The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 233 The Gathering in Hogsmeade (Second Change)

To be honest, Mad-Eye Moody's actions can be regarded as inspiring.

News of Dolores Umbridge's embarrassment in front of the fourth graders quickly spread throughout the campus.

There was so much talk about it everywhere that Umbridge put on a sullen face every time he showed up in the hallway.

Many people don't say it on the surface, but they often secretly laugh at her behind the scenes.

It also seemed to make the senior investigator cranky and irritable.


The studies of the fourth grade students are not heavy, but it is still very easy for Jon...

It's a pity that with Dumbledore's warning, he knew that the entire castle was under Umbridge's surveillance; Jon hadn't been to the Room of Requirement in recent weeks for fear of being suspected.

But there is a better choice, and that is the Charms classroom.

When Jon asked Professor Flitwick in a Charms class in the third week if he could use the classroom to practice the Flying Curse and the Expulsion Curse after class, Professor Flitwick immediately and generously agreed.

There are no portraits in the Charms classroom, so Umbridge's eyeliner can't control what's going on inside.

After class, Jon often comes here, reading books, practicing spells and the like.

Jon didn't know whether the Salvation Trio created "Dumbledore's Army", after all, the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is not Umbridge... But this has nothing to do with him, because another organization quietly invited over him.

On a blustery night at the end of September, when Jon was sitting in the library, looking up the ingredients for a potion, Draco Malfoy walked over with his two younger brothers.

"Christopher, how is your time at school?" Malfoy greeted enthusiastically.

"Hello,'re doing well!" Jon smiled and nodded at him.

Malfoy winked at Crabbe and Goyle respectively, and the two chubby guys agreed, and walked to the intersection on both sides to prevent others from approaching here.

"You know, we're going to Hogsmeade on the first weekend in October!" Malfoy lowered his voice, and he added, "Hogsmeade is a small village with only wizards, and it's very quiet over there." , and very safe.”

"Over there, we'll have a little party... just some of our friends..." Malfoy went on:

"Under my persuasion, we recognized your excellent performance and pure, we have always considered you a reliable are qualified to join our organization!"

After a pause, Malfoy smiled slightly at Jon:

"Come over when the time comes, we welcome you to join us!"

"I'm honored, Draco!" Jon nodded with a flattered expression on his face, "So what's the specific time and place?"

"Nine o'clock in the morning, at the Three Brooms Bar!" Malfoy patted Jon's shoulder lightly: "See you then!"

After speaking, he waved to Crabbe and Goyle, and the three of them walked out of the library quickly.

Leaving Jon there resting his chin, lost in thought.


As September gradually passed, Dolores Umbridge, the senior investigator, had released the results of his investigation of all the teachers at Hogwarts.

The survey results of almost all teachers are fine, after all, the teaching staff of Hogwarts is pretty good.

Except for one person, the Divination teacher, Professor Sybill Trelawney, whose findings were "pending".

So, at the last divination class at the end of September——

"No!" Professor Trelawney screamed after seeing the results of the investigation, her voice trembling with excitement, "I have been insulted! Insinuations...personality humiliation...baseless accusations..."

Trembling, she took a deep breath and turned her face away, tears of anger welling up from under her glasses.

"It's too much..." She choked up and said, "Sixteen years of hard work... Obviously no one noticed... But I shouldn't be insulted, I shouldn't be treated like this!"

"But Professor, who is insulting you?" Theresa Baker of Ravenclaw asked timidly.

Choking, Trelawney didn't answer, but wiped her wet cheeks with the corner of her shawl as she pulled a small embroidered handkerchief from her sleeve and blew her nose vigorously.

"Is it Professor Umbridge?" Teresa asked in a low voice.

"Don't tell me about that woman... that demon... that scum" Professor Trelawney screamed, "you are free to move during this class!"

Then, she hid under the trapdoor, in the small room that belonged to her... only faint sobs could be heard from there.

Not many students felt sorry for Trelawney... She was not a popular teacher after all.

However, the way many students looked at Jon was even more strange.

"Patrick's prophecy..."

"The mentioned enemy of Professor Trelawney!"

"Really Professor Umbridge?"

They talked a lot.


The morning we went to Hogsmeade was sunny but windy.

At breakfast, Jon received a letter from a snow-white owl.

The content of the letter is very simple: "I will wait for you at Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse in the morning!"

Of course Jon knew who sent him the letter...

He looked at where Astoria was, and Astoria was also looking at him.

Jon raised his head and made a "later" mouth... Astoria nodded slightly, indicating that she understood.

After breakfast, they formed a long queue in front of Filch, who had to check their names against the long list of classmates whose parents or guardians had allowed them to visit Hogsmeade.

Draco Malfoy and Jon passed each other.

"Good morning, Christopher!" Malfoy greeted him with a smile, and then lowered his voice: "Later, don't be late!"

"Understood!" Jon nodded: "I will be on time!"

Malfoy took Crabbe and Goyle first and passed Filch's inspection.

Jon fell into short thoughts——

Go to the Death Eaters meeting at nine o'clock, and then go to Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse to find Astoria at ten o'clock... It seems that there is still time.

"Is there any problem?" Jon couldn't help but ask, because he saw Filch holding a looking glass and scanning her whole body up and down for a long time.

"Nothing!" Filch frowned. "Because someone is trying to order dung eggs to the school recently, I have to be careful!"

"You go..."

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