The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 1065 The Great God’s Beloved Little One Fights on the Street 16

When Luo Liyan woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

She stretched out, looked at the completely unfamiliar environment, blinked her eyes, and subconsciously lifted the quilt.

When he found that his clothes were completely on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

There were brand new toiletries in the bathroom. Luo Liyan cleaned herself up, took a deep breath, and then walked out.

At this time, Mo Qibai had already gotten up.

Holding a cup of hot coffee, he leaned against the window.

The soft sunshine and white mist loomed over his handsome face, and coupled with the cold expression, he looked even more like a flower on the high mountain.

It can only be viewed from a distance but not played up close.

"Are you up?" Mo Qibai turned around and glanced at Luo Liyan's body coolly.

"I didn't know that my novel was so boring. I could make you fall asleep in less than ten minutes."

His voice sounded extremely mocking, which made Luo Liyan, who was still in a good mood, instantly shake her non-existent hair and cautiously retreat into the room.

He leaned his head against the door frame and winked at him in a flattering manner.

"Teacher Qibai, I really didn't read your manuscript yesterday. I just cut the paragraphs into shorter ones!"

Mo Qibai raised his eyebrows, obviously unable to accept her explanation.

Luo Liyan swallowed shamelessly, "I was so frightened yesterday that I couldn't help but fall asleep as soon as I relaxed."

Mo Qibai still looked undeniable.

Luo Li was so angry that she wanted to take off her shoes and throw them in his face.

The corners of his mouth twitched, suppressing the roar in his heart.

Her voice sounded muffled again.

"Okay, I admit it, I want to sleep when I'm full!"

"Pig!" Mo Qibai sounded disgusted and looked out the window again.

"I made breakfast for you. Eat it quickly. After eating, I will go back with you to clean up and bow."


Luo Liyan looked at his back and complained silently, and then walked to the dining room.


The morning peak flow continued until after nine o'clock.

Mo Qibai's car was stuck on the viaduct going back to the old city.

He couldn't move even two steps for more than ten minutes, which made him rub his brows a little irritably.

Luo Liyan was holding her mobile phone and scrolling through the Yingdian APP.

Then something seemed to click, and a voice rang.

"Hello everyone, I am Shanhai Keping! Today I bring my new book "Interstellar Thief" to meet all readers. I also hope..."


Mo Qibai was already impatient because of being blocked, but the little girl next to him was not honest and actually went to watch other men's live broadcasts.

What's so good about that man? !

Mo Qibai glanced.

Not as handsome as myself! No one is famous!

A small character who doesn’t even rank on the list of richest authors in the world!

Is she blind? !

"Then I'll wear headphones!"

Luo Liyan climbed up from the passenger seat, and just as she was about to reach for the backpack on the back seat, a large, warm palm covered her head.

"Sit tight!" Mo Qibai suppressed his anger, "What's so interesting about this kind of live broadcast?"

"Handsome!" Luo Liyan blurted out without even thinking, "Shanhai Keping is the most handsome guy in the male video industry! Don't you think he looks particularly elite when he is being interviewed?"

"The most handsome?" Mo Qibai asked in a non-committal voice, then turned to look at Luo Liyan.

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