The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 861 Strike (seeking collection, seeking subscription, seeking monthly pass) seeking monthly

Vico's face was immediately aside, and he didn't know where he took out a piece of cloth to cover his face. Then shouted to Arthur: "Hurry up! I'll stop them first!"

Arthur definitely refused. He said to his teacher, "Let them come! I am not afraid of them!"

After learning that his mother didn't abandon their father and son, but was sacrificed by the damn Kingdom of Atlantis because of them, Arthur was full of fire! That bullshit Aum still had a sorrow for him, just because he also had a stomach of fire and didn't know where to vent it!

But as soon as Arthur’s voice fell, the originally calm ocean tide suddenly broke open. A strangely shaped submarine emerged from the sea, and then several mechanical tentacles stretched out from around the submarine. An energy cannon was on the top of the tentacles. Accumulate energy!

Vico reacted quickly, and a side flutter knocked Arthur down and rushed into the sea with him!

Boom boom boom!

Continuous energy cannons directly bombard the island where the lighthouse is located! The huge amounts of explosion razed the entire lighthouse to the ground in an instant!

The roar of huge amounts of made Ci En Harbor not far away could hear clearly.

Arthur broke free of Vico at the first moment and floated up from the sea, and then he saw the smoky Curry Lighthouse!

"No!!! Father! No!!!"

Viko quickly caught up. He grabbed Arthur and planned to take him away: "Quick! Let's go quickly! Aum... he dispatched his own guard!"

As the king’s personal guard, this unit is equipped with Atlantis’s best weapons and equipment. This Atlantis armed ship has firepower. The royal adviser, Vico, knows too well, even Arthur. In the face of the concentrated fire attack of this kind of war weapon, there is only one way to lose.

Arthur naturally refused to leave. How could Arthur, who had never encountered a big setback, accept such an ending, his father was killed, and he could only run away desperately... Arthur, who was incomparably natural, had only one idea, that was revenge!

Just as Arthur was about to declare his revenge, he suddenly stiffened.

Then I saw that the Curry Lighthouse, which was supposed to be destroyed, stood on the spot intact, but there was a layer of golden protective shield flashing around it.

After he took a closer look, he didn’t know when, Diana was already floating above the lighthouse. The original casual clothes had also become a very hot armor. Seriously, is this thing really defensive? It's an unknown number. After all, apart from a breastplate that resembles a bellyband more than a breastplate, she also has a little armor on her limbs, and her thighs and arms are smooth and white, which is similar to the'gangster excitement punch'.

Diana crossed her hands, a golden divine shield protects the lighthouse and the people inside.

Angel stood on the ground with his mouth open and looked at Diana floating in the air.

She is actually not familiar with Diana, only knows that this is a fashion designer who has just graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago. She was also invited by Kelly to participate in Diana's graduation show. She didn't know much about fashion, but she just thought it was pretty. is Wonder Woman! ! !

No one knows what Wonder Woman looks like, but Angel knows it today!

Legend has it that the three chicago women belonged to a group, so...Angel turned to look at Kelly and Catherine.

I found them very calm.

When Angel was admitted to the University of Minnesota, there was no problem with his IQ. The identity of Kelly and Catherine is almost Roar's desire to come out.

But what she can’t accept is, why is Kelly a superhero?

They are a high school graduate!"Atlantis...huh! A group of weak chickens!" Amazons never trust the so-called technology. What these women trust most are the spears and swords in their hands, and the second trust is the gods giving them. Of gifts.

They look down on the Atlanteans abandoning the pride of their ancestors and turning to research technology. You know, the Atlanteans were also quite brave thousands of years ago.

Arthur saw that Thomas was terrified, but he was not hurt in any way, and he almost cried with joy.

He shook off his teacher and swam desperately to meet his father.

Viko was indeed terrified. He didn't expect his perfunctory Amazon princess... to be so powerful.

Compared with the Atlanteans who have always stayed on the bottom of the sea, the Amazons are actually more closed. Even if they had diplomatic relations with the Atlanteans, they refused to board the Paradise Island.

In fact, the diplomacy between these two nations is ridiculous to humans.

There is no diplomatic ambassador, no special diplomatic agency responsible for the docking, and the few and pitiful exchanges are also limited exchanges by sending couriers to each other.

To say how much they know each

So even a high-level Atlantis like Veco just treats Amazonians as barbarians with contempt.

But the scene before him almost frightened Veken's little heart!

This is the latest large combat vehicle of Atlantis, and he knows best how powerful it is.

But just this, it was actually blocked by an Amazonian without any pressure...

Are Amazons so good?

The Atlanteans on the sea obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, and they didn't know how to deal with it. The large combat vehicle was actually stunned there and didn't know what to do. They are dumbfounded, but that doesn't mean that others will be dumbfounded.

After all, these Atlantis people, but even they attacked together, obviously didn't care about their life or death.

I saw Catherine walked two steps forward, posing a very shameful posture, a huge amounts of magic circle appeared next to the giant battleship of Atlantis, and then from the bright red circle, one end The behemoth with seven heads broke through the bloody ocean and appeared in reality.


Accompanied by Catherine's shouting, her hair began to stretch quickly, entangled the seven-headed behemoth!

This behemoth named Hydra has the shape of a giant snake. There are some blood-colored scales distributed on the dark surface of the body, forming a strange pattern. There are seven heads on the body, each of which has a snakelike body. Similar, but even more hideous and terrifying, on the top of each head, there is a thick bright red unicorn!

As soon as this monster appeared, the sea suddenly rolled like boiling water.

Then the seven huge amounts of heads of that monster slammed into the battleship of Atlantis!

That hideous and sharp unicorn, like a hot butter knife slicing on butter, easily destroys the battleship of Atlantis!

It's not over yet!

Then seven heads plunged into the water frantically and greedily, preying on the poor, alive Atlantis!

Vico saw this scene and instinctively wanted to stop it.

He obeyed the Queen's order to educate Arthur to protect Arthur, but it does not mean that he betrayed his country and people. But everything is too late.

Although Hydra was crazy and greedily preyed on the Atlanteans, it was too big. In contrast, the Atlanteans were obviously too small, so there are always fish that slip through the net.

A group of Royal Guard members wearing red mechas used the mobility of mechas in the water to escape from Hydra's predation range and move on toward the lighthouse!

On the one hand, because Hydra blocked their return to the deep sea, they would die when they turned around. On the other hand, these loyal fighters still did not forget their mission! Know the stains of the royal family and keep the royal bloodline pure!

They want to kill Arthur and Thomas.

Soon these people boarded the Curry Lighthouse.

Ordinary Atlantis people cannot move on land. Only those Atlantis nobles with noble blood have the ability to Roar on land, and their physical strength cannot accept the deep sea and land. Between huge amounts of pressure difference.

Although the environment in which the Atlantis people live is not really deep sea.

They live on the seafloor thousands of meters deep, but in fact the deep sea where Atlantis lives is protected by a special isolation layer composed of hydrogen sulfide and special positions. They call it the "Poseidon ocean layer". This strange ocean current not only blocks the huge pressure on the seabed, but also protects the environment within the ocean layer, making it exceptionally suitable for the survival of various marine life, where humans are not wanted The deep sea that has been explored is as barren and cold, on the contrary, the sea there is very warm and rich.

There are countless marine creatures that have been extinct since prehistoric times.

For example, the extinct mosasaurus, megalodon, Leviathan whale and other giant marine creatures.

The seabed pressure there is far less terrifying than other deep seas.

But there still exists huge amounts of sea water pressure, which is not too big compared to atmospheric pressure. Ordinary Atlanteans have adapted to that kind of pressure, and their blood pressure is much higher than that of humans!

Ordinary Atlantis walked from the bottom of the sea to the land where they lived, huge amounts of pressure difference would make their blood pressure soar directly, and blood soared out of all the holes in their bodies that can seep! Until it becomes a flesh bomb!

Therefore, ordinary Atlantis people who want to come to the ground must wear special mechas to ensure that they will not die due to the pressure difference. In addition, they can't directly Roar suck the air in the atmosphere, just like fish can't suck the Roar on land, they will suffocate in the atmosphere and die.

So their mecha is full of water.

As soon as these tall mecha fighters appeared, they immediately attacked Thomas and Arthur.

They have a strange firearm in their hands. Although the firing frequency is a bit low, they need to be recharged every time they are fired. When they are not recharged, the firearm is blue with a stream of water attached to it. When the charge is activated, the water will be sucked into the firearm immediately, and then the firearm will be half alive, starting a slight shapeshifting, and then the gun body will start to turn red before it can be activated.

Anyway, Kai feels that the lethality of this thing is actually the same when fighting alone. After all, shaking so long before shooting gave the enemy enough time to dodge.

Definitely, the power of this stuff is really frantic.

After being charged, they will launch a beam of energy, with huge amounts of power as much as an infantry cannon! It is even worse than it is. More importantly, this thing has no recoil. In addition to the slow firing frequency, it is simply a perfect individual weapon.

Arthur was hit and beaten directly on the ground.

Fortunately, there are others here.

Kelly screamed and countless shadows climbed up her body like smoke. She was suspended in the air. The black smoke wrapped her lower body and formed a pair of jet black wings on her back! Then she looked at the Atlantis soldiers with dim eyes, and then screamed at them.

I saw countless black smoke surging out, drowning the soldiers. The high-tech mechas on them were completely useless to them and could not resist Kelly's power.

Then in the black smoke, one by one souls were dragged out of the bodies of the Atlantis soldiers, and then engulfed by the black smoke!


One by one Atlantis fell to the ground.Angel was scared by Kelly and hid directly behind Natasha Romanoff.

This kind of Kelly didn't look like a good person, more like a female ghost returning from the netherworld.

Kai hasn't made any movements, but quietly watched the three women go crazy.

Natasha Romanoff has seen the strength of the three heroines, so there is no special feeling.

However, she felt that she needed to re-evaluate Kai.

In the past, S.H.I.E.L.D has always believed that the Three Chicago Women are more of Batman's comrades.

The judgment of definitely is based on their ignorance of the true identity of the three heroines.

But now Natasha Romanoff saw their true colors.

In other words, it is Kay who is really close to the Chicago Three Heroines!

Before that, she and S.H.I.E.L.D had never thought about it!

Kai hides it well!

At the same time, Natasha Romanoff also understood a little bit that the reason why they blew themselves up in front of her was more of a test of themselves.

If she reported the identity of the three heroines to S.H.I.E.L.D, then the tacit understanding between her and Kai would collapse in an instant.

But if she continues to think that she doesn't know... then she will definitely get more trust.

Natasha Romanoff considered it again and again, and finally decided to hide it.

Quite simply, she has now begun to find a way out for herself. Do you expect an agent like Natasha Romanoff, who is almost 100 years old, to show 100,000 points of loyalty to an organization that has been working for less than ten years? Don't be funny!

Trust is always mutual. S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't trust her. She can understand this approach. After all, her resume is very brilliant. But this does not mean that he can accept it!

The reason why she jumped from the red house is to live a different life. She is tired of intrigue. And want to do something more meaningful. When she was in the Red House, she did too many things that she regretted. She didn't want to be an unsentimental killer and spy. She thought that S.H.I.E.L.D's career was meaningful and could make up for her harm to the world. In order to alleviate one's guilt.

But S.H.I.E.L.D's performance made her very disappointed.

S.H.I.E.L.D is just another red house.

No, it's better than the Red House!

The Red House may have done a lot of wrong things, but their fundamental purpose is to maintain the rule of the Soviet Union.

In fact, reality also gave Natasha Romanoff a new perspective on the existence of the Red House. She once thought that the Soviet Union was an evil empire, and her betrayal would allow those oppressed to get freedom and a better life.

But after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the countries that originally joined the Soviet Union did not live as well as before!

NATO, headed by the United States, has done a lot!

What is even more exaggerated is that S.H.I.E.L.D almost destroyed the world for his own purposes, or twice!

This made Natasha Romanoff start to have doubts about what she did. She felt that she left the Red House and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Perhaps it was not a right thing, at least the Red House had no intention of destroying the world.

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