The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 268 Obsessed (Second)

On the morning of February 14th, Jon deliberately dressed up.

After walking out of the dormitory, Jon knew that Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle couldn't go to Hogsmeade.

They had to take part in training for the Quidditch game (as seekers and hitters respectively), and Slytherins had never been closer to the Quidditch Cup since several Gryffindor players were suspended.

Jon came to the Great Hall alone, and after eating... he signed at Filch's door.

Knowing the close relationship between Mr. Patrick and Professor Umbridge, Filch was also very polite to Jon and did not embarrass him.

Accepting the inspection easily, Jon embarked on the path to Hogsmeade.


Today's weather is not bad, at least not as cold as it was some time ago.

The streets of Hogsmeade are full of students, who are strolling on the street, or watching the shop windows, and even get together to have fun... In school, fearing the power of Umbridge, It is difficult for them to let themselves go like this.

When they saw Christopher Patrick appear, they all chose to move out of the way.

It seems that the image of Mr. Patrick as Professor Umbridge's "dogleg" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When passing by Devis and Bans Store (a store that provides maintenance services for magic supplies), Jon found a large notice posted in the window, and several locals and Hogwarts students were watching it .

Jon leaned over curiously... The two Gryffindor third-year students hurried away.

In the window, Jon once again faced the photos of ten escaped Death Eaters, and announced that according to the arrest warrant issued by the Auror office, if anyone can provide clues to apprehend any escaped criminal, he will be rewarded with a thousand Galleons .

"So stingy!" Jon couldn't help muttering, "Blake's bounty was five thousand Galleons back then!"

And when Black escaped, Hogsmeade was full of dementors sent by the Ministry of Magic to catch him. Now ten Death Eaters are outside, but no Dementors in sight...

Looks like the Ministry of Magic insiders, too, realized that the dementors had betrayed them!


Jon continued to walk forward, and after a few minutes, he came to the door of the Three Broomsticks

You can see a lot of acquaintances inside... Rubeus Hagrid was sitting sullenly in a corner, holding a barrel-sized wine glass in his hand, drinking mulled wine; Hermione Granger was sitting in another At one side of the table, she was accompanied by two incredible companions: Luna Lovegood and Rita Skeeter.

When Jon walked into the bar, Hermione Granger turned and gave him a look, then she looked down as if discussing something with Luna Lovegood.

Jon ignored them, and he came to Lady Rosmerta.

"Oh, Mr. Patrick!" Mrs. Rosmerta showed a rather sexy smile, and she lowered her voice: "Your companions are still in the basement, but today you are the one who came earlier."

"Okay, thanks!" Jon ordered a butterbeer, and then walked skillfully to the basement of the Three Broomsticks.

As Mrs. Rosmerta said, there were indeed only two people in it, Pansy Parkinson and Tiffany Selwyn.

The two of them were talking quietly, but when Jon walked in, their conversation stopped abruptly.

"That Marietta Aikemo will be here soon!" Selwyn said with a confident face: "If she dares not come... I will write to my father and ask my father to remove her mother from the Floo Network The administration will fire it!"

"What if she lied to us?" Pansy Parkinson said suddenly, "What if she lied to us...or only partly told the truth?"

Selwyn frowned.

At this moment, Jon suddenly took out a small bottle from his pocket, which was filled with a transparent liquid.

Under the surprised eyes of Pansy Parkinson and Tiffany Selwyn, Jon opened the small bottle, dripped three drops of the liquid inside, and dropped it into the glass of butterbeer he had just brought.

"Christopher...this is..." Pansy asked in surprise.

"Veritaserum..." Jon replied calmly: "It only takes three drops, and the user can tell all the secrets in her heart."

The two Slytherin girls looked at each other.

"I heard that this is a very, very advanced potion..." Selwyn whispered, "It's very precious...and it's under strict control by the Ministry of Magic."

"Christopher, do you deserve this?" Pansy looked at Jon in disbelief.

"This is impossible!" It was Selwyn who spoke: "Christoph's grades in Potions are not that good, and this can be said to be his only shortcoming!"

"In Durmstrang, I got it by chance." Jon explained: "I suggest that you don't tell anyone about its existence, especially Professor Umbridge... This thing is very precious, I don't want it It was used for Professor Umbridge, to interrogate people who were of no use."

"Of course!" Pansy Parkinson and Tiffany Selwyn both smiled and nodded.


The D.A. members rushed here one by one, and Jon sat in the innermost seat, but fell into deep thought.

According to the original plot, Marietta Aikemo will be forced to tell all the information about another D.A. under the pressure of these quasi-Death Eaters.

However, the signed parchment before was bewitched by Hermione Granger; it made dense purple pustules grow on her face, spelling out the words "informant".

Hermione in the fifth grade is already a witch who is very good at spells, and she is very good at casting magic on parchment; as far as I can remember, until more than 20 years later, the purple pustules on Miss Aikemo's face are still gone. It can be eliminated, but it can only be barely covered with foundation.

For a woman, this kind of scar is undoubtedly a lifetime of pain.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with Hermione's behavior... Since you have signed a contract and dare to inform you, you must pay the price.

But Jon felt that because of such a small mistake, it would be too cruel for a girl to pay the price of lifelong disfigurement.

If it was Dumbledore, he would definitely be more tolerant and give Marietta Ackmore a second chance...

So Jon took out the Veritaserum, telling the truth under the influence of the Veritaserum was not a violation of the contract, and those purple pustules would not grow on her face.


Thinking about it, Jon couldn't help laughing.

I don't know when did I start to think about the problem from Dumbledore's point of view?

What is this, is it subtle?

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