The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 254 Is Your Father Alright (Second)

To be honest, Jon wasn't bothered by what he saw at the Hog's Head.

In fact, Aberforth Dumbledore's words were quickly forgotten by him.

As December rolls on and the snow falls harder and harder, Jon feels the pressure on the Dolores Support Club...

Mainly because Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy's prefects are getting more and more busy as Christmas approaches.

They have to supervise the decoration of the castle under the interference of Peeves; they also need to watch the first and second graders who have to stay indoors because of the cold and rainy weather; and take turns with the castle administrator Mr. Argus Filch Prowling the corridors, as Filch suspected there might be more fights as the festival approached...

Therefore, they obviously cannot continue to contribute too much to the D.A. organization.

Jon, who has lost his two right-hand men, has to rely on big fools like Crabbe and Goyle, or a young lady like Selwyn, who has high eyesight and low abilities, to monitor Harry Potter and his companions. Illegal assemblies in schools have become more frequent.

Senior Inquisitor Dolores-Umbridge is getting increasingly irritable now, especially because of the presence of three new teachers, Scamander, Hagrid, and Firenze (all of whom Umbridge loathes ).

Fortunately, she still trusts Christopher Patrick and the "Dolores Support Club".

Jon is already thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to sell another D.A., that is, "Dumbledore's Army", for a good price; to consolidate his status as the "number one dog leg" with Umbridge.

Of course, you have to discuss it with Professor Dumbledore first.


Astoria-Greengrass has been in terrible shape lately.

She's ill.

Probably because there are too many things to worry about: worrying about Umbridge's revenge, but whether his mother will be imprisoned in Azkaban, worrying about whether Jon's false identity will be discovered...

She spent the penultimate week of Christmas break in the school hospital.

Her older sister, Daphne Greengrass, took leave of absence and stayed by her side for a moment...

So much so that it was difficult for Jon to visit her too frequently, so he could only get a little understanding of her situation through Selwyn.

"She looks terrible! Her face is pale, and she has a fever..." Tiffany Selwyn said: "I heard that her mother is going to the Wizengamot to be tried by the Ministry of Magic on the second day of the Christmas holiday... ...turned out she broke before then."

No matter how anxious Jon was, there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, two days before the start of the Christmas holiday, Astoria was finally discharged from the hospital.

In astronomy class, Jon found an opportunity to sneak up on her:

"Are you OK……"

"It's okay..." Astoria smiled reluctantly, although the smile was still weak: "Don't worry about me..."

"Can you give me a break, Astoria... I'll use the telescope here!" Selwyn's voice came from behind inappropriately.

"Okay..." Astoria had to step aside and walk to the telescope on the other side.

Seeing that she wasn't paying attention, Selwyn reported to Jon in a low voice: "Christopher, I found a breakthrough... Marietta Ackermoy of Ravenclaw, I heard her and Others boasted that she was also rallying with Potter's gang... Her mother is Mrs. Eckmore of the Department of Magical Transport, Flyway Network Authority, and her immediate boss happens to be my father. Maybe I can use this to force her to tell the truth ..."

"Sounds good!" Jon was slightly annoyed, but he still hid it well: "But I want to wait until after Christmas... let Potter and his group spend this Christmas safely!"

"Then Christopher, are you interested in going to Selwyn Manor for Christmas?" Selwyn suddenly invited, and she smiled: "There is a Christmas ball for pure-blood families, and most pure-blood families will attend ..."

"I'd love to." Jon said bluntly, "but I think I have to accompany my great-aunt. It's rare to come to England to spend Christmas!"

"Then I'm sorry!" Selwyn replied with some disappointment: "I hope Ms. Bagshot is in good health. She is one of the few living fossil witches left in the British magic world!"

"Well, thank you!"


That night, Jon checked the materials for a long time in the restricted section of the library again.

Until Mrs. Pince chased people away with a feather duster, she yelled at Jon angrily: "It's almost nine o'clock, even if you have Professor Umbridge behind you, you have to get out of here quickly... "

"I'm sorry!" Jon quickly closed the last book and handed it to Mrs. Pince.

Mrs. Pince glanced at the book in her hand with some disdain, and she muttered, "Another lover of black magic!"

But Jon was already out of the library.

The corridors of Hogwarts at night look a little eerie... from time to time a ghost floats by, making people feel creepy.

Jon couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked to the basement.

"Stop!" A boy with a prefect badge stepped in from the diagonal corridor and grabbed Jon's sleeve.

He first glanced at the courtyard emblem on Jon's chest, and then shouted excitedly:

"A junior Slytherin, are you that friend of Draco Malfoy...haha, you violated the curfew!"

Jon glanced at the other person's fiery red hair, and recognized his identity through the firelight: "I think for the fourth graders, the curfew time is nine o'clock, and now it is two minutes away from nine o'clock!"

"Your watch is five minutes late!" Ron Weasley said unreasonably: "Let me think... Should I punish you for confinement, or punish you for copying sentences..."

"Who's there?" Another voice came from the far side of the corridor, Draco Malfoy's voice, his wand gleaming.

"Haha, Christopher... why are you mixing with the Weasleys, don't you think it's dirty?" Draco Malfoy walked a few steps closer, and after seeing it clearly, he laughed.

"Malfoy, your friend violated the curfew!" Ron Weasley said bluntly.

"That's none of your business, Weasley!" Draco Malfoy pulled Jon over, seeing the angry expression on Ron's face, he sarcastically said, "Don't you want to fight?"

The sound of Crabbe and Goyle's footsteps came from Malfoy's previous position.

The two of them quickly stood beside Jon and Malfoy, the four of them standing in a row.

Looking at the four people in front of him, Ron Weasley's face changed slightly, he took a few steps back, and muttered, "You're lucky this time!"

"Wait!" Jon looked at Ron calmly and asked, "You are Ron Weasley!"

"Of course!" Draco Malfoy said first, "It's the pure-blood traitor from the Weasley family... His father is the Arthur Weiss who hangs out with Muggles and mudbloods every day." Lai!"

"Arthur Weasley?" Jon seemed attracted by the name. He looked at Ron and asked, "Your father, is he in good health?"

"What do you mean?" Ron seemed to understand this sentence as a mockery, and he was trembling with anger.

"No, I'm really asking... is your father okay?" Jon asked again, his tone very sincere.

"It's great, you don't need to worry about it!" Ron snorted coldly.

"If I were you, I wouldn't use such a certain tone." Jon said again, without any irony or humiliation in his tone:

"If I were you, I would write a letter to your father right now to confirm whether his life is in danger!"

"Crazy..." Ron Weasley cursed, and started walking backwards.

"Would you like to beat him up, Draco?" Crabbe asked softly.

Draco Malfoy looked at Jon questioningly.

"No need..." Jon said calmly, "Let's go back to the Slytherin common room!"

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