The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 162 Angry Unicorn (Part 1)

It's still cold, even though it hasn't snowed for a week.

The Christmas holidays are over and the new semester has begun.

On the first afternoon of the new year, they walked on the snow towards Hagrid's hut.

The number of students seemed to be much smaller, especially the Slytherins.

"Many people don't want to be a student of a half-blood giant, such as Selwyn and Avery..." Astoria whispered, "So they didn't come here..."

She still looked a little blushed, and this was their first direct conversation since the Yule Ball.

"Then I'm afraid they will be disappointed!" Jon shrugged.

Almost as soon as Jon finished speaking, an elderly witch came out from the back of Hagrid's hut.

She had a pipe in her mouth, took a deep puff, and glanced at the crowd; this witch looked a little strange, with gray hair cut short and a very prominent chin...

"Is everyone here?" she asked loudly.

"Who are you?" Steven Lucas asked in surprise.

"Graplan, Professor Wilmina Graplan!" The witch replied loudly, "It's your temporary substitute teacher for the Protection of Magical Creatures class!"

When she spoke, her mouth opened, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

"Where did Professor Hagrid go?" Astoria asked in a low voice.

"Hagrid..." Professor Graplan was taken aback, "He's not feeling well."

There was a sudden murmur in the crowd, and Jon knew they were discussing the report in the Daily Prophet.

"Come with me!" commanded Professor Graplan.

The group walked around Hagrid's hut, walked into the Forbidden Forest, and finally stopped by an oak tree.

"Wait a minute..." Professor Graplan shouted, before disappearing into the Forbidden Forest.


A few minutes later, she returned with a white, horse-shaped creature by the back.

"Oh my god!" Astoria was the first to react, she covered her mouth in surprise: "It's a unicorn!"

A pure white horse-like creature, gleaming from top to bottom, with four slender legs without any defects, and a mane that is flat and white as pearls, with a sharp horn on top of its head, standing towards the sky.

"It really is a unicorn!" Jon couldn't help swallowing.

A unicorn is full of treasures.

Its horn is ground into powder, which is a very precious potion, which can treat severe wounds, including many black magic injuries; its blood is the most excellent retarder in potion science, which can prolong the time , greatly reducing the difficulty of configuring many advanced potions; its leather is a kind of leather with extremely outstanding magic protection...

Even hair can be used to make the core of a wand.

Because the things on unicorns are too precious, and they have no sense of defense against wizards. Although they are born with strong magic, they were still hunted by wizards on a large scale in the 18th and 19th centuries...on the verge of extinction .

So much so that the Ministry of Magic had to designate unicorns as first-class protective artifact creatures, and made up rumors to deceive children such as "killing unicorns will be cursed".

In the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, there lived a colony of about twenty unicorns, which was already the largest colony of unicorns in Europe...Of course, even the headmaster was not qualified to hunt them.


"Back off, boys!" snarled Professor Graplan. "Unicorns love female touch. Girls stand up front, approach it carefully, come here, relax..."

Jon took dozens of steps away, watching the group of girls surrounded Professor Graplan and the unicorn.

"In my next life, I will be reborn as a unicorn!" Zacharias Smith said enviously.

"This is a bit difficult." Jon retorted softly: "The unicorn is a magical creature with a very powerful talent!"

"Can't you give me some hope?" Zacharias roared angrily.

"Well done, Miss Greengrass!" they said, as Professor Graplan exclaimed, "She's in love with you!"

Jon blinked, seeing the unicorn approaching Astoria affectionately, licking her hand.

"Boys can come here!" Professor Graplan waved at them.

Jon and Zacharias hurried over.

Jon saw Astoria leave the unicorn reluctantly.

"You have to be careful!" Professor Graplan warned: "Come closer to it slowly, who will come first?"

"I'll do it!" Jon raised his hand.

"Okay, is it Jon Hart?" Professor Graplan glanced at him and said his name directly.

It seems that he is already a nickname in Hogwarts.

"Yes!" Jon nodded, and then slowly approached.

"You'd better take out your wand, Mr. Hart!" Professor Graplan suggested, "Unicorns generally like the smell of wands..."

Jon obeyed her order and took his wand from his pocket.

The expression of the unicorn in front of him suddenly changed.

It suddenly raised its two front hooves high, as if making a demonstrative roar.

"Stop!" Professor Graplan quickly shouted, "Sarah...what's wrong with you!"

Generally speaking, Professor Graplan firmly held the rein of the unicorn.

If Professor Graplan hadn't held it back, the unicorn would have charged Jon directly.

The unicorn was still roaring crazily, and almost kicked Heloise Midgen with its front hoof...

The students were in chaos.

Jon was also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took a few steps back, not knowing what happened.


"What's going on?" A rough voice suddenly came from behind them.

Rubeus Hagrid, with red eyes, appeared behind the crowd and shouted loudly, "Wilmina, let me do it!"

Hagrid rushed forward, hugging the unicorn's head tightly.

"Sarah... child... don't get excited, brother is here..." Hagrid whispered in the unicorn's ear.

The unicorn, who was still excited just now, calmed down a little bit.

Professor Wilmina Graplan breathed a sigh of relief, her hands were already red from being strangled by the rope.

"It's a good thing you're here, Hagrid!" Professor Graplan said gratefully.

"It's okay!" Hagrid shook his head, and at the same time gently took the unicorn's rope, and brought it back to the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

There was thunderous applause from the students behind him.

"What are you looking at?" Astoria asked curiously, looking at Jon whose eyes were wandering around.

"It's nothing... just looking for a bee!" Jon replied calmly.

Thanks to the book friends The Pope Must Die, An Atomic Molecule, Li Keguan, albless and Xielu lyc for their rewards.

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