The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 160: Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic

On the second day of Christmas, Jon rarely stayed in bed until nine o'clock.

He was still thinking about that kiss in the rose garden last night... He might never forget that wonderful feeling and that intoxicating smell in his life!

Almost certainly, Jon picked up the wand by the bedside and pointed in the air.

"Expecto Patronum!" he called softly.

It's easy, very easy, takes almost no effort...

The lazy patron saint appeared in front of him lightly... It gave Jon a dissatisfied look, as if blaming it, why would it be summoned without a dementor.

"Sorry!" Jon smiled, and with a wave of his wand, the silver Patronus slowly dissipated.

Putting his wand back in his pocket, Jon got up from the bed and put on his yellow and black robe.

Then he saw the tuxedo by the bed, hung it up carefully, and put it away in the closet.


Came to the common room of Hufflepuff, it was much quieter than the previous days, more than a dozen students sat here, chatting one after another, and the conversation was interrupted by yawns from time to time.

After all, at the Christmas ball last night, most of the students had a great time...

Jon also felt a little sore in his legs and waist... After the kiss last night, they returned to the auditorium from the garden, and Astoria took him to dance tango on the stage... until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the weird sisters stopped After playing, Dumbledore announced that the dance was over, and they reluctantly let go.

Jon yawned too, took a seat and sat down.

He heard Zacharias Smith on the side laughing at Cedric Diggory: "Did Delacour abandon you last night... I saw that she had been with Ravenclaw's Davis dancing together."

"That's not the case..." Cedric had a faltering expression on his face.

But Zacharias' eyes turned to Jon again, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smirk:

"Hey, our prom hero is up?"

"Don't talk nonsense..." Jon retorted quickly.

"This isn't nonsense... I watched you dance from nine o'clock to twelve o'clock last night!" Zacharias said meaningfully, "I didn't even change my partner..."

"Then you are so boring!"

Jon didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he stood up quickly and left the Hufflepuff common room.

There was a burst of laughter from Zacharias behind him.


Passing the Great Hall door, Jon suddenly heard an argument coming from the other side of the corridor.

"I heard in the garden that Hagrid is a half-blood giant!" Only to hear Ron Weasley say fiercely: "You don't understand what that means... A giant is a very evil, vicious creature. Creatures... They have carried out many massacres against wizards and Muggles... Now the giants in Britain have been killed by Aurors... They are the sworn enemies of wizards..."

Ron Weasley spoke so fast that Jon couldn't catch much of what he said.

"Does it matter?" Hermione Granger responded a little coldly: "I guessed that Hagrid might be a half-blood giant; he can't be a pure-blood giant, because real giants are as tall as 20. feet; but to be honest, we don't have to be so nervous about giants. They can't all be that scary...It's a prejudice, like people's attitude towards werewolves..."

The relationship between the two of them seems to have eased a bit compared to last night.

The intensity of the quarrel has also weakened a lot.

Jon doesn't want to get involved in this dispute, but he agrees with Hermione... Rubeus Hagrid is nothing more than stupid, but he certainly has nothing to do with "evil" and "vicious".

"Harry!" he yelled, waving his hand the other way, pretending he had just passed by.

Hermione and Ron shut their mouths quickly, both of them showing disdainful glances on each other's faces.

Harry Potter trotted over, his face had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't had a good night's rest last night.

Jon patted Harry Potter on the shoulder and led him to a deserted corner nearby.

"Do you know the secret of the golden egg?" Jon Enping asked in a low voice.

Harry Potter shook his head with an embarrassed look on his face.

Looking at him like this, he doesn't seem to have thought about the golden egg at all, nor has he tried to explore the secret of the golden egg at all.

"Put it in the water." Jon patted Harry on the shoulder and reminded at the same time: "You can hear clearly what is being said inside!"

Harry Potter looked at him in surprise

"You told me that the first project was about fire dragons... so this is just a gift in return, and we don't owe each other any more." Jon shrugged.

After speaking, he walked into the hall of the castle without looking back.

Only Harry Potter was left there, thinking about something...

Although Jon knew very well that even if he didn't tell Harry Potter the content of the second game, he must have got hints from the fake Mad-Eye Moody...and there was a Ludo Bagman, He also worked hard, hoping that Harry would eventually win the Triwizard Tournament.

However, there is always nothing wrong with doing a symbolic act.


The breakfast was much richer than usual, with new additions of toast, crispy high point, and bacon rolls... There were also cans of orange and grapefruit juice, which tasted much better than pumpkin juice.

The tables and chairs in the hall have been restored to the four long tables of the four colleges.

Jon sat down at the long Hufflepuff table, picked up a piece of toast, and saw Astoria enter the hall.

Her blond hair was back in a ponytail, and she had changed back into her black robes; as she entered the Great Hall, her eyes were also on the side of the Hufflepuff table.

Looking into Jon's eyes, she seemed to recall the scene last night, and then blushed.

Astoria just waved shyly at Jon, and then she "fleeed" to the long table in Slytherin and sat next to her sister Daphne Greengrass.

Jon couldn't help smiling, picked up a piece of bacon and stuffed it into his mouth.


After breakfast, Jon returned to the Hufflepuff common room.

It's vacation time, no classes... But Jon still has important things to do.

He carefully locked the door of the dormitory, and then drew the curtains... so that there would be no disturbance in the dormitory.

Finally, Jon took out a birthday present from the bookshelf that he had received yesterday, the book——

"Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic"!

He gently opened its hideous cover.

Thank you very much for your support. I was 300 votes away from the fifth place; after posting a single chapter, and a day later, the distance is only less than 50 votes.

There is still the last day of this month, everyone continue to work hard!

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