said flattered.


At eight o'clock on Monday night, members of the "Dumbledore's Army" met in the Room of Requirement as usual.

"Good evening, Harry!"

"Your interview on The Quibbler, it was amazing!"

Every student who entered the Room of Requirement happily greeted Harry.

"What spell shall we practice today?"

The last question was asked by Ravenclaw sixth-year Cho-Chang, and Harry felt his heart beat faster when he heard her voice.

"Probably the Patronus Charm!" He pretended to be nonchalant.

"Will Professor Scamander be here today?" someone asked again.

"Shouldn't come..." Hermione Granger shook her head and replied, "So it's Harry who will teach us today."

As she spoke, she checked the roster in her hand, and waited until the other students had gone to the Room of Response... She suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Someone is missing, and someone hasn't arrived!"

"Probably something else?" Ron said carelessly.

"If there are other things, he will definitely ask for leave!" Hermione frowned while continuing to check the roster.

After searching for a few minutes, she finally found the name——

"Marietta Ackmore." Hermione ran into the crowd and shouted, "Does anyone know why she didn't come?"

"Marietta is my friend," Cho replied, "and I brought her in!"

Hermione frowned slightly, and asked Qiu, "Then is there anything unusual about her recently?"

"To be honest, I do think she's been a little strange these days..." Qiu murmured.

"I saw her yesterday!" Luna Lovegood suddenly raised her hand and said with a smile: "In Hogsmeade, I saw her with Selwyn of Slytherin, and they seemed to be saying What!"

Hermione's expression changed suddenly, she quickly winked at Harry, and shouted, "The Marauder's Map, Harry!"

Harry hastily took out the blank parchment from his pocket...

"I solemnly swear that I have done no good!" Harry said softly, taking out his wand at the same time.

The blank parchment turned into a map little by little, with many footprints appearing on it.

Harry moved his eyes to the Room of Requirement...he didn't see his name, Hermione's, or the names of the other D.A. members on the map, because the Room of Requirement didn't show up on the Marauder's map.

However, several footprints appeared in Harry's eyes.

They are all familiar names, such as "Draco Malfoy", "Vincent Crabbe", and "Christopher Patrick"...

But what caught Harry's attention more were the names "Dolores Umbridge" and "Argus Filch".

They all seemed to be heading for the Room of Requirement.

"Everyone, run away!" He screamed in a panic, "Umbridge and Filch are rushing towards us!"


They all ran for the exit at once, huddled in the doorway, and then someone burst out.

Harry heard them scurrying down the hallway, and he hoped they'd been smart enough not to run all the way back to their dormitories, the chances of which were so slim.

The library and the owl shack are much closer, and as long as they can hide in, there is still a chance of escape...

It took a lot of effort, and Harry just squeezed out of the Room of Requirement... The members of the D.A. were all running away in all directions, in a panic.

Umbridge's shrill laughter can be heard not far to the left, and Filch's scolding... They seem to have caught someone.

Harry hurried to the right; there was a boys' bathroom ahead, and if he could get there, he could pretend he had been there...

"There are many obstacles!" A voice suddenly came from the other side of the bathroom.

Harry felt himself fall to the ground.

Then he heard Christopher Patrick's voice beside him:

"Professor Umbridge, I've got Potter!"

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