The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 4454 Miss Antique’s Special Bodyguard 12

Even with the bonus of Golden Finger, with the continuous mistakes and the disappearance of Xiao Liuzi, she did not dare to move forward even half an inch even if she was beaten to death.


The voice shouted again, a male voice as hoarse as a bellows. It was obvious that he hadn't spoken for a long time, which was why the effect was caused.

Is he calling himself? !

Luo Liyan calmed down and felt very strange.

Her slightly dry lips trembled. She wanted to walk over, but suddenly felt that it was impossible.

I don't even have an instinctive familiarity with things from the Zhou Kingdom. How could King Zhou Qing in this coffin recognize me.

Moreover, he was deeply in love with his queen, so it was unlikely that he would be related to him.

It is estimated that this strange ghost can still probe people's hearts even through a thick iron coffin, otherwise Xiao Liuzi would not be able to run away without a trace.

Hastily, she stopped moving forward, and Luo Liyan took two steps back. Then, without waiting for the person in the sarcophagus to make another sound, she hurriedly ran towards the way she came.

But when she stepped into the passage, she heard a helpless sigh.

But Luo Liyan didn't dare to stop and rushed into the passage in one breath.

This time she didn't run for long before she returned to the three-way intersection. She thought she was back to normal, so she ran towards the hall and called Xiao Liuzi.

But the only response she received was the shadowy gaze, and she still didn't see Xiao Liuzi.

Sure enough, King Zhou Qing was so weird. The little six was afraid that he would be discovered if he was there, so he ran away without saying a word.

Although she knew in her heart that Xiao Liuzi was right in doing this, Luo Liyan couldn't help but cursed in her heart that it was unreliable.

Luo Liyan didn't stop running all the way, and even the lotus wooden stakes appeared one by one on the deep pool.

She tried it with her feet and made sure there was no problem. Then she ran to the other side in one breath and got into the small cave where she came from.

However, when she was about to lose strength when she ran, Luo Liyan saw the few native masters who had grabbed her in, sitting on the ground one by one, with gloomy expressions.

Hearing her footsteps, those people immediately looked over, and their expressions became very ugly.

"Damn it, let you run! If you hadn't run away, we would have lost three more brothers here?!" Brother Lin gritted his teeth and walked towards Luo Liyan with a small shovel in advance.

But before he could do anything to Luo Liyan, a black shadow jumped out from Luo Liyan's shoulder, and when he led Brother Lin over, there was a shrill scream, and then disappeared.

The speed was so fast that it only took a second before and after, and no one could see clearly what it was.

Everyone was so shocked that they didn't know what to say. They looked at each other in confusion, and then glared at Luo Liyan fiercely.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know what it is. And I'm safe on this journey. On the contrary, looking at you, it looks like you encountered something and was badly damaged. Maybe I came out with you." .

The expressions of those people suddenly became even more ugly, and some of them were trembling with fear.

But before they could continue talking, deep in the passage, another heartbreaking voice sounded.

They are all people who lick blood from the knife edge, so they naturally know what this sound means.

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