The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 242 The Death Eater's Message (Second Change)

Since the beginning of October, Professor Sybill Trelawney has been getting thinner and thinner, which makes her ugly face and her strange clothes look more like a ghost now.

Her divination class was getting worse and worse... She even often said some strange and hysterical words in class.

Senior Inquisitor Umbridge was even more unscrupulous, and he almost told Professor Trelawney that he would expel her from Hogwarts. Looking at her like that, it seems that she is determined to fire at least one person in the near future and make an example of others.

The students can basically guess this, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before Trelawney is fired by Umbridge.

Especially the Christopher Patrick prophecy that was rumored on was even advertised as miraculous!

The current Jon is already a well-known "Master of Prophecy" in the whole school - in the past week, several girls have come to ask him, what kind of person will their future husband be?

This made Jon a little dumbfounded...

But the other professors were not influenced by Umbridge...

Including Mad-Eye Moody, except for the one time before, Umbridge had never been to the swamp on the Quidditch pitch—the place where Professor Moody took them for Auror training.

As if nothing happened.


These days, Jon spends most of his time in the library.

Professor Dolores Umbridge was happy to give a good student like Christopher Patrick who respected the Ministry of Magic and herself, a certificate of access to the restricted section of the library.

Although Mrs. Pince quite disagreed with this, she had no right to speak in front of the senior investigator.

Jon has been in the restricted area, searching for some information... It's a pity that after spending nearly two weeks, he still seems to have found nothing.

One day at the end of October, at breakfast time, when Jon was in a daze in the hall, on the long table of Slytherin——

"What are you thinking?" Draco Malfoy suddenly sat beside him and patted him on the shoulder.

Crabbe and Goyle sat expertly on either side of them, keeping others from stalking.

"Nothing!" Jon forced a smile.

"Did you have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class this morning?" Malfoy asked with a guilty conscience.

"Yeah..." Jon nodded.

A piece of rolled parchment was quietly slipped to Jon by Malfoy... At the same time he whispered: "Take this to father gave me...the order of the Dark Lord, keep it carefully , don't let anyone find out..."

"Oh, is that so?" Jon's breathing became slightly short, and he asked nonchalantly, "Why don't you go get it to him yourself?"

"This..." Malfoy couldn't help but become a little ugly, and he explained: "I had a little conflict with Moody last year, so I don't really want to face him, in case the Dark Lord's plan is missed event……"

It seems that the white sable incident really brought a serious psychological shadow to poor Draco Malfoy.

"Okay!" Jon secretly stuffed the note into his pocket, and at the same time he raised his voice suddenly: "Oh, Draco... the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch match is next week The day begins, right... ok, I get it!

While saying this, Jon winked at Malfoy.

Because he saw Ron Weasley of Gryffindor leaning over here, looking at his expression, he seemed to want to eavesdrop on something.

"Yes!" Malfoy understood and said loudly, "I promise you, I will beat Gryffindor to pieces!"


Jon didn't try to open the rolled parchment, although he was equally curious about its contents.

But this is Voldemort's stuff after all... If Voldemort puts some kind of curse on it, as soon as I open it, I will be tricked by myself, that would be no fun!

In the morning, he first took a charm class, and showed a perfect "expulsion spell" in front of Flitwick, and won the high praise from the charm teacher... Jon helped Slytherin get five point.

After the Charms class is over, the next class is Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Mad-Eye Moody's classes were, as usual, exhausting, but there was something to be learned.

After less than two months of study, Jon and the others have been taught a lot of Auror combat experience by Mad-Eye Moody.

Although the members of the Walpus Knights in the same class dismissed this and thought it was meaningless... But Jon explained it to them in this way: "Teach the barbarians to learn skills to control the barbarians!"

As all the students were exhausted and out of breath, the bell for the end of get out of class at the castle also rang.

Mad-Eye Moody gave the order, and the students of the two colleges left the Quidditch pitch with their exhausted bodies.

Jon deliberately dawdled and stayed at the end of the line.


In fact, Jon could guess what Voldemort wrote on the parchment.

Probably Voldemort's undercover agent in the Ministry of Magic, knowing that the Aurors of Forge's faction are about to attack Mad-Eye Moody (Barty Crouch Jr.), and told him to leave quickly.

If it weren't for such an urgent matter, I'm afraid Lucius Malfoy wouldn't let his son take such a big risk.

This means that unless Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic completely tear their faces apart, Moody will have to leave the campus soon.

This made Jon a little embarrassed.

During this period of time, he has been having a question, and he wants to find an expert in black magic to ask... Mad-Eye Moody is naturally quite proficient in this, but he is not very familiar with Moody, so it is not easy to ask.

But now, there is not much time left.

While pinching the parchment in his pocket, Jon walked towards Professor Alastor Moody who was about to leave over there.


"Patrick?" Mad-Eye Moody frowned, because he turned around and found another student: "Why don't you go back to the castle?"

"Sir, I want to ask you something." Jon said calmly.

"Then ask quickly, son, quickly ask..." Professor Moody waved his hand impatiently?

"Sir, I want to ask you if you know... the blood curse?" Jon asked with a serious face.

"Blood Curse?" Alastor Moody's ferocious face turned around and looked at Jon; he said slowly in a hoarse voice, "How much do you want to know?"

"Everything!" Jon replied.

It took me so long to write this chapter... Sorry, sorry...

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