The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 224 Meeting in the Forbidden Forest (Part 3)

PS: The Dharma protector rewarded for the book fanatic II is updated.

As the bell rang again, the fortune-telling class finally came to an end.

Professor Sybill Trelawney stopped her boring and uninteresting get out of class and called it quits.

The Ravenclaw and Slytherin students packed up and started to leave...

Sean Avery leaned over to Jon and exclaimed, "How did you know that, Patrick...I didn't even notice that I brought the wrong book!"

"Because it's the Confusion Charm I used on you..." Jon said silently in his heart.

But on the bright side, he still smiled at Avery: "In the crystal ball, I saw a little bit..."

"I was in the crystal ball, and I only saw a burn mark on the table." Avery couldn't help sighing: "Someone turned the candle over... It seems that Trelawney, the old liar, is right, and sure enough Divination is a course that requires talent!"

The two walked out of the classroom together.

When passing a table by the door—

Astoria Greengrass is saying to Tiffany Selwyn: "I'm going to the school hospital and I'm worried there will be something else on Professor Trelawney's crystal ball shard, so I have to Go find Madam Pomfrey!"

Her voice was not small, as if deliberately.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Selwyn asked with concern.

"No need... there should be no problem!" Astoria shook her head.

Along with Avery, Jon passed her face blankly.


People came and went in the hall, and at the same time the four long tables exuded an aroma.

"Pork chops for lunch today!" Avery shouted excitedly.

"Oh, yes!" Jon suddenly remembered something: "My notebook forgot to be in the divination classroom!"

"Then you have to hurry!" Avery ran to Slytherin's long table without looking back: "It's estimated that others will eat it later!"

Leaving the hall in a hurry, but Jon did not return to the divination classroom... but quickened his pace and rushed to the school hospital.

Along the way, he kept paying attention to the students he met along the way, but unfortunately he did not find Astoria.

When he walked to the gate of the school hospital, Jon suddenly heard a conversation from inside——

"It's just a very shallow wound, there's nothing wrong with bandaging it!" Madam Pomfrey's voice came from inside: "But be careful, you're a wizard, how could you be scratched by a crystal ball... "

"Okay, ma'am!"

Hearing the latter sound, Jon hurriedly stopped.

After dozens of seconds, a familiar figure came out of the school hospital.

Astoria Greengrass also stopped.

There are only two of them at the entrance of the school hospital... This is the first time they have met alone in the past few days.

Jon is considering whether to take off the ring... but Madam Pomfrey may come out at any time, and there may be students in the school at any time. Once they are discovered, Jon can only consider using the Oblivion Curse.

So, he finally gave up on the idea.

"After class in the afternoon, wait for me in the Forbidden Forest!" Astoria came over suddenly, and passed Jon with a blank expression: "If you know where it is!"

Then, without looking back, she walked towards the castle.


Jon was in a good mood at lunch.

Even though the pork chops have been eaten up by the other students.

The joyous mood continued into the afternoon Transfiguration class, the one Gryffindor and Slytherin took together.

Professor Minerva McGonagall is as stern as ever.

"You are entering an important period of your magical education!" she told them, her eyes flashing majestically behind square lenses, "your O.W.Ls exam is approaching—"

"Aren't the O.W.Ls exams two years away?" whispered Colin Creevey of Gryffindor.

But he only dared to whisper a few words... No student dared to question Professor McGonagall in class.

This Transfiguration class is about turning a guinea fowl into a guinea pig.

Professor McGonagall brought a whole cage of guinea fowls...and gave each one one. This made the classroom noisy.

This is a very troublesome transfiguration, and it took Jon more than ten minutes to master the technique for the first time (in London during the summer vacation, he was bored and read the "Intermediate Transfiguration Guide" from beginning to end).

By the end of the class, besides Jon, Ginny Weasley of Gryffindor was the only one who succeeded...but her guinea pig still had feathers on her.

Professor McGonagall didn't look happy, and she gave all the students except Jon and Ginny homework: "Try to give an example of how the Transfiguration spell must be adjusted for cross-species conversion."


The next Defense Against the Dark Arts class was equally unpleasant.

Although the real Alastor Moody is not as crazy as the fake Alastor Moody (saying they are fake Barty Crouch Jr and real Barty Crouch Jr is also true).

Their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson was spent on the Quidditch pitch, which Moody seemed to have converted into a muddy bath.

In Moody's words, they need good training in camouflage, stealth, and physical fitness... to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the Dark Wizard.

"We are wizards or thieves..." Jon groaned silently in his heart.

He doesn't disagree with Moody's point of view... After all, Mad-Eye Moody is an expert in dealing with dark wizards.

But by the end of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Jon was also exhausted.

Moreover, he is considered to be in relatively good condition. There are several Slytherin students who are already red-faced and unable to speak.

Luckily, Mad-Eye Moody put a cleansing spell on everyone at the end of the class... or else they'd get muddy and they'd have to go to the bathroom to take a shower.


The two classes in the afternoon were over, and Jon didn't forget the agreement with Astoria at noon.

Astoria should also remember, because as soon as the Defence Against the Dark Arts class ended, she was gone.

Dragging his tired body, he hurried to the Forbidden Forest.

The forest where the cauldron was located, Jon knew very quickly...and saw them in the trees from a distance.

Jon thought about it carefully and took off the iron ring in his hand.

For the first time, he appeared at Hogwarts with his true colors.

When he came to a tree, Jon gently stretched out his hand and let a tree guard inside climb up onto his hand.

Footsteps sounded from behind, gradually approaching.

Jon turned his head and pursed his lips.

"Are you so happy, Mr. Hart?" Astoria Greengrass asked with a bit of tears.

Recommend Qingyu Jianghu's "Daddy's Otherworld Restaurant":

In the chaotic city of Nolan Continent, there is a strange restaurant.

Here, elves have to share tables with dwarves, orcs are strictly forbidden to make noise, dragons can only sit around the small square in front of the restaurant, and demons even need to bring their own special stools...

But it is such a restaurant with strange rules, but there are long queues at the door every day.


"Eat, give money, or they will all be killed." A little loli was pacing at the door, and said in a milky voice, the giant dragon five or six meters high couldn't help shivering.

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