The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 250 Astoria's Confession (Part 1)

Jon finally knew why this photo looked so familiar.

Mrs. Diana Greengrass, she is Astoria's mother... In the photo, she is almost the same as her little daughter.

Apart from the eyes, Astoria's eyes are black, while Mrs Greengrass's, like her eldest daughter Daphne Greengrass's, are dark green.

In the photo, Mrs. Greengrass looked a bit grim; while the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, was standing proudly beside her.

Jon continued to read the content of the news:

"As evidenced by Ms. Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary for Magic, the Minister's Office has determined that Mrs. Diana Greengrass, Head of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, has committed serious misconduct in recent years. :

A year and a half ago, she let a hippogriff escape trial for a serious assault, and has since been arrested.

A year and a month ago, she allowed the extradition of a highly dangerous Ukrainian iron-bellied dragon from Le Havre to Liverpool without full procedure.

Nine months ago, knowing that a teacher at Hogwarts was cultivating a highly dangerous creature called "Blast-tailed Snail" (its danger level is between that of a manticore and a fire crab), She didn't respond either.

Due to Mrs. Greengrass's repeated dereliction of duty, she has seriously violated the "Code of Conduct for Officials of the Ministry of Magic" and violated the basic professional ethics of officials of the Ministry of Magic.

After deliberation, the minister's office has decided to suspend him for investigation.

The next step is to deal with the results and wait for the official trial of the Wizengamot in two weeks.

Mr. Cuthbert Mockridge, Head of Goblin Liaison, will act as acting Director of the Department of Regulatory and Control of Magical Creatures on an interim basis.

Office of the Minister, Assistant Minister Percy Weasley.

on November 29. "

Jon finished reading the news silently, feeling a little flustered.

"What's the matter?" Pansy Parkinson asked curiously, "Is there any big news?"

"Nothing!" Jon returned the newspaper to her as if nothing had happened.

Pansy Parkinson took the paper and turned it to the crossword page...


Half an hour later, with the butterbeer and mead gone, it seemed the party was over.

The members of the Volpes Knights walked out of the Three Broomsticks while talking and laughing.

Then their paths are not the same, and they need to go their separate ways; some people go to Zonko's Joke Store to buy some gadgets, some people go to Honeydukes Candy Store to buy candy, and some even need to buy clothes from Fengya Wizard Clothing...

"I have to go to the post office to deliver a letter." Jon made an excuse and separated from them.

A few minutes later, Jon sneaked back and walked towards Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse.

There are slightly fewer people in the teahouse today than last time.

After all, in such a cold weather, few couples are willing to go out on a date for tea. I am afraid they would rather have a few glasses of wine to warm up their bodies.

Jon walked straight to the second floor, but stopped before entering the room.

He took out his wand, and—




After making a few gestures at his clothes, and making sure that there will be no smell of a girl left behind——

Jon took off the ring, and opened the door gently.


Astoria Greengrass was waiting for him in the room just like last time.

Her condition didn't seem to be very good, her thoughts were almost all written on her face, full of worries and worries.

There seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes, and a copy of the "Daily Prophet" was placed on the table.

It seems that she already knew about her mother's appearance...

After seeing Jon walk in, Astoria stood up quickly.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked quickly, and then walked over to support Astoria.

Astoria nodded, and at the same time gave Jon a helpful look, and then glanced at the "Daily Prophet" on the table; it looked a little pitiful.

"Stop it, Astoria...I've seen the report in the newspaper." Jon said first: "Mrs. Greengrass, your mother, I swear she will be fine!"

Astoria cried with concern: "Will they send her to Azkaban?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely not." Jon comforted: "The Wizengamot can't be all fools. There are many wizards with bottom lines and clear minds there. They will uphold justice and speak for your mother!"

Saying this, Jon felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Of course, he is very clear about the urgency of the Ministry of Magic at this stage. Since they dare to attack Mrs. Greengrass, they will definitely not care about the bottom line.

In case Astoria's mother is really imprisoned in Azkaban...

"It's all my fault..." Astoria lowered her head in reproach, and cried, "It was because I contradicted Professor Umbridge in class, that's why she blamed my mother..."

"Of course it's not your fault, Astoria!" Jon lightly held her in his arms: "Don't think about it, it was all a few months ago... Umbridge A pink toad, she'll get her way, I promise you."

Hearing the name "pink toad", Astoria finally had a smile on his face.

And Jon's continuous comfort also stabilized her mood a bit.

She raised her head and smiled weakly at Jon: "Thank you, Jon..."

She got up from Jon's arms, then took a wet wipe and wiped her eyes.

"My father passed away when I was very young..." Astoria said suddenly, "I actually don't have much impression of him, and my mother rarely mentions him, and I don't even know his last name. "

Jon listened quietly to Astoria, who was telling herself for the first time about her family.

"My mother raised me and my sister alone... Actually, I don't miss her at all. She always said that my character is too weak, and my sister is more like her." Astoria continued: "I have always admired her , from childhood to adulthood, whether it is family or career, no matter how tired she is, she can take care of her in an orderly manner."

"I have been in poor health since I was a child. In addition to taking care of the family, she also needs to take care of me..." Astoria pursed her lips tightly: "I still remember when she was four years old, she brought me to Hogwarts and asked Dumbledore Professor Lido..."

Please take a day off today, just one more.

I just had something to do, and I didn't come back until after ten o'clock... Tomorrow, I have to get up early in the morning to hold a meeting.

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