The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 200 Madame Maxime and Hagrid (Part 1)

It is more like a palace than a castle.

At dusk, the spiers around the entire Floating Void City were lit up with little lights... It looked resplendent and resplendent.

The golden and silver-maned rune horse under his feet suddenly let out a long howl, which startled Jon; then, it began to dive, approach the floating city, and fly at low altitude...

They first flew over an imposing arch, which looked somewhat similar to the Arc de Triomphe; at the top of the arch was painted a large symbol: two crossed golden wands, with three stars emerging from each; Coat of arms of Beauxbatons.

After passing through the arch, the rune horse landed on a fountain square in the center of the floating city.


The fountain spewed up to a height of maybe twenty meters, and a few drops of water splashed on Jon.

There is a small wooden sign on one side of the fountain, with a line written on it: This fountain was built by the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel and his wife Mrs. Perenal Flamel in 1394.

Beauxbaton's fountain is quite famous in the entire wizarding world. It is said that it has the effect of eliminating fatigue and beauty.

Jon couldn't help but took his hand to the fountain and drenched in it. It was cool and comfortable.

So... no wonder the girls in Beauxbatons are all so tender and tender!

Jon continued to wander around the Fountain Square. There are many statues of wizards and wizards here... They should be famous wizards and wizards who graduated from Beauxbaton's history.

Many people have mentioned it in history of magic classes:

Vincent de Téfleur-Piccoquet, for example, escaped the guillotine in 1790 by casting an invisibility spell on his own neck to pretend he had been beheaded.

And Gilles de Rais, the most notorious dark wizard in French history, cruelly killed nearly a thousand young children as sacrifices in order to cast a resurrection magic.

Jon made a rough statistic and found that there are more witches than wizards, and there are many more short wizards than tall ones...

After walking around for several minutes, Jon didn't see a single Beauxbaton's student.

It seems that Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is having their summer break just like Hogwarts.

"Should the teachers still be there?" Jon said to himself.

Now he had to find a teacher quickly and ask him where Madame Maxime's office was.

But at this moment, Jon suddenly heard voices coming from the grove on the other side of the fountain.


The voice was very soft, and Jon could vaguely hear the content.

"They've been spotted haunting the Alps, I think I'm leaving tomorrow!"

"But the Alps are huge, and it's very difficult to find them, or I can go find them with you."

"This is a dangerous mission, Olim..."

Both voices were quite familiar to Jon. One is Beauxbaton's headmaster Mrs. Olim Maxime; the other is Dumbledore's confidant Rubeus Hagrid.

Jon looked out curiously. Hagrid put on that ugly fluffy brown suit again, with a happy expression on his face.

Madam Maxim was beside him, frowning, thinking about something...

"Who?" She suddenly looked in Jon's direction, raised her wand and shouted sharply.

"Hello, Madam Maxime..." Jon hurried out, explaining in French.

Facing these two "big men" who are four or five meters tall, Jon is still under a lot of pressure.

"If I remember correctly, Beauxbaton's students should have all left school!" Madame Maxime still did not relax her vigilance, and her wand was still pointing at Jon.

"That's right, ma'am..." Jon quickly took out the letter he had brought from Durmstrang.


"You are Christopher Patrick?" Madam Maxim said with some surprise: "Professor Dumbledore told me about you, he said, are you the grandnephew of one of his friends?"

"Grandnephew?" Jon couldn't help being stunned.

However, he remained calm and nodded: "Yes, my aunt is a friend of Professor Dumbledore!"

"Professor Dumbledore's junior?" Hagrid also came over curiously, looking Jon up and down, and Jon's scalp felt a little numb.

"Poor child, his parents passed away when he was two years old..." Mrs. Maxim had already read the letter, and bent down sympathetically, holding Jon in her arms with a big hand: "In Dems Trump is still being bullied...don't worry, no one will bully you in Beauxbatons..."

"I knew that Durmstrang didn't have a good thing!" Hagrid said angrily, "Hey, wait... why are you going to Beauxbatons, you should come to Hogwarts!"

Not noticing Madam Maxim's downcast expression, Hagrid began to calm down solemnly:

"Hogwarts is the best wizarding school in the world, every one of its teachers is the best in the world, and there is also the world's greatest headmaster, Albus Dumbledore..."

Looking at Hagrid, who was completely unaware of the approaching storm, Jon could only smile wryly, "Hello, who are you?"

"Rubus Hagrid!" Hagrid patted his chest heavily: "The Care of Magical Animals teacher at Hogwarts, who also serves as the key keeper, and also serves as the hunting ground guard."

"It's like this, Professor Hagrid..." Jon explained: "Hogwarts only accepts students from the UK. I was born in Austria, so..."

"So, Professor Dumbledore has applied for an exchange student place at Hogwarts for you!" Mrs. Maxim said coldly: "Mr. Patrick, you can go to Hogwarts at ease; I think Dumbledore The professor is going to teach you well this year."

"Exchange student, that's great!" Hagrid said cheerfully, "When you arrive at Hogwarts, remember to find me in the hut next to the Forbidden Forest..."

Seeing Madam Maxim's increasingly gloomy appearance, Jon nodded with a wry smile. He just wanted to ask Hagrid to say a few words less.

"You look a little depressed?" Hagrid said still carelessly: "Don't worry, you can receive the best education at Hogwarts, I swear it is better than what you can learn at Durmstrang or Beauxbatons, Much more!"

At this moment, Mrs. Maxim's face looked as if she wanted to kill someone.


Like a running rabbit, Jon quickly fled from Beauxbaton's campus after completing the formalities.

At the same time, he paid a moment of silence for Hagrid, who was still happy and remained in Fountain Square.

Thanks to the book friends, the name here can start with twelve characters, love to eat onions, Danyang Chongyin, guest officer with the surname Li, leader of the Loli League, really don’t know how to name

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