The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 262 An Unexpected Letter (Second Update)

"Dear Hermione,

haven't seen you for a long time.

Thank you very much for your letter, how are you doing recently... (100 words omitted here)

By the way, you asked me to look up the information of the person 'Christopher Patrick'?

But I'm sorry, I wanted to ask if you spelled the name wrong... I don't remember Durmstrang ever having a student named 'Christopher Patrick'; I went to check the information of all Durmstrang students in the past five years, and I checked it several times, but I didn't see such a name.

So, either you spelled your name wrong, or this Patrick is lying!

In addition, Durmstrang has not recruited any wizards from Austria in the past five years... not a single one!

I can guarantee both of these points.

Viktor Krum

on January 10"

Jon gently folded the letter in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

His hands trembled slightly, and he even felt a cold sweat break out from behind his back

"Christopher, are you still checking that Mudblood Granger's letter..." Pansy Parkinson turned around and said with a smile, "Could it be that you fell in love with her? I admit she is a very pretty girl!"

"Are you kidding? How could Christopher fall in love with a Mudblood!" Draco Malfoy on the side gave Pansy a dissatisfied look.

"Yeah, don't make such jokes!" Jon said with a smile.

At the same time, he put the letter back into the pile of letters as if nothing had happened on the surface, and then raised his head calmly: "Draco, do the Potters have any other new letters, bring them here, I Check it out for yourself."

"There is one more..." Malfoy looked down for a long time, and then picked up a letter: "Written to that Ron Weasley... It seems to be written by one of his brothers, it seems to be Perry Si Weasley?"

"Okay, let me... let me check!" Jon said hastily, and then took the letter from Malfoy.

Malfoy turned around and shouted at the rest of the busy D.A. members: "Everyone, be serious... If you find any reactionary content, report it to us immediately!"

There were sparse sounds of flipping through letters throughout the classroom.


Half an hour later, after checking the letters, Jon led the D.A. members out of the classroom where they were just now.

"I found two illegal letters here!" Malfoy handed over two letters: "Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff, and Lee Jordan from Gryffindor."

"I have one here too..." Tiffany Selwyn said.

"I'll give them to Professor Umbridge." Jon took the illegal letters one after another.

Then he saw Blaise Zabini carrying a stack of letters, wrapped... Zabini was going to give them to Filch to redistribute to the students.

"Let me come." Jon walked over and said gently, "I happen to have something to do with Mr. go to dinner, Blaise."

"Thank you so much, Christopher..." Blaise Zabini handed the stack of letters to Jon with a grateful expression.

Jon took the stack of wrapped letters, then parted ways with the other D.A. members and walked to the office of the administrator, Mr. Argus Filch, on the second floor.

Along the way, Jon didn't move, as if nothing happened just now.

Until he walked into Filch's office, Mr. Filch was not there. As usual, he and Mrs. Norris were patrolling the castle.

Jon hurriedly opened the bag, and found the letter that Krum had written to Hermione that he had folded in advance... Putting it in his pocket, Jon left a note for Filch, and left out.


When he came to the empty Charms classroom, Jon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was also a little lucky... Fortunately, the day after Christmas, Umbridge sent their D.A members to help her check all the letters of Hogwarts students to make sure that there was no objection to the Ministry of Magic , or illegal content.

And Jon kept an eye out in advance, telling them not to touch the letters from Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger...let him check it himself.

With Jon's current status in the minds of these would-be Death Eaters... making such a request would not arouse any suspicion.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after receiving this task, Jon peeked at such a heavy letter.

Regarding the status of Christopher Patrick, Jon can guess a little bit...

First of all, this is a false identity; secondly, Dumbledore should have used a very powerful confusion spell, so the specific information of this identity can be found; third, the confusion spell cannot change everyone's memory...

Therefore, the teachers and students of Durmstrang will not remember such a name that does not exist on campus.

It can be said that this time is quite thrilling... If it is said that the trio know that there is a problem with Patrick's identity, it is actually fine, as long as they do not publicize it; but if Umbridge or other D.A. members see this letter Let them know that in Durmstrang, Patrick does not actually exist, that would be a big deal... I will definitely be suspected.

Jon was almost cheated by the trio this time.

But there is one problem that makes Jon difficult... So, what to do with this letter?

Just destroy it and pretend it doesn't exist? It's too risky to do that, there's no guarantee that Hermione won't write another letter like this, or that she'll find some other way to contact Krum...

Modify the content with magic? Also very irrational, Hermione Granger is already a sixteen-year-old wizard, and her attainments in spells are very high... Ordinary modifications can easily be seen by her.

Or just forge a letter? There is still a problem, Viktor Krum's font is not a good example; I remember that Krum and Hermione have been pen pals for a period of time in the original book, and they must know each other's handwriting very well.


After thinking for a few minutes—

"Incendio!" Jon pointed his wand at the letter.

A flash of fire flashed... In the flames, the letter was burned up in an instant.

"It seems that we can only use a more direct method..." At the same time, Jon said to himself.

Then he walked out of the Charms classroom.

PS: Let me tell you something, I hope everyone will stop posting some deadly or disharmonious remarks in the book review area or in this chapter.

This afternoon, I was reminded by the editor, saying that there are a lot of illegal content in my comments, so I should pay attention to it. And just today, about 400 or 500 articles in this chapter of the book were deleted by Dianniang Harmony.

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