The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 218 Babo Tuber (Part 1)

Early the next morning, Jon Hart opened his eyes.

He's in the Slytherin boys' dormitory right now... On the ceiling, at the bottom of Lake Hogsmeade, there are some carp scurrying about; there's also some algae, drifting with the waves...

Jon rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed... The other three boys in the same dormitory were still lying on the bed and fast asleep.

Without disturbing them, he tidied up a bit, and then Jon walked out silently.

There were not too many people in the Slytherin common room... Two or three figures could be seen, huddled by the fire, seemingly discussing something.

Jon walked out of the stone door and into the corridor of the basement.

Not a few steps forward——

Coincidentally, he saw Cedric Diggory passing by with the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and Zacharias Smith was at the end of the team, looking at his clothes, he seemed to have changed to a chaser ... Jon habitually wanted to say hello to them, but suddenly remembered that his new identity was a freshman in Slytherin, so he had to awkwardly but politely touch his head with his raised hand.

Coming to the hall, while eating breakfast, Jon looked around casually.

Just as he was finishing his breakfast, the prefect Pansy Parkinson came over with a class schedule.

"Here is your class schedule for this semester, Patrick!" Miss Parkinson said: "In addition, you need to study five subjects from Divination, Numerology, Protection of Magical Animals, Ancient Runes and Muggles. Take at least two electives..."

Disdain was evident on her face when the subject of Muggle Studies was mentioned.

Jon thought about it, and he still chose the three subjects of divination, protection of magical animals and ancient runes as before.

Pansy Parkinson took out a quill, added a few lines to the timetable...and handed the new timetable to Jon.

"That should be all!" she said.

"Thank you!" Jon nodded, then took the timetable and slid his finger over the Monday column on the timetable.

In the morning, there are two outdoor courses, herbal medicine class and protection of magical animals class. Among them, herbal medicine class is taken with Ravenclaw, and the protection of magical animals class is taken with Gryffindor.

Herbal medicine doesn't matter, Jon is interested in the protection of magical animals, what will Umbridge teach them?

In the afternoon, there will be two spell lessons with Hufflepuff.


Just then there was a sudden rustling above them, and a hundred owls flew in through the open window, bringing the morning mail to them all.

A white figure stands out slightly from a crowd of brown and gray owls.

Many students instinctively raised their heads and took their mail from the "hand" of the owl.

For example, Draco Malfoy seems to have received candies and cakes from home again, and is showing off to a few friends around him.

And Harry Potter seemed to have received a secret letter, and he was discussing something with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger with his head down.

The snow-white owl flew all the way to Slytherin's long table, threw a note in front of Jon, and then flew away.

Until the owl threw the note over, Jon didn't pay attention to it at all... because he never expected someone to write to him.

Glancing at the note in surprise, Jon stood up quickly.

At the door of the hall, Astoria Greengrass just walked in.

She seemed to give Jon a blank look, then brushed past him.


Along with the Slytherins and Ravenclaws, Jon walked across the damp lawn to Greenhouse Three.

Holding the note in his hand, he seemed to be preoccupied.

Astoria Greengrass was not far in front of him on the right, but she was surrounded by several Slytherin girls, including Selwyn, Yaxley, and Kent, and it was not convenient for Jon to approach.

Sean Avery beside him was also enthusiastically introducing some things about Hogwarts to him, and he had to nod from time to time to signal that he was listening.

Professor Pomona-Sprout gave the class an ugly look.

In fact, they were less like plants and more like black, slimy slugs, sticking straight out of the soil. And each of them was wriggling slightly, and there were many shiny big bulges on their bodies, which seemed to be filled with liquid.

"Does anyone know what these are?" asked Professor Sprout.

"Babo Tuber," Jon said almost without thinking.

"That's right!" Professor Sprout looked at the strange face in the greenhouse: "You are the exchange student, Mr. Patrick, right?"

"Ah... that's right..." Jon nodded.

"Then can you tell me what it does?" Professor Sprout continued to ask.

"The thick water from Babo's tuber is very valuable!" Jon continued to reply: "If used properly, it will have a strong detoxifying effect, and it can also treat some stubborn acne!"

"The answer is correct!" Professor Sprout gave Jon a thumbs up: "Slytherin plus five points."

"Nice job, Patrick!" Avery couldn't help but whisper praise.

Then, Professor Sprout told everyone: "The task of this class is to squeeze it with your hands and collect its pus—"

"What?" asked Theresa Baker of Ravenclaw in disgust.

"Yes, Teresa, pus," said Professor Sprout, "Listen, you're going to collect the pus into these bottles. Put on your dragonhide gloves, undiluted babo tuber pus Water, it can do unusual damage to the skin."

"Muggles in the Middle Ages, when they came across babo tubers by chance, used their thick water to smear arrows with poison arrows..." Professor Sprout added.


The process of squeezing a tuber is disgusting, but also strangely satisfying; each time a bulge is squeezed, it spurts a thick, yellow-green liquid with a pungent Gasoline.

They collected the liquid in bottles as directed by Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout looked at these small bottles with a satisfied face.

"I think Madam Pomfrey will be very happy to see this!" She said with a smile.

A deep and deep bell sounded from the castle, get out of class was over, and the students dispersed one after another.

The Ravenclaw students headed to the castle for Transfiguration.

The Slytherin students went in the other direction. They walked down the lawn gently downhill to Hagrid's cabin on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

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